Located in Heavenly Palace, a high-altitude ship 15,000 meters above the family restaurant. Only the Qinli as the commander can be qualified to open the special communication room of Laxinas. Leaning on the round table placed in the middle of the dim room, there was only one person in the piano. Although there is no one on the round table, there are five toy puppets, and they sit on a higher position than the piano. Five puppets formed a round table meeting, targeting Laxinas led by Jinli.

Although Qinli has an organized command power, Laxinas is formed behind the scenes by high-level cadres of foreign round tables.

“Please make a report about the strategy and recovery operation.” The voice came from an ugly cat puppet. To be precise, it was the loudspeaker worn on it. It is very high-tech, so It seems to come from the mouth of a doll.

The other members attended the meeting through loudspeakers set up on the round table, with high-tech video surveillance.

“Yes, although there have been some twists and turns in the strategy, the strategy plan was implemented quite smoothly and successfully sealed the power of the elves. But in terms of recovery…” Speaking of the latter, Jinli’s pretty face hesitated slightly.

“So, is her ability genuine?” The mouse puppet sitting in the piano with his left hand, making a somewhat ambiguous voice.

“Didn’t I say that? Shiori will surely succeed.” Qinli said triumphantly, while an egg-shaped doll sitting on the right made a calm voice.

“Your explanation alone is not enough. In addition to the ability to automatically recover from the wound, it also has the ability to absorb spirit strength, which is incredible.”

Qinli was shrugged, because it took about five years to use various observation equipment to confirm the specificity of Shiori.

“The state of the elves, it should be recovered to Laxinas for observation now.” The next person who made the sound was sitting next to the ugly cat, drooling ticking and the appearance was designed. A very stupid bullhead doll.

“At present…there is a little problem with the recovery, and there is no data on her status for the time being. According to the monitoring, the condition is very stable, and no space shock or noise has been observed.” Qinli After speaking, three of the four puppets placed on the round table invariably held their breath.

“There is no confirmed data, so how can she let her move freely in the human world. In any case, you must hand over the results, even if you use all the power of Laxinas.” Obviously leaked The nervous ugly cat loudly said.

Although Qin’s eyes were mixed with disgust, he still answered yes in a calm tone.

“How is Shiori’s condition? After absorbing that level of spiritual strength, hasn’t any abnormality occurred?” It was the egg-shaped doll’s turn to speak, and he questioned.

“According to the data obtained by our investigation, there is no change at present, whether it is an individual or the world.” Qin Li said indifferently.

“What? That’s a disaster that can destroy the world. That kind of power is sealed within the body, and there is no abnormality?” The five people said at the same time.

“After five years of evaluation, we confirmed that there would be no problems, so we were allowed to use his abilities?” After Qinli finished speaking, the puppets had nothing to say for a while.

“In general, you have worked so hard, Commander of Five Rivers. Please collect the physical data of the Sealed Elves as soon as possible. You also hope that five years of hard work can yield results.” With a word, the squirrel puppet holding the walnut quietly spoke.

“Yes!” Qinli made an upright posture, like an elegant Western Knight ceremony. A few seconds later, the five puppets all became silent, announcing the end of the meeting.

Qinli sighed, slowly exiting from the communication room to the ships command room.

Seeing her coming out, Shui Wuyue Pidian ran to her and asked: “Commander, how is the meeting going?”

“There is no major problem for the time being. But the data on the princess and Nie Kong must be collected as soon as possible, and the military power of Laxinas must be allowed to be used.” Jinli said with a headache.

“But in the current situation, it is not so difficult to come to the ship to check the body with their consent, unless they really have to be tied up with the army.” Mizuki frowns saying.

“Military power is impossible. Now I can confirm that Nie Kong is not an elf, but a special physique like Shiori. When in a hurry, he can copy Shixiang’s power to deal with it.” Lin Ning said.

For the first time he copied his power, Shizhi sealed the Balrog power he possessed. But after KISS, he even copied Shizhi’s seal, thus sealing Shixiang.

“Well, so to check the princess’s body, do you have to get his consent.” Lingyin said suddenly.

“It’s very troublesome. From when he prevented us from sending Shixiang back to Laxinas, we know that he will not agree with no difficulty. I have to come up with a complete countermeasure.” He groaned, his eyes wandering away.

Ling Yin and Shui Wuyue did not interrupt, because they knew that Qin Li was thinking now.

After a while, a confident smile reappeared on the tight pretty face of the piano.

“We Laxinas, how could we be stumped by that. Since we can’t invite them to Laxinas, we can only move the equipment to a time when we can actively contact them. “

“Commander, do you have a solution.” Lingyin asked with a sleepy expression.

“Yes, and you can just and honorable check the status of the wizard. It should be in line with the tasks scheduled for you next. The specific plan will be explained in detail after you have arranged your identity. “Qinli declared loudly.

“There is actually one best way to turn him into a member of Laxinas,” Mizuki muttered.

Qinli glanced at him, “It’s necessary for you to talk about it, but Shiori is too disappointing. You compare the goodwill of Shiori and Nie Kong, and find that he is right Shiori’s favorability remained at 85 to 90, and Shiori’s favorability for him has now risen to 95. That idiot, on the contrary, was affected by the strategy.”

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