Nie Kong, mixed with strong spirit strength fluctuations, turned back to an ordinary person as a hermit, and their positions seemed to be reversed. The fluctuation is not worse than that of any elves, and the entire surrounding space is blurred.

“Everyone is all right?”


Now there are nine AST team members with long-range attack equipment floating in the air. . There were only five people who responded. Although the remaining three are well, the body can’t bear the pressure of resetting the display equipment.

“He… he can use the power of the hermit to freeze the field emitted by our manifestation device. Don’t fight him close, use the most powerful bullet to snipe him.” look pale returned to the sky The Liaozi issued an order to his friends.


People acted in unison with the huge sniper rifles in their hands, aiming at Shiitono and Nie Kong, the strongest condense so far by the muzzle killing intent dropping from the sky.

“Appearing angels, frozen puppets!” Nie Kong waved his right hand down, and the spirit strength fluctuations on his body were vented. The white smoke covered a range of 100 meters, carrying everything frozen. breath.

“Have you killed it?” Through the communicator, you can hear the sound of a burnt with a hint of excitement. Origami exhaled a long breath, staring closely at the white smoky ground.


A member’s voice is full of lose one’s head out of fear, and it reaches all the members’ ears through the communicator. The smoke that was originally permeating Nie Kong’s falling suddenly disappeared completely in an instant. After the smoke dissipated, a white silhouette that had not been seen before appeared. About ten meters high, it is as huge as a rare beast snow monster rabbit. Nie Kong and Shishino were close behind the heavy silhouette, which blocked all shots.

“Could it be that…is that the angel of the recluse?” Singko’s fearful voice was transmitted to the players’ ears through the communicator, perhaps the first time I saw the timid Shinano manifested The weapon that came out-angel ability. Because no matter how they attacked before, she would not shoot.

The rabbit doll bends forward. When the two front feet are about to touch the ground, the doll’s limbs, abdomen, and mouth suddenly make a “boom” sound, and at the same time bursts of white smoke.

After making a strange roar that can cause tinnitus, the ground around the rabbit doll as the center began to crackle, and the radial shape gradually turned white.

Half of the entire Heavenly Palace City is covered with a layer of snow-white ice, including buildings and trees.

Origami and looking around all around, the same phenomenon occurred in the streets in front of my eyes and everywhere in my sight.

Because of the sudden heavy rain, the puddles started to bubble and then froze for an instant. The frost of dropping from the sky covered the entire road and buildings, as if a street were placed directly in the freezer.

In the blink of an eye, the eyes of the entire group of origami were obscured by ice. And, the worst part is that it rains down heavily at this time. As soon as a large amount of rainwater touched the ice layer covering the ground, it immediately assimilated into it and turned into hailstones and fell. The bunny breath and hail form a frozen castle, and the color of the city is only monotonous white.

Fortunately, the residents of Heavenly Palace City are all in the shelter, otherwise the deadly cold will have to freeze to death a lot of old, weak and sick. The scene of this trip, such as the Ice Age reappeared 10,000 years ago.

“All members! Don’t be timid, shoot!” At the same time that Liaozi gave the order, Origami and the others hovered behind the monster, and all the muzzles equipped in their bodies worked together, aiming at the Nie Kong behind them. The other AST team members also took the same action-blasted all the bullets that could be fired.

But they didn’t wait for their chance to make a move. When Nie Kong’s finger was pointing at them, the rabbit snow monster’s mouth flashed white light.

“Frozen light.”

A light tens of times larger than the frozen light in the rare treasure shell, sprayed out and swept around. After hitting the three AST players, the formidable power of the frozen light was basically ineffective even in protecting their field, and all the ice became a puck. Fell from the sky.

The bullets they fired did not even explode and fell directly to the ground, turning into a crystal tuft, assimilated with hail.

The rain and cold with the amount of spirit strength turned into a fairly strong protective wall, protecting the two people sitting in it.

Nie Kong sighed, the strength of her body is completely different from Shixiang’s. If Shixiang is a warrior, then it is now an elegant magician. With a wave of hands, it can freeze the existence of the entire city.

“See it, that belongs to the power of Shishino. If Shishino fights back for you, do you think you can stop it. She blindly avoids not afraid of you, but does not want to hurt you that’s all .” Nie Kong indifferently said.

“Yes, Shishino is very gentle.” Nie Kong’s Baker continued.

“wu wu…Shishino, Shishino is so happy.”

Shishino opened his eyes, and then the eyes filled with tears.

“haha, Nie Kong, you are so awesome. Use Shiitono’s power to that extent.” Shiina’s funny rabbit face made a ka ka weird laugh, but he could hear it Very happy to it.

“He is really a dangerous person, he can actually borrow his spirit strength! When will AST let him go?” Liaozi gritted his teeth and shouted at his friends: “All members, Retreat!” AST’s weapons were completely ineffective against him, and continued staying would only increase casualties.

It is indeed a miracle that the hermit who attacked the elves in the past can live to the present. Although the strength is not as good as Shixiang, they can’t handle it. Only Origami can keep calm, because he promised that he would not kill the AST players. Roughly speaking, it can be regarded as a practical exercise without danger.

At the same time hearing the Liaozi’s instructions, the entire group of origami issued instructions to the flight propellers in their brains, to evacuate from the sky field floating in it so far, and quickly move away from the snowy world with the three frozen ice balls.

Before leaving, Origami glanced at Nie Kong, and there was some emotional fluctuation in it. Secretly helping the elf to fight against the AST to which he belongs, that kind of thing is simply unimaginable to the previous self.

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