On the other hand, there is an incredible silence around the clock tower in the center of the artificial island. There was like a solemn Formation, no one tried to approach it. For the true ancestor who has been cursed with immortality, the awakening of the fourth true ancestor is like a thousand-year-old fine wine. That should be the best entertainment left by the ancient superhuman beings who died in the distant past-“Tianbu”. When Vatola participated in the banquet, Garda also expected the content to be more interesting, but after the incident, the results went so well that she was frustrated and shocked.

“haha, what a wonderful feast. What do you think, the three sages of the Lion Kings institution, the quiet old chant.” In one of the highest observation towers of the Xian Shenshi, a Dan Dan The girl with green hair fluttering in the wind and wearing little clothes looked at the ruined island, she couldn’t help but let out a silver bell of laughter. The two women have been paying attention to the development of things, so they have all looked at their fighting situation. The lively and interesting feast was all under the command of the Lion King organization. Jiada was really annoyed. Fortunately, Nie Kong gave them a big reversal and brought a climax to the feast.

The power displayed by Nie Kong gave them unprecedented shocks time and time again. It is hard to believe that he is just a Vampire, obviously comparable to Cain of Ancestor of Demon Race. Although Jiada is smiling, she is the most horrified, because she is the third ancestor of Chaos Imperial Princess Jiada with super power!

“You are very confident in commanding the feast of the Lion King institution, but you can defeat Vampire, the fourth true ancestor. Can your Lion King institution have the confidence to suppress and control him. Besides, he is now equivalent to possessing the first The power of the four true ancestors, you really have to ask for trouble, now you are out of control.” Jiada said with a lovable smile.

Xian Gu Yong closed the book, and for the first time a serious and serious expression flashed in his eyes. Their plan should be to rely on Nasa to win the fourth true ancestor, but they didn’t expect Nie Kong to defeat the original.

Nie Kong summon’s two beasts are small in number, but each has the power to simply destroy the artificial island. Especially the great red in the mythical world in the Bible, I’m afraid it can simply destroy a country! Jiada was right. His threat coefficient is too big for Japan.

until now, the fourth true ancestor will definitely appear at a turning point in history, and will bring torture and destruction to the world. But the problem is more than that. The existence of the fourth true ancestor would disturb the order and stability of this World. Because the strong and weak relationship between the three night empires is based on an extremely elusive balance. But now if there is a true ancestor who is stubborn with you, the equilibrium will probably be easily disintegrated. In the worst case, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not trigger a large-scale war affecting mankind and bring disaster to the world.

“Thank you Jiada, you worry, our Lion King agency will take care of the relationship with him. We will send someone to monitor and control him, and if he has actions that threaten the world, we will do our best to obliterate him. “Xian Gu Yong said indifferently.

“Oh, I almost forgot that your Lion King mechanism has a weapon that can kill the true ancestors, and until now is cultivating witches, there are so many people who can use it.”

The seven-type assault demon machine gun is a weapon developed by the Lion King mechanism to counter the Demon Race with special abilities. The tip of the gun forged by high-level metal refining technology has a neat appearance similar to the latest fighter aircraft. The name of the machine gun can be said to be appropriate.

However, due to the ancient spear used in the core of the weapon, it is not conducive to mass production. It is said that there are only three in the world. In any case, among the weapons that an individual can control, it can definitely be asserted as the strongest level. It is the secret weapon of the Lion King organ, and one of the only three sacred guns in the world that were made by Tianbu to kill the true ancestor. Jiada browses tightly knit, looking at Xian Gu Yong and said. Xian Gu Yong pushed his glasses, and whispered: “Our Lion King agency has its own plan and will not create a world war.”

“haha, I’m really more and more curious. In the end, is your Lion King mechanism really able to control him? Don’t create a new Empire of Night for him.” Jiada said with a smile.

Although Xian Gu Yong has a super witchcraft level, it is a pity that he did not have the spirit strength to activate the Holy Spear. She pinned her hopes on the witches of this generation cultivated by the Lion King institution, hoping to order them to approach Nie Kong. In fact, what Xian Gu Yong hopes is that the maiden who uses the holy spear can be the bride of Nie Kong, as much as possible to contain his actions.

“The witch girl who is suitable for surveillance should probably be 14 years old now, isn’t it a bit young. But it seems that I heard that Nie Kong Teacher is a lolicon.” Xiangu Yong muttered in a low voice. She felt that Nie Kong would be eliminated, but hope was too slim. He is like a mystery, and he cant act blindly without thinking before he knows his details. If it is shot, it will show that the Lion King agency has declared war with Japan, with disastrous consequences. Fighting can be avoided, and it is best to use witches to ease the relationship.

Jada’s mood improved, showing a bright smile. silhouette As if swallowed by the void, it gradually fades and disappears.

Xian Guyong happily watched her go away, elegantly carried out the ceremony deeply, no one could see through her thoughts.

“It’s a great honor, the third true ancestor of Chaos Imperial Princess Garda-we’ll meet again some day.” Xian Guyong’s silhouette also turned into a phantom and disappeared.

The “Feast” is lonely, and the onlookers will naturally leave. Despite the disasters caused by the sinking of the artificial island, the number of dead and injured is miraculously few. The reason is that the residents who remain on the island are basically suspected of being Vampireized. It is the tenacious body and life force that Vampire possesses that saved them from this disaster. Ironically, the Vampire infection caused by the “flaming banquet” actually saved these people. Just like when the symptoms appeared, the Vampire infection easily silenced, and the patient was able to return to the original daily life. Most of them have lost some important memories, but almost no one is aware of this. Sooner or later, the blank in their hearts will be filled.

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