The end of the enthusiastic home visit of Yinglis home means that Nie Kongs two-day weekend has ended, and many things have happened during the period. Due to coincidence, the time was allocated strangely. Xizi is lovely, Yingli is smart, and a woman takes up his day’s rest time!

Returning to school life, Nie Kong found that the relationship between the two girls became delicate. It used to be like a girlfriend, but now Nie Kong is vaguely aware of the medicinal smell between the two.

On the one hand, because of Nie Kong’s spoiler, on the other hand, because the school festival of Didan High School is about to arrive. And the eye-catching beauty pageant has already made people were alarmed. As the two school flowers of Didan High School, they naturally became the focus of attention of the students. Although the relationship between the two women is very good, but the really strong Yingli and the likes to show off are hopeful, now they are on the bar.

But Nie Kong is a little bit worried, because the beauty of the two women cannot tell the outcome. If he was asked to cast the last vote for the beauty pageant, it would really embarrass him. It would be difficult for anyone to vote.

It can be seen that the peaceful campus life has been broken, and the Academy has suddenly become a lot more lively than before. For example, the hot iron pan is difficult to cool down, and it can only be done after the high temperature of the school festival.


“Teacher, why have you never brought your car to school.” Nie Kong was about to go to school when she left the house and found You Xizi popped out from the corner of the door.

Wearing a blue school uniform, she looks so cute. The tall body is half arched, with his hands behind his waist.

And when she saw that Nie Kong did not drive the car she picked, her eyes were disappointed. It’s been a few days since I helped him pick the car. I have never seen Nie Kong bring it to school for classes. Maybe I hate the car I picked.

“It’s only two or three kilometers of road, what kind of car to drive. And the model of that car is very gorgeous, driving it to school will have a bad effect, it’s too high-profile.”

“Aiya, it’s a pity that I was going to take the Teacher’s ride to school.” Yu Xizi re-emerged with a cute smile and happily accompanied Nie Kong’s side.

“Then I have no choice but to walk.”

“Really, I have to walk one more section of the road now.”

“Then Teacher will give you a hug to make up for You Xizi’s loss.” Nie Kong said with a chuckle.

“Who…who knows how to do it.” Yuxizi’s cute face appeared shy pink, glanced left and right at the empty street, and muttered in a low voice: “Teacher can only hold a section of the Oh road.”

“Yes, yes.” Nie Kong extended the hand, holding her tall body in his arms. You Xizi’s ears were blushing, but her pretty face turned completely crimson in the next second.

“Teacher…how do you use that…that kind of posture?” The expectant princess hugged her dream ka-cha to pieces, and she was holding a child to pee! !

“aaaaaah…shame to death, Teacher put me down quickly.” She struggled desperately, and if she was seen by someone, she would kill herself.

Nie Kong suppressed a smile and put her suspended feet on the ground.

“hmph, idiot Teacher, ignore you.” Pretending to be ferocious, she glared at Nie Kong, and she threw away Nie Kong angrily and ran to the front ten meters. But for a long time, she found that Nie Kong did not follow up, she slowed down again, and waited for Nie Kong to walk side by side.

“Teacher, I heard that you went to Yingli’s classmate’s house a few days ago. Is that true?” She asked curiously.

“Didn’t you tell me to ignore the Teacher?” Nie Kong asked with a smile.

“Teacher, you are really careful, smaller than a pinhole!!” Yuxizi said in embarrassment.


“What are you laughing at, you didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes, I went to her on Sunday Home visits to learn about her familys environment and situation by the way. Nie Kong said briefly.

“I heard that you cooked her delicious food, and her parents misunderstood you as Yingris partner? Entrust Fei Yingri to you?”

What I heard, I know it better than I know. It is estimated that Yingli told her that Nie Kong really can’t understand the relationship between the two women.

“Should…should have all of them.”

“hmph, dont Teacher like Concubine Yingri, right?” As the front of the conversation turned, Yukiko looked at Nie with a puffed face. Kong.

“Come on, we are a teacher-student relationship.” Nie Kong shook his head.

“What do teachers and students have, we will all graduate from Didan High School next June, and by then we will have become adults.” She seemed to refute Nie Kong, she said affirmatively.

“Fei Yingli is so beautiful, full of intelligence and wisdom, and good academic performance. It is normal for Teacher to like her.”

“I can’t tell you Xizi and Yingli Who is more beautiful, is it possible that I also want to like Xizi.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

There is Xizis face slightly red, and she said to Nie Kong Jiaosheng: “If Teacher likes it, then its not impossible. After all, Xizi is also very cute.”

“Yes, yes. Teacher likes You Xizi very much, because Xizi is so cute, she will definitely become a famous star in the world in the future.”

“All perfunctory.” You Xizi muttered dissatisfiedly.

If Teacher is asked to pick one of them, would Teacher like Fei Yingli or himself? It’s a pity that You Xizi didn’t get the answer in her heart from Nie Kong. Actually, Nie Kong didn’t perfuse, he really likes Xizi.

The two went to school side by side, which attracted many people’s review. The classmates of Didan High School began to gossip, discussing why Prince of Didan High School would go to school with the princess, and what is the relationship between the two.

For two people who are expert and angry, every move will be noticed by others, so the only thing that is bad about being a star is that. On the contrary, Yukiko should like the feeling of being noticed.

She loves to be pushy and expressive. Her character has become fixed and she is hopeless. Or many add one, like pranks. She has the natural potential to become an idol, so those personality traits will help her instead.

Nie Kong has no objection to her becoming an idol. The show business has always been dark, what Nie Kong can do is to prevent her from being hurt by others.

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