Verdiaana was full of excitement when she saw Nie Kong take revenge on her, but Zaharias was unexpectedly a Vampire attendant!

A crushed neck can regenerate all at once. Zaharias’s strong resilience implies that his Master is not an ordinary Vampire. It is the true ancestor who has accepted the curse of immortality of the gods, or Vampire who has the power to rival him. His battle strength is probably higher than the Hungarian ghost soldiers under him, not to mention that he can control the ninth flame of Ye Bo to fight for him.

Golden haired girl Enatos No. 9 wrapped in protective clothing, a strong storm blew around in an instant, which was almost comparable to a small-scale tornado. The tumbling atmosphere made a zhi zhi rattle. It was a strong shock wave like her anger at Nie Kong, or her fear of the unknown.

The spreading vibrations turned into destructive ultrasonic waves to destroy the villa. She didn’t even have a summon of her own beast. It was just a little bit of magical aftermath that leaked out with the violent feelings, which triggered a terrifying destructive power.

At the same time, the shocking vibrations distorted the atmosphere and formed its mirage-like flesh. It was a Summoned Beast with a brilliant crimson mane and double horns-a double horned beast with a huge body of magic. The condensed beasts of magic power appeared in the sky above the courtyard outside the villa, as if to cover the entire sky!

The buzzing sound formed an amazing ultrasonic wave of destructive power rushing towards Nie Kong.

Nie Kong can’t let her ruin the villa arbitrarily, because the villa is not only the place where they live now, but also has the beautiful and happy memories of Nie Kong.

With a finger on the right hand, the space in front of 100 meters is dead for an instant. The shock and the barrier of the two-horned beast’s shock wave surrounding Number Nine disappeared like a trick.

With the crisp sound of ka-cha, like the sound of glass breaking, Ah Ye and the others can clearly see that the air in front of them splits one after another, and the entire space is broken into pieces!

The remaining Hungarian ghost troops were completely annihilated, and the resurrected Zaharias and No. 9 body seemed to be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, fresh blood dripping! !

“Enatos No.9, live…Stop it!” Zacharias, who was resurrected again, yelled at the storm-ridden girl in protective clothing, preventing her from recklessly making a move. He regretted it very much, he had known that he had brought all the body together. The Nie Kong in front of him is really a terrifying guy. If you don’t make a move, it’s like a thunderbolt, and it doesn’t give people a chance to fight back. Had it not been for the immortality of Vampire, he would have lost everything under the pinch of Nie Kong.

Zaharias, who knelt down on the spot like losing his strength, looked very embarrassed. Number Nine stayed quietly aside, like a puppet, Zaharias really treated them as weapons.

“Vampire attendant, what an unexpected body structure, I don’t know how many times can you be resurrected?” Nie Kong leaned over and looked at the kneeling Zacharias, with an ironic expression on his face. Said.

“Nie Kong, crush his heart…” Verdiana loudly said.

“cough cough…you…you can’t kill me, otherwise you won’t know where the other five elements I keep are hidden.” Although there is no trace of confidence, Zaharias Has its own value.

“hmph, a trifling artificial island, I will not be able to find a few elements, you look too much at yourself.” Nie Kong disdain.

“Yes…Is it, but you will definitely not understand one thing! My younger sister is a witch who can control the No. 1 body, so I can become the attendant of the fourth true ancestor Once I die, who knows what she will do to the artificial island?” Zahariyas tried to hide it, half true half false in the words.

In fact, in order to obtain eternal life, he did not hesitate to take the ribs from Number One at the cost of the lives of his motherland and younger sister and put them on his body. Her younger sister is just one of his props, trying to control the cage of the fourth true ancestor! !

“Give me number nine, you can go away. Killing you is dirtying my hands, and your life should be left to Verdiana to end.” Nie Kong said indifferently. There is basically no change in whether he is killed or not, his only purpose is to win the ninth from Zaharias. Enatos on the 9th had a calm and composed eye, but his eyes were a bit discouraged. “For the time being, I will give you a few more days!!” Verdiaana looked at Zaharias with hatred, and vowed that she must follow Agurola and kill her enemies at the full moon!

When he was reborn, he hurriedly transferred No. 9 to Nie Kong, for fear that Nie Kong would regret it.

“At the end of the night of the next full moon, see who will be the real fourth true ancestor emperor, goodbye.” After speaking, he hurriedly turned his back to Nie Kong and fled the courtyard of the villa .

On the other side, Agurola, who was supposed to be another body, is beside Nie Kong. Squatting down like a puppy, looking at Nie Kong with big light green eyes, hoping to be comforted by Nie Kong.

“Just… let me praise you!” She knotted her tongue nervously, her tone became a little strange, and her transparent dreamy cheeks were covered with a crimson blush.

“What’s the matter?” Looking at her cute posture, Nie Kong really had the urge to hug her tightly.

“Probably very happy. Because you didn’t sell my Lord Wang to that dirty Zaharias!” Verdiaana explained aloud in place of Agurola with his head down. Said.

“Well, that’s the kind of thing!” Nie Kong squatted slowly in front of Agurola, as if to show that he was welcome, stroked his fingers on Agurola’s rainbow-colored hair and gently stroked With.

She squinted. If the ass has a tail, she must be shaking with joy. I keep calling Nie Kong as her servant, but the identity is the opposite. Nie Kong is the same as her Master.

“Agurola, you will have a companion in the future. On the ninth, come and visit your elder sister.” Nie Kong greeted Enatos who was standing still, she came to Agurola like a robot before.

Nie Kong’s remaining hand touched her blond hair like Agurola, said with a slight smile: “I won’t treat you as a weapon.”

” Do you want to be my servant? It is worthy of praise.” Enatos exclaimed in a high-handed tone. Unlike the well-behaved Agurola, he is very believe oneself infallible. But the dullness and coldness on his face melted suddenly.

“Wu wu, Nie Kong is Agurola’s servant alone, the ninth, you…you can’t fight with me.” Agurola on the side puffed up his mouth unhappily, why Listen to her servant, as if she wanted to say that, she was very angry.

The two women stared at each other, as if children were fighting for the most beloved toy.

“Ha, no matter what you are, I’m going to sleep, you two will sleep together.” Nie Kong yawned and pulled You Ma back to the villa.

The two women saw Nie Kong leave, and they rushed to follow Nie Kong. Agurola even said that for the peace of my soul, the nail of a contract with the palm of your hand is to be concluded, clearly that I want to sleep with Nie Kong.

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