Shizhi has not forgotten, but after hearing the fact from their mouths again, the heart still feels uncomfortable. The elves in different dimensions occasionally appear and cause great harm.

At that time, the walls of the space would be severely bent, resulting in the so-called space shock phenomenon. Therefore, those who regard Spirit Vision as a dangerous existence and want to use military force to annihilate the elves, belong to the Anti-elves of the Land Self-Defense Force, referred to as AST.

“On the world, you alone have the spirit strength of the seal. But you who have the power say you hate it. So everything will be irretrievable, right? And if Nie Kong Teacher later The mood swings are too great, the power of the elves will be reversed, and you have to seal it again.” Lingyin explained.

“May…may…” The heavy burden made Shizhi’s head start to cramp. And returning to the original premise, Shizhi has many things to confirm.

“Qinli younger sister, can you tell me what exactly is Latatosk? Why can I seal the power of the elves, but I am special.”

“Qinli younger sister, can you tell me what exactly is Latatosk? Why can I seal the power of the elves, but I am special.

Maybe the problem has been guessed Qinli sighed calm and said: “Yes. Now is a good opportunity, let me answer your question briefly. Latatosk is composed of voluntary participants, which can be said to be an organization similar to a nature conservation group. Of course, the existence of the organization is not at all open to the public, only a limited number of people know. “

“Protect groups? “Shizhi seems to understand why they want to protect the elves.

“There is nothing wrong. As for the reason for the founding of Latatosk, the biggest purpose is to protect the elves so that the elves can live a happy life. day. Although in the round table held by the top officials. It seems that someone harboring malicious intentions wants to gain the powerful power of the wizard to act wilfully. “There is no comment in the piano.

“Isn’t it to prevent the occurrence of space shocks?” “

“Hey, that’s certainly one of the reasons. But at best it is only a secondary purpose. As for the conditions for the establishment, the time when I served as the commander of the Latatosk actual combat force was about five years ago. “Qinli glanced at Shizhi intricately, as if something was hiding from Shizhi.

“Five years ago, you don’t crack a joke. At that time you were only eight years old! “Shizhi simply completed the calculation in his mind, raising his unbelievable facial expression.

No matter how extraordinary the organization, let girls in elementary school serve as commanders, no matter what you think. Unreasonable. It’s not as simple and competent as LOL.

“Hey, in the past few years, it was actually closer to interns. The actual acquisition of command authority is recent. “Qinli explained.

“It’s too weird to say, Qinli did not hide anything from your elder sister? Shiori looked suspiciously at Jinli, feeling that there was an important source of intelligence hidden in her words.

Qinli gave Shiori a subtle expression. He shook his head left and right as if to ignore what Shiori said. : “That kind of thing is not important. The focus of the topic now is Latatosk, right? An event that happened five years ago turned into a turning point for the organization. We found you who can seal the spirit strength by kissing! So Latatosk’s policy immediately changed to actively protect the elves as the primary goal. “

Shizhi was in chaos. He received too much information in one go, so it was too late to deal with it. On the one hand, he had doubts about his own ability, on the other hand, he was concealed by Qinli.

“Why do I have that strange ability, why do you know that I have that ability! What happened five years ago! “

Qinli looked away from Shiori suddenly, and his shoulder lightly shook.

“That…that. By the way, it was surveyed using Latatosk’s observer. So we can discover this matter. Regarding my matter, probably use the same method to discover my potential. “

Qinli replied in a way that was completely different from the commander’s mode, and in a vague way of speaking. Five years ago, her elven ability was sealed by the Shizhi, she would be impossible to say frankly.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Shizhi couldn’t bear to keep asking.

“In short… in short! “Qinli coughed, and looked towards his elder sister Shizhi.

“At present, only Shizhi has the ability to solve the problem of elves! Otherwise, now I have to ask you to make a choice. from now on, are you willing to continue pursuing elves for us? “

Shizhi frowned unhappily. It was really a problem that he did not want to contact. Only Shizhi could seal the power of the elves. If the power of the elves is not sealed, it will happen again one day like Eurasian The catastrophe of the air disaster level.

Shiori sighed deeply, and said at the same time: “Speaking of which, why do you want to pursue the elves? You can use the power of a kiss to seal the elves, right? In that case, just be surprised…”

“Aiya, what! Does Shiori like to come hard? “Qinli said in amazement.

“How is it possible!” Shi Zhi exclaimed.

“No way. If the elves did not open their hearts to Shizhi, they would not be able to completely seal their power. “

“Yes…Is it? “

“That’s right. Although it is not required to let the elves fall in love with you, but at least to the point where they trust you and will not refuse to do so, otherwise it should be difficult to succeed. That’s why Lingyin needs to monitor the mood and favorability of the elves one by one. “

The more I listen, the more I feel that this ability is quite strange. Shiori wrinkles a clear wrinkle between his eyebrows.

“But…but I want to actively pursue Teacher again. It is really unacceptable for other male children! And… and if Teacher knows, he will despise me…” Knowing that you are the kind of half-hearted person, you will definitely hate yourself. It is rare to know what Teacher is thinking about. If Teacher really likes himself, then I will regret it. Yes.

“Haha, it turns out that you are concerned about that. Don’t worry, he is the only man who has been discovered from before to now. The rest of the elves are probably all girls. Cant tell, my lovely elder sister is unexpectedly innocent. “Qin Li laughed and said.

“Then…I can barely accept it. Give time to let me consider it. “Shizhi University sighed in relief.

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