The battle of destroying heaven extinguishing earth has spread to every corner of Xianjin Island. Surprisingly, Nie Kong’s villa has not been affected at all, like a strong castle. In that month, because of Nie Kong’s relationship, not at all and the residents of Xianjin Island lost their memories.

“The feast of flames is over, thank you for your care until now. It’s time for me to leave.”

Verdiana gently shook the head In the past, she used to talk about the Karuana clan, but now she has changed a lot, narrating in an inconsistent tone. At this moment, she has the tenderness that girl should have.

“I couldn’t forgive Zaharias anyway. I wanted to kill him, even if I became nothing. But in the end…” She looked at his pair and stared at herself His eyes laughed weakly.

“But in the end, both Zacharias and Nerapsi were just being used. Although I could kill him personally to avenge him, when I knew everything about it, I couldnt do anything. Know what you are living for today.” Verdiana was filled with mixed feelings, and the moment her dream came true was confusion.

“I am really happy. Although I have been afraid to admit it so far, I was really happy when I met you and spent the time on Xianjin Island.” She is gentle Smiling, bowed to Nie Kong and the others, as if to say goodbye! Her profile showed a refreshed expression, as if she had got rid of the evil possessed. Although she was wearing a maid outfit, she looked happier at this moment than ever.

“Verdiana…you dont want to leave your job without authorization. No, Master didnt say anything. How can you be a maid in charge of yourself. If you insist on leaving, please put your clothes on Take it off and talk.” Nayue hummed.

Verdia grasped her clothes tightly, for fear that she would suffer from the previous situation, she said weakly: “But…but I have no reason to stay here.” nothing.

“You said you would always follow me and serve me forever.” Agurola pulled Verdia by the corner of her dress, and Jade Green’s eyes looked at her.

“You are very annoying. I used to say that Verdia is my servant. If you have to ask for her, I will not object, but Nie Kong can be my own.” Ninth Said Enatos, who had short hair.

“Stupid Enatos, Ru is obviously just a beast, don’t treat your Master too arrogantly.” Aguruo pulled her short hair and said in a loud voice.

Enatos is not to be outdone, two loli with similar body and appearance but different personalities pinch each other there. Nie Kong regretted it a little bit. I knew how lively it would be to rescue all the twelve bodies.

“My king, you…” Verdia’s eyes were moved, one-knee kneels was in front of Agurola, and Agurola touched her head like a puppy.

“Instead of taking on the lonely Karuana clan, it is better to use your power to create a glorious one. Verdia, be the descendant of me and Agurola.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“wu wu… … Lord Nie Kong, I am so glad you can keep me…” Seeing the power of Nie Kong’s true ancestor level, her name has been changed to honorifics.

“In short, I want you to stay and continue to be our obedient maid.” That month spared no effort to destroy their harmonious atmosphere, akimbo in front of Verdia.

“Yes, I am honored to be the maid of Lord Nie Kong and my king.” Verdia did not mumble some nonsense as before, expressing his true feelings, and was not willing to be willing to be the previous day. happy life. After losing the burden on her body, her pretty face bloomed with a charming smile, a little self-conscious of a maid.

At the same time, Xiao Nasha, lying on the sofa in the living room without time to arrange, woke up quietly. Nie Kong understands her identity. She is a younger sister from an ancient city in the third grade of junior high school. She stayed in the hospital three years ago to control her and could not leave the hospital.

“I…Where am I?” She murmured softly, and the confused black looked at the ceiling with big eyes. The age is similar to Agurola, and the young body is estimated to have just begun to develop, showing the shape of Loli. As cute as Yuma, she is indeed the host she originally fancyed.

“Oh, you are awake.” Nie Kong When they heard the sudden voice, they all leaned towards Nasa.

“You…who are you, who am I…who am I?” Nasha shrank timidly, looking at Nie Kong and them with a little fear, making a fuss.

Nie Kong was shocked. Could it be that she not only lost the memory of the fourth true ancestor in the event of the feast, but even forgot herself? Nie Kong clearly only sucked her blood and original power, and did nothing to her.

“Dare to forget, let me tell you, you used to be our maid Nasa.” After seeing Nasa that month, black’s big eyes shined and lied if nothing happened.

“Eh, really…really.” Nasha said with wide eyes. He raised his eyebrows and revealed a somewhat troubled expression, revealing a lovely expression of exclusive Loli.

“Idiot, don’t make any random things.” Although I understand that this month likes to see girls in maid outfits, she seems to be the head teacher of her big brother. To be honest, Nie Kong is actually very happy that she can be her own maid. In the month of adding Yuma, Agurola, No. 9 and Pseudo Lori, the villa will have five beautiful and lovely Lori. Having said that, there are really few girls in this World giant Xattribute, and most of them are pretty and cute.

“Ill stay at ease for one night, dont worry, I believe you will restore your memory soon. As for your identity and history, someone will come to help you answer tomorrow.” Her mother is a human The researcher in MAR of one of the very best islands should easily understand the information of the daughter she has been following. But if they can recognize each other tomorrow, then Nie Kong can’t pack tickets.

Naisa looked at them fearfully, but the only thing that seemed to have no defense against Nie Kong, ah nodded, instead of doubting what Nie Kong said.

Probably because at the last glance before the amnesia, the image she saw was Nie Kong, which affected her perception and judgment.


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