From the clothes Meijiu they wore, it can be seen that the people who kidnapped them were wizards who wanted to kill them! Her pretty face is full of gloom, and now she has no strength to protect herself! ! The spirit strength remaining in Meijiu’s body can only support her to transform her clothes!

Several members of DEM took Meijiu to the heavily guarded building and detained it in a room sealed with a strong alloy. The place I have never seen before is the size of a high school classroom. But only alloy floors and walls. As far as you can see, there are no doors, not even windows! But Meijiu knew that the walls with nothing would be controlled by sophisticated computers, and rectangular doors appeared.

The wizards forced Meijiu to press on a chair made of metal. Her hands and feet were handcuffed by things like strong handcuffs. Now she is no different from the single cell where the felons are held.

He was imprisoned with the same illness as Meijiu. Shishino, who once issued the ice attribute ability to protect himself in the square, is full of cute and pitiful sapphire eyes that makes people feel pity! !

If you are your usual self, you may not be able to help but treat him as your own thing.

“Meijiu elder sister, you…are you okay,” she greeted Mijiu fearfully. The kind-hearted Shitono, even in a dangerous environment, is still worried about others.

“It’s okay for the time being, but who knows how those nasty wizards will deal with us.” Meijiu’s pale face, thinking that she would suffer Dissection and dismember the terrifying thing in her mind.

“You…don’t worry, Nie-san…Nie-san will come to save us. You say it, Shishina.” Shishino hurriedly confirmed the status quo, right hand The doll Shiina screamed.

“Aiya, how can Nie-san be willing to hurt the cute Shishino, Shishino is a very important person to Nie-san.”

“You …Look, Shishina said that.” Shishino lowered his red face like a lantern.

“Important? What is important? Are you an idiot, you are just being intoxicated in your own feelings. Really, it makes you so hot when you think of it! Human kind of lower creatures, How could it be possible that something else is more important than his own life!” Mei Jiu lost control of her emotions and let out a hysterical cry.

“Well, that… Mijiu elder sister, Shishino tells the truth…is it okay?” After Mijiu hadn’t been terrifying like that, Shishino asked cautiously.

“Go ahead, I didn’t use the ability to capture you.”

“Yes. Nie-san, I think it will…he will definitely without the slightest hesitation Go to save us. Even if… he himself will… be injured, he will appear like a white horse Prince! But Nie-san is… a stronger person than Shitono, he is Shitonos Savior, sure… It will be all right.” Shishino changed his tone of prayer at the end.

After hearing Shiono’s answer, Miji bit her lip. What they experienced with Nie Kong responded in their minds, especially his last sentence: “Is it necessary for me to keep the false feelings that are forced by spirit strength.”

Obviously I have captured my heart, but I still easily give up my hypocritical likes and restore myself! If I change to the humans I met half a year ago, I don’t know what it will be like.

Mijiu held her fingers anxiously and sighed heavily. Can she really expect him?


“The report, due to underestimation of the opponent’s ability, led to the failure of the plan. The few elves in the list only caught the hermit and the singer! !” After Jessica arranged Meijiu and the others, she came to DEM CEO Ike.

Ike’s eyebrows are tightly locked, and he is not excited about getting the wizard. Because he sent Ailian’s trump card, wouldn’t he fail? Why did she not come back, what happened?

“Aileen, why didn’t he come back to report.”

“I haven’t received any information from her headset, but when we left, she was confronting Nie Kong.” Jie Sika hesitated for a while before reporting the truth.

Ike looked solemn and immediately said: “Check the equipment status of Ailian mobile device.”

Some staff immediately operated the terminal, because the wiring kit must accept the computer’s management.

“Executive chief, from the position analysis of the feedback of the suit, Master Ailian is now moving towards us. And… and beside her, several powerful spiritual waves appeared! “The operator said in surprise.

“Does Ellen Captain have captured all the elves?” Jessica whispered.

“The target is approaching quickly, and it will come to our DEM monitoring point in about one minute.”

Soon after one minute, a pair appeared on the screen in front of them Picture. A man and four women, among them, they pinned the hopeful Ailian, with one arm around the man’s side like a corpse. Blood, flowing from her abdomen.

He seemed to notice that someone was observing, facing them with his face up through the monitor.

“Ai…Aileen, what’s wrong with you?” Ike complexion pale, his fingers clenched into fists. In his heart, he never thought that Ailian would fail to accompany him on his side

“Report…report, Nie Kong killed with three…three elves, and the life and death of Ailian Captain is unknown “The operator said in horror.

“Immediately…Start the defense system immediately, and be sure to block their attacks. All wizards, be on the Level 1 combat alert.”

They are now in the DEM companys base and have The strength of the manifestation field is more than twice as powerful as that of the ship. Only a few thousand meters in radius, a semicircular arc-shaped Formation appeared, enclosing that area.

At the same time, the various thermal weapons placed in the base have already targeted several of them with radar. If it weren’t for Ailian’s situation, I’m afraid that hundreds of guns have spewed fire snakes.

“Warning, please immediately let go of Ailian in your hand and raise your hand to surrender.” From the loudspeaker, he made a very idiotic voice to Nie Kong.

“Are you idiots, repeatedly attacked us, and even kidnapped my Shinono and Miku, do you think we will let go? Since you made that choice, then please understand what will happen to us Consequences.” Nie Kong said indifferently.

Ike’s breathing was stagnant, said solemnly: “Let go of Ailian, I can exchange the hermit and the singer for you.”

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