“The purpose of coming today is tentatively completed. Goodbye. Although I hope to see your power, if you can see through your identity, it will cause considerable trouble for me in the future Right.” With her back facing the origami, she gently waved back and disappeared in the sky with her back facing them.

Nie Kong was surprised. He originally thought that five years before Origami came, because the Phantom could not stop her parents from killing her, his mind collapsed. But now it seems that it’s not the same thing.

She has already left, and the origami parents can finally avoid being killed by the elves.

Nie Kong looked towards Origami and found that she was first with remorse, then yelled to the sky for a while. If the future can be changed, the world will be reconstructed. Five years after returning, her parents will still be alive.

She shed tears of joy and yelled “wu wu, father, mother.” Her dream since she was a child is for revenge, but now the result is ten thousand better than revenge. Times, because he saved his parents.

Finally, I took back my parents with my own hands, and erased the fact that I could never change.

At this moment, Origami noticed something. A corner of the residential area burned by the fire. When I took a closer look, I suddenly found that I was familiar with the street, and it was the place where Origami once lived.

Under the eyes of Origami floating in the air, there is a girl kneeling there. Playful short silver hair, exquisite features. Although there is a cute face, but now with a blank expression, crying so tragically.

After seeing her resentful expression, Origami felt like she had pulled out her bone marrow instantly, and she felt cold all over.

“That…that’s me.” A sound came from the trembling mouth of the origami, and the whole person stiffened in the sky. impossible It was wrong, that was my self five years ago. A big hole appeared on the ground where she was kneeling. Her parents have fallen in a pool of blood. A few seconds ago, it maintained its human appearance, but now it has become pieces of meat and bones scattered there. Can only vaguely see the remaining half of the cheek.

She finally held up her crying pretty face and looked at the origami in the sky. Because she was floating at a height of more than 100 meters, and now braving the smoke of the raging fire, the young origami could not see the true appearance of the angel who killed her parents! !

“You killed…father, and mother, absolutely, I am unforgivable! To kill you, I want to kill you! I must kill you by myself!!” Even if the voice is not In the ears of Sky Origami, her words were clearly printed in Origami’s brain. No, the voice should have come out in her heart, and she remembered the curse deeply.


The heart is beating violently, and the brain is like being stirred vigorously. All senses are blocked, and she refuses to accept any outside intelligence. The front of origami five years ago. There can be seen more severe damage than the surrounding area. Asphalt roads are completely destroyed, no matter how big the fire is, it is impossible to destroy the ground like that, because it is very much like an explosion when a beam of light shines from the sky.

It’s not wrong, it just happened to be origami moved towards directly below where the Phantom launched the strongest blow.

“ahhhh…” His vision began to sway, his throat became dry, and his fingers kept shaking. She wanted to cry, but the tears had dried up.

The scene I saw five years ago is appearing clearly, and it corresponds to her current situation. As long as I close my eyes, I can still recall the nightmare scene.

At that time, origami looked towards the sky, in order to find the source of the light. In order to find the prisoner who killed his parents. She saw a silhouette in the air, like an angelic spirit.

A pure white spiritual outfit that covers the luxurious origami body and emits light rays of light. And the countless wings soaring in the sky, there is nothing wrong, she is the angel she saw five years ago.

The whole body was trembling, and Origami screamed painfully while holding his head. The real truth, such as fierce poison, directly eroded her body, and the sense of despair that could not forgive her existence filled her mind.

Origami finally understood everything and all of it.

The origami made a hoarse sound, and the facial features were completely distorted.

“Is it…I killed my father… and mother?”

The blow that directly killed Origami’s parents was launched by Origami itself. Extinguish the angel’s rays.

Origami suddenly has an illusion that all the scenes in front of you are turned upside down. The entire world has been turned upside down, and he is the damn person.

She lost her eyes, and the darkness of despair overflowed from her body, swallowing her body, and gradually disappearing.

Nie Kong and Shizhi stared blankly at what happened. They guessed the beginning but wrong the end.

It’s not Qinli that killed the origami parents, not the phantom sound, but the origami with angels! ! No wonder Origami sinks into the abyss of despair, and Nie Kong feels that it will collapse as well.

The fear of killing one’s own parents, the kind of self-blame, are simply beyond the reach of people.

“Old…Teacher, what should we do, we…we have failed and cannot change origami.” In the flames, watching the young origami resentment, she unconsciously flowed out Tears. From her heart, a pity was born.

“Princess jackfruit!” Nie Kong yelled at the sky. He finally understood the story of Journey to the West. Supreme Treasure looked at Fairy Zixia’s regret for committing suicide three times. But unfortunately, there is no Moonlight Treasure Box in my hand!

“Its okay. We will come here once until the origami is saved. I dont believe it. The first time because I didnt understand the truth, no, it should be said that I couldnt believe the truth so I watched the tragedy happen. I If you can’t save that situation the second time, let me ruin it!” Nie Kong suffocated in his heart. Who would have expected that he would kill his parents? Nie Kong is no exception!

After waiting for the expiration of the Twelve Bullets, Nie Kong and Shiori disappeared into the long river of history in the burning streets.

The two remained silent, and the atmosphere seemed very depressing. After returning to modern times, Nie Kong found that the origami did not recover, but it became more intense! !

Nie Kong can understand that the deep pain buried in her heart hurts her heart more than it is broken.

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