“Its best to complete the task before the elves take action. So today I will force you back to our DEM company. Ike is waiting Looking forward to your arrival.” Ailian took out the large laser lightsaber equipped behind her back in a hurry, and was already ready to shoot. At the same time, the amazing sword edge moved towards Nie Kong sprayed out, rolling Nie Kong’s bangs high.

In Nie Kong’s arms, Zhenna looked at him with begging eyes, hoping that Nie Kong would not fight her, she knew too well about Ailian’s terrifying. He put his lovely figure in his arms with one hand and freed a hand. Xiang Zhenna showed that he was ready to fight.

“hehe, you are holding a burden to fight me, you have no chance of winning. Just so, after all, I can’t waste too much time on you, I will solve you in an instant!” After that, Ailian, who clenched the hilt again, galloped in the air.

“You are so proud, it is more than enough to deal with you with one hand.”

Nie Kong looked at Ailian coldly, and there was no need to move his body in the face of the laser sword attack.

With a crisp sound of “”, Ailian frowned because she found that the blade of the laser sword fell into Nie Kong’s hands! She knew how fast she was, but she didn’t see Nie Kong moving, and the sword had fallen into Nie Kong’s free hands.

She was surprised that why the laser sword could not hurt his body. The absurd thing of grabbing the blade with nothing, unexpectedly appeared in front of her.

“The Mecha you made is very interesting, but compared to the ones I have seen, it is really weak!” Nie Kong made a fist with his fingers, and the laser sword instantly turned into his five fingers. Spots of light scattered.

“How is it possible.” Her body retreated abruptly by 100 meters, and her calm cheeks showed consternation.

“There is no time to chat with you.” Nie Kong flashed his body, and the next moment appeared in front of her unfolding area immediately, as if it spanned a space of 100 meters.

The cracking sound that protects her body’s appearance area within two meters is shattered, unable to stop it for 0.1% of a second! Aileen, who always pays attention to Nie Kong, found that Nie Kong had already squeezed into her realm without waiting for her to recover.

“Die.” Nie Kong’s fist pierced a blood hole in her stomach. Mecha of steel, Iron Fist of Nie Kong seems to have become paper.

Her wide-open eyes and heart-piercing pain filled her whole body. Human beings are the strongest, just a joke in front of Nie Kong! He did not show a powerful spiritual outfit, no superb angels, or even formidable power weapons. I just defeated myself with no difficulty with the power of my body.

“Wow…” When Nie Kong withdrew her arm, she vomited a large mouthful of blood, her body fell to the ground, and she quickly stopped convulsing. As the strongest wizard in DEM, he fell in front of Nie Kong at the moment.

My eyes are completely dull, why the battle is completely different from what I imagined. Ailian, can you give it a little bit? It’s not like saying that human beings are the strongest. How come you are as weak as a child in front of your brother-in-law?

He understands that Ailian in DEM is very different from the elves. She has had her own beliefs and admiration for President Ike since she was a child, and he cannot change it.

Now that DEM is ready to launch a decisive battle against them, it must bear the price of failure! Ai Lian’s death is just the beginning!

Nie Kong wiped the blood stained on his hands and looked towards Shiori. Finding that the chaos is over, Shizhi and the others have endured the hardships of a long journey out of the rubble.

There were a dozen corpses and more than twenty robots lying around them, but Nie Kong found that there seemed to be two people missing! !

“Origami, what about Shiitono and Miku?” Nie Kong asked with a frown.

“Teacher, I’m sorry. The scene was too chaotic, and our strength was limited, so we didn’t protect them, and they were taken away by DEM robots.” Origami said guilty.

“Mmm, Nie Kong, don’t be angry, there are too many enemies.” Toka replied seriously.

More than 20 DEM wizards and more than 20 robots appeared. In the chaos, we can save three people and lose two people, but they really can’t be blamed. They are indeed strong after Dual Cultivation, but it seems that Nie Kong did not teach them the power to use within the body correctly.

“Remorse, if our spirit strength is not sealed, It shouldn’t be the present situation.”

“Our eight dance sisters actually want someone to protect it, it is true It’s shameful.” The Eight Dance Sisters’ angry faces were all red, and their cheeks were bulging.

Nie Kong sighed softly, “I didnt blame you, but I blamed myself for failing to protect you. Since they took Shiitono back to the headquarters, they can only be rescued. DEM company give it.”

His Spiritual Consciousness has tracked the basic position of the two women, and it seems that both women are not in any danger for the time being.

“Agree, DEM is simply bullish intolerably, Nie Kong, our eight dance sisters, help you.”

“Mmm, Toka wants to help Nie Kong rescue Shitono.”

Origami didn’t say anything, just grabbed the corner of Nie Kong’s clothes tightly in his hands.

“Well, it’s time for our elves to show their strength. As for Koshiori, you take the injured Zhennahui to the airship of Latatosk for treatment! “Nie Kong arranged the task and stuffed the girl in his arms into Shiori’s hands.

Shizhi understands that he has no power to help Nie Kong, so he can only take his younger sister home for treatment.

“Go ahead.” Before leaving, Nie Kong took Ailian’s body with his hand. He wanted to give Ike, the first executive chairman of DEM, the most desperate and dark blow.

Twice stealing sneak attacks, Nie Kong doesnt have to leave them in the world against themselves! !

“Kuku, it’s really great. It’s been a long time since I got together with Yuxian.” Yakushi said excitedly.

“Yes, I miss the union with Ye Juya very much. You have me, and I have your beauty. Now dealing with the bad guys, the DEM company, there is no room for delay.”

The Eight Dance Sisters said so, and they have assumed a proper pose. The rays of light flashed, and the two women combined became a real eight dance. Shiori within the body The spirit strength of the seal, all flow back to her body.

“Ready to fight.”

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