Nie Kongs home is one kilometer away from Lai Chan High School. The surrounding houses are of mid-range and demure, with only one asphalt road connected to the road. There are cherry trees planted nearby, which has a special flavor.

After dinner, it was already after six o’clock in the evening, and the sunset was beautiful. , Nie Kong just went out to stretch in his yard, and occasionally heard the sound of wooden floor slabs. Although it was a little small, it seemed to come from a nearby neighbor.

There is the sound of hammers, the sound of chainsaw… It’s messy, everything. Although the soundproofing of the room is very good, it can’t cover up the huge noise, making him feel that someone is demolishing the house.

The place to listen to the sound is actually from Nie Kongs student neighbor, origamis home.

Nie Kong is a bit strange, curiosity drove him to the door of origami. In my impression, Nie Kong came to visit the origami house for the first time. In the past, Origami was always willing to come to visit, but he did not take the initiative to be a guest.

Perhaps she is too careless, and the door outside him is not locked. Nie Kong, who came to the door, posted it and listened carefully, and found that the noise in the room had disappeared, as if it had not appeared!

“Origami classmate, are you there.” Nie Kong couldn’t help but push the door open with his hands, and went straight to the room, seeing a spacious hall at first glance.

I stepped on the eaves of the door with my right foot, and I heard a loud alarm buzzing non-stop. Nie Kong saw that he was completely trapped in the enveloping net of infrared rays, which was almost covered by inescapable net. Because he accidentally touched the infrared light, he pulled the alarm.

Nie Kong has a cold sweat on his forehead, and the arrangement of such a complicated defense system is too big a problem. Before he had time to marvel, a burst of white smoke sprayed from the dark corner of the roof.

The choking smoke enveloped the surrounding with a pungent smell. Nie Kong was unaffected, and boldly sniffed, and found that the smoke was not harmful, just ordinary tear gas that’s all.

Nie Kong’s sight passed through the neat and tidy hall where the Jane Shan Family furniture with light colors as the basic tone was placed, and stayed in the direction of the master bedroom in the attic. Due to the unfinished renovation, The door is half open.

The room is very small, but it’s just an illusion of one person that’s all. The real reason is that the bedroom has a very large bed, which occupies a large space.

For some reason, the bed in the room is a double bed. Therefore, the whole bedroom looks extremely small. And even more incredible is that compared with other furniture, only this bed looks very new. It’s like a new product that has been unpacked in just two days.

As if it had been sorted by hotel professionals, there were two pillows on the beautifully spread bed sheet. Not to mention the sweet atmosphere that a girl should have, or even the sense of life that should be presented, the whole space decoration looks very similar to the sample house.

That little thing is not enough to surprise Nie Kong, but the machine gun at the door. It seemed that she was decorating, and her black muzzle was facing the door. I’m afraid it’s a mechanism that wants to kill anyone who broke into her bedroom privately-set up an automatic tracking machine gun.

Do you feel scared and lonely because you are living alone, or you have participated in AST since childhood, so you have always maintained a vigilant mood. Nie Kong couldn’t understand, but there was a pity in his heart.

When Nie Kong was in a daze, he heard the vigilant voice of origami not long after.


“ahhhh…It’s me, Nie Kong.” Nie Kong turned around and stayed for a while after seeing the situation behind. The reason for this is simple, and that is the present…dress of origami.

Although in the Yuan family, no matter what kind of clothes Origami wears is her freedom, Nie Kong has no right to complain.

Its just that Nie Kong absolutely didnt expect Origami will just come out of the bath, so I only wore a white bath towel. And because the whole body is still watery, the towel cloth is tightly attached to the body, and the curve of the origami body is revealed. The whole body exudes a bewitching beauty. Full of youthful breath, beautiful demeanor that a developing girl should have. The skin is jasper, and the white inside is very smooth.

“Sorry, I didnt know that Origami classmates were taking a shower, so I broke in.”

“Its okay, please sit down.” Her expression did not change, but slowly Slowly come to Nie Kong. The white skin was dripping with water, and it was very attractive to look at.

“en.” Hearing Origami, Nie Kong sat down at the low table in the center of the living room. There was a sweet scent in the air, which may be the body fragrance of girl.

Theoretically speaking, most people should sit face-to-face with the guests, but now they sit in the same position as a couple, with their body leaning against Nie Kong.

Origami didn’t care about Nie Kong’s eyes at all, didn’t mean to cover the large areas of skin exposed by the bath towel, and didn’t feel a bit shy.

“hu hu, occasionally I heard a noise from you in the yard, thinking something was wrong, I felt more at ease after seeing you safe and sound. Anyway, Origami classmate, you are doing it What?” Nie Kong couldn’t help asking.

“Nothing, just take some security measures to defend against thieves. If I know that Teacher is coming, I will close it in advance.” Origami said.

Nie Kong is extremely speechless. No one can defend against thieves to achieve that level. It can be called a safe with valuable items.

“By the way, Teacher, wait a minute, I will prepare refreshments for you.” Origami responded. Although the pretty face still maintains a minimal movement, the origami eyes will look at Nie Kong’s face many times. And the two are very close.

“Let’s talk about changing clothes.” Nie Kong reminded.

“No problem.”

Then Origami stepped on a very quiet pace towards the kitchen. It seemed that she was going to prepare a refreshment for the guests. Nie Kong stared at the back of the origami walking towards the kitchen, came back to his senses and shook his head left and right.

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