Liaozi has always been weird, and clearly used the power of the princess to fight them. But after the matter was over, it was learned from AST’s intelligence that he himself had no fluctuations in spirit strength at all, as if he had returned to an ordinary person. AST can’t shoot him, including the elf princess. She couldn’t be reconciled. Without Nie Kong, they almost could kill the princess last time.

“Nie Kong, do you want to protect the elves.” Liaozi asked Nie Kong loudly.

“You are right, because only I can protect them.” Nie Kong replied firmly.

“hehe!” Liaozi laughed extremely angry. “Although it is weird that you can borrow the power of the princess, do you think you can stop us now? Your spirit strength has long been lost. “

“Do you want to try it.” Nie Kong smiled.

“Very well, everyone-ready to attack!” Liaozi gave the final warning, otherwise he would not use the word “prepare”.

“Mr. Bread, Nie Kong, please…you leave quickly.”

Shishino’s eyes widened and a voice full of despair, AST not at the elf all embrace any sympathy and compassion.

At the same time as the order was issued, all the AST personnel pulled out the standard equipment with high output rate for melee combat-the elven lightsaber, and launched a fierce attack on the hermit and Nie Kong.

Nie Kong held Shiitonos flourishing jade hand tightly and squatted down to maintain the same height as her, “Shiitono, I said to protect you, how could I abandon you and leave? Now, Would you like to lend me your strength.”

“Strength…Lend…Lend to you?” Shishino twitched her nose, she has already prepared her body to bear what she hates most pain. When she heard Nie Kong’s words, she kept trembling all over, and continued to say to Nie Kong: “But I’m…weak, and a…coward. I must…can’t do anything. When I feel pain… I’m scared, and don’t know what to do… When my head becomes…a mess. Then I will definitely…do…excessive…things to everyone…”

“Aiya, Shishino is okay.” Shishina is used to comforting Shishino.

“Since…Since Shiina said it’s okay, so…come…it’s really…no problem, I…can I really lend the power to Nie Kong-kun.” Shishino was not confident.

“Yes.” Nie Kong opened her bunny cloak, revealing the lovely cheeks of the weak girl. With a weak look, he looked at Nie Kong pitifully.

Nie Kong pressed her shoulders, lowered her cheek and kissed Shiiono. When Shiina was about to make a laughed heartily, Nie Kong was afraid that she would ruin the atmosphere and covered it with the king of bread.

In Shishino’s wide-open eyes, with a chirp, Nie Kong’s mouth actively bit her cherry-colored lips.

“Woo…ahhhh…!” Shishino yelled, and the inner clothes that Shishino originally wore on her body turned into light particles and disappeared into the air. From the dark clouds-you can see the rays of light pouring down. Shishino squinted his eyes when he felt the dazzling rays of light.

“It’s so warm.” As if seeing the sun for the first time, Shitono let out a small exclamation. No, maybe Shito is really the first time I saw sunlight. Because Shishito has the characteristics of manipulating water and cold air, when she appears in this World, the sky will keep raining until she leaves.

Nie Kong put his jacket on her body, as if shocked, Shiitono’s shoulders shook suddenly.

“Nie Kong, what happened to Shiitono’s body…what?” Shiitono showed not knowing what to do, and his eyes kept spinning. Finally she bent down to cover her body after the spiritual suit disappeared.

After seeing Shitono’s reaction, Nie Kong chuckled lightly. Shitono is indeed a lovely loli, with a green beauty in her body. And now, Nie Kong used KISS to cover the seal power copied from Shiori with Shishino’s.

“Wow ka ka, Nie Kong and Bread-kun are so bold. They have lost Shitono’s clothes. Shitono’s body is cute and beautiful.” Shishina is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, can’t help but say.

“Shishina, you… don’t laugh.” Shishino felt very ashamed.

“Although I have a lot of things to say to you, but…but now…come out, divine might, four-fold!” The raindrops falling all around condensed like hail object. As if to cover Nie Kong, hailstones concentrated inward to surround her, and finally turned into a semi-dome formed by a blizzard, and became a field of ice and snow.

The clothes he is wearing, with a bunny cloak, look cute and cute. The originally sunny weather has strangely restored the original rainstorm state.

“Why! This time he used the spirit strength of the hermit?” The lightsaber of AST’s attack was completely bounced, unable to break through the ice and snow domain.

One time may be said to be accidental, but the second time she confirmed that Nie Kong has incredible abilities. Liaozi desperately slashed the elven lightsaber towards the ice storm guarding the hermit.

Then, Liaozi immediately noticed the abnormality. Because from the point where it touched the Formation, the lightsaber and the surrounding manifestations made a crackling sound and began to freeze.

Liaozi immediately wiped out the blade of the Elf Lightsaber, lifting the domain in an instant. The body and the equipment worn on the body suddenly regained weight. The distant scenery that had been seen quite clearly has also become fuzzy.

Furthermore, the bitter cold that filled the streets and the cold raindrops dropping from the sky began to attack her body at this time. It was almost like Snow Mountain moving from the greenhouse to the mid-winter season in a blink of an eye. Her heart seemed to be stimulated, making her breathing hard.

“Basic display device-restart.” Amidst the feeling of powerlessness that made people faint, Liaozi squeezed out those words forcefully. After starting the domain, she finally had the ability to leave the blizzard of freezing everything.

As for the rest of the AST members, the reaction is similar to that of Liaozi. Unlike ordinary ice and snow, it has the power to freeze everything.

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