“Okay, I’m going to start recycling you now.” The voice in the earphone and the violin interrupted Shiori’s shy aftertaste, but her hands covering her body were still tense. With. That beautiful body definitely has a woman’s capital. Especially in Covering Moon, Shaming Flowers, although she is said to be a nymph, her feminine charm is stronger than Shixiang.

“Teacher, please leave Shixiang to us to arrange it.” A familiar force envelops him, and the sense of weightlessness covers the body again. Shizhi knew that it belonged to Lata Tosk’s unique transmission method, which could return to ten thousand meters high from the ground at once.

“Do you want to take care of Shixiang?”

Nie Kong looked towards the disheveled Shixiang, directly frowned. Because he understood the plot, he suddenly guessed that it was not Shizhi, but the piano that controlled Latatosk. Perhaps Shixiang will be subjected to various inspections when it reaches the top. What’s more, if Shixiang leaves, when I usually use Shixiang’s power, I can’t kiss Shixiang.

“Eh, Nie Kong…” Shixiang’s body is weirdly floating, she looks very flustered, she is no different from an ordinary person without power.

Nie Kong grabbed Shixiangs jade hand and pulled her from the strange force field to his side.

“No, please tell Qinli, I will take care of Toka, she will live in my house temporarily.”

“Good…good, then Shixiang can continue to eat the food made by Nie Kong.” Hearing Nie Kong’s words, Shixiang’s eyes burst out with rays of light like the sun, not to mention too excited.

“Living…Living at the Teacher’s house?” Shiori only left a startled voice, and his body disappeared before their eyes. Origami clasped her little hand tightly, and as Nie Kong said, she and the elf would become neighbors that she can see all the time.

And all the members of Latatosk showed serious expressions, because without their inspection, it is impossible to be 100% assured that the power of the ten incense seal will be stable and cannot give the world an explanation.

When they were in distress, Nie Kong took Shixiang to go back. Origami had to take care of his teammates and report back to the base, so he failed to go home with Nie Kong and the others.


2nd day, as if deliberately cooperating with the rising sun in the morning, the bell rang to announce the beginning of class. Every student was waiting with interest for the first math class to come, and each returned to his place.

“Well, everyone, class will start soon.” Nie Kong with a smile opened the door and came to the classroom.

“Teacher, if you are happy, is there something happy happened.” As the temple town who likes to engage with Shido in the original book, asked Nie Kong curiously.

“Hehe, guess is half right. Today, before the roll call, the Teacher wants to give you a surprise and introduce a new transfer student!” Nie Kong looked towards the door and only heard the light Responded “Yes”!

“Wha…what!” With Shiori and Origami’s surprise, Toka, wearing a high school uniform, appeared on the classroom podium with a happy smile. Nie Kong used the teacher’s power to help Shixiang transfer to Shizhi’s class.

“Humans, hello. I am Shixiang who has been transferred to my class from today. Please advise me.” She opened her mouth and immediately issued a speech that surprised Nie Kong.

Shiori and Origami, the two are weird. Just looking at the beauty that makes people feel tingling in the eyes, there was a commotion in the classroom, talking about the beautiful girl who visited the school yesterday and actually transferred to their class, no one would carefully understand her speech.

Shixiang didn’t mind those sights at all, and wrote the word “Shixiang” on the blackboard with chalk with crooked handwriting. Then he said contentedly, nodded.

Nie Kong once wrote twice with her finger in her palm, she didn’t expect that she would memorize it carefully and write it out.

“Hey, Shixiang, you can pick a spot to do it.” Nie Kong said to her.

“en?” Shixiang moved towards Nie Kong, and it exudes a bright and cheerful fantasy. “Oh, then I’ll stay with Nie Kong.”

She called out Nie Kong loudly, nestled lightly beside Nie Kong and he stood on the podium.

Her actions immediately attracted the attention of the whole class, and the noise that rang around was speculating about the relationship between the two.

“Are you… who are you Nie Kong Teacher’s?” A girl in the class couldn’t stand it and asked Shixiang.

“I like Nie Kong very much, especially the food he made for me himself.” She explained in a serious tone, and said so in a voice that everyone around could hear. But please, the latter sentence is superfluous.

“No way, are you two living together.” The class was the most uproar, but Shixiang looked strange, and she was honest and answered that when she was right, Nie Kong interrupted her in time Speech.

“Let me say, don’t talk nonsense!”

“What, what a lover. Nie Kong, you obviously kissed me and said you want to protect me.”


Someone has even texted under the table, saying that Nie Kong and the new transfer student are going to have a teacher-student relationship. In this way, Nie Kong and Shixiang should spread throughout the school in an instant.

“Tenxiang, don’t spread the rumors. If you want to talk to each other, you obviously belonged to me for the first time.” Shizhi couldn’t help loudly said.

“Ah…it turns out to be in the same class as Shiori. That’s right, but you are so rude, and it hurts me so much.” Toka and Shiori, they looked at each other. , Shixiang shouted.

“Rough…rude, so…so it hurts?”

The conversation between the two women once again caused a storm in the class. Misunderstanding, completely. Someone kept sending messages about the love triangle between Nie Kong, Shiori and Toka. About Nie Kong Teacher VS Shiori, the battle for ten incense.

“Okay, it’s already in class, and I’ll talk about it after class. Since Shixiang is so lively, please sit next to origami.” Nie Kong couldn’t help but arrange.

“Eh, I want to sit next to the nasty robot.” Shixiang yelled dissatisfied, but Nie Kong didn’t change her meaning anymore. Who told her to trouble herself when she came.

“Well, why are you here?”

“That’s my line.” Origami said coldly.

It’s a swift atmosphere, but neither of them seems to be here to provoke a war.

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