“Aiya, have you failed.” Kuang San stretched out his cute tongue, licked his lips, and whispered a little regretfully.

Although Nie Kong has a lot of power, she did experience it firsthand. But he still failed and couldn’t break the cage woven by time. Just as some people have the power to predict the future and can change, but they are likely to follow other processes to create the same future. No, it should be said that world has revised the ending.

If the world allows a wide range of future changes, it will reset everything in the world.

Nie Kong did not intend to reset it, just to change a simple thing to save the depleted heart of origami. If the ending can’t be distorted, what face does he have to come to the dating world.

“Well, the development of things is so unexpected, we must go back to five years ago…” Looking at the completely blackened origami, Nie Kong’s tone was rather heavy. After all, origami will become like that, and he has an unshirkable responsibility.

If she were not advised to go back five years ago, she would not understand the truth of the matter.

“Kuangsan, please use your twelve bullets on me again.” Shizhi said firmly.

“It seems that you are not giving up.” Kuangsan smiled, and pointed his pistol at Shiori, “Well, let me see your courage. Twelve bullets, launch “

Use the twelve bullets on the same person twice to go back to the past. Kuangsan doesnt understand the consequences. It is probably more dangerous than the first time! After all, it is impossible to shuttle back and forth to others an unlimited number of times.

The space is distorted again, turning into a vortex, rolling Shiori in the middle, stirring Shiori’s figure into a distortion, just like the illusory picture of a movie.

At the moment before the time channel closed, Nie Kong followed Shiori with unparalleled speed, and firmly squeezed Shiori’s small hand. Because it was the second time, Shiori was very calm, but Nie Kong’s face remained basically the same.

When the distortion is getting smaller, Nie Kong finds himself standing surrounded by a raging fire, and the flames of Nanjia staring at the street have begun to spread.

“cough cough…Teacher, it seems that we came back a bit late, and the piano has turned into an elf causing a fire.” She coughed and said to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong pulled her into her arms and shielded him from the heat and smoke with her body. Then the Spiritual Consciousness spread outside, and found that Kuangsan’s backtracking time was much later than the first time. Now five years later, origami has appeared, and we are preparing to fight with Lingyin.

Nie Kong must take it seriously, because if Shizhi goes back to May 8th for the third time, it is estimated that the time will get later and later, until it will be one second before May 9.

In the past, there weren’t many opportunities, only now can be changed. Otherwise, the next time I look back, I am afraid that the origami has killed her parents when I show up, like the previous bombing them to the skeleton doesn’t exist!

“cough cough, Teacher, leave me alone and save the origami parents first.”

“I know, but first I need to take you to a safe place.” Nie Kong put her arms around her waist and took her to a safe location 1000 meters away for an instant, for fear that she would be in danger.

Back in the park, Nie Kong stood on the burning roof, waiting for the opportunity. Finally, she chased Mirage again, sealed her actions with light, and broke the mosaic on her body.

But the strongest fatal blow was missed without hitting the ringtone, and it blasted straight towards the street below.

Little Origami just opened the door to leave the fire home with his parents, but there is a beam of light dropping from the sky. The dazzling rays of light made Origami gently close his eyes. The violent explosion in her ears instantly deafened her eardrums.

The next second when the little origami opened, she found that the street in front had disappeared, only a huge hole appeared.

My parents were standing there, but now they are gone, there is nothing left, only a three-meter pit. Origami looked towards the sky, in order to find the source of the light, in order to find the prisoner who killed his parents. Then she saw it and found a silhouette.

Things have changed back to the original development, but in another location, Nie Kong is holding a comatose middle-aged man and woman in one hand. It turned out that a second before the light hit, Nie Kong rescued her parents from origami at a speed that naked eye could not see. Of course, before taking the shot, Nie Kong knocked them out with a skillful technique.

Originally, when Origami killed her parents, there was no corpse left at all, because her strongest blow could simply blast things within three meters into powder.

In the eyes of young origami, how could someone save her parents at once.

Now the question is here, how does Nie Kong arrange her parents? If they were placed five years ago and asked them to recognize origami, the future of origami would change drastically, and they might not even recognize it.

“Old…Master, how do you arrange for them.”

“You can only take them for five years.” Nie Kong thought for a while, and said only One perfect solution.

“Five years ago? But… But if they wake up, how should Teacher explain to them?” Shiori said in distress.

“It’s very simple. Explain to them that there was an accident in the accident five years ago. They became vegetative and slept for five years.” Nie Kong briefly stated his strategy.

Shizhi’s eyes lit up, “It’s really feasible. If… If Origami hears his parents’ voice, he will definitely return to her original her. But Teacher, are we capable of taking them back? “

“It should be possible.” Nie Kong nodded, if it doesn’t work, you can only throw them into the ring temporarily, and then travel time. The ring can isolate all the rules of 2D, and can even set the time ratio to 2D.

He exhaled, and things should come to an end. Now just wait until Shiori’s backtracking time is over, and then the parents with origami will return to five years later.

Use your own ability to make minor changes, It shouldn’t be affect the future world, otherwise when the time comes, He Shizhi returns five years later, things have remained the same, but people If you have changed, then things are terrible


Nie Kong has the same memories with Shixiang and the others, and is reluctant to lose it. Maybe if you do it again, they may no longer be the same.

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