When it was the turn of Nie Kongs first math class, he came to the classroom and discovered an extraordinary thing-Fei Yingli was absent, and he was missing Math courses! Nie Kong did not receive the call for leave, did not receive the leave slip, did not even see that she did not come to school today.

It’s simply unimaginable. How could an outstanding student who possessed both moral character and talents would be absent from class? Even if I saw it with my own eyes, Nie Kong believed she would have her own reasons!

“Does any of you know what happened to Fei Yingli? Why didn’t you come to school today?” After finishing the call, Nie Kong frowned and asked more than 40 students in the classroom.

“Student Yingli always arrived early.”

“Yes, when we usually go to school, we have found her reading in the classroom.”

” Maybe because of illness, I didn’t have time to ask for leave.”

The students discussed the reasons, but because of their personalities, their relationship with Fei Yingli was not very good. He is the only one in the class who can be called a good friend. Nie Kong looked towards her, but Xizi gently shook the head. Obviously, Yu Xizi was equally puzzled. It seems that she is most likely to have something wrong! !

Nie Kong wrote two large characters for self-study in chalk and hurriedly left the classroom. Seeing Nie Kong’s worried expression, Xizi pouted.

After returning to his office, Nie Kong first opened the files of his students, and he finally found the concubines internal phone number. I dialed the phone from the school office.

After a beep, a familiar voice came from the microphone.

“Hey, concubine, may I ask what is the matter.”

“Hello, concubine! You should remember me, I am Nie Kong Teacher.” Nie Kong responded Tao.

“Aiya, it turned out to be Nie Kong Teacher. Although I am very happy, how come you have time to call.” The voice on the phone was full of joy, and I was probably surprised that Nie Kong called her Right.

“Because something has happened, I want to confirm the situation with you. Fei Yingli has not come to school until now. Is she at home, is she sick?”

” Hey, Yingli’s child has already gone out early in the morning, and logically speaking, he has already arrived at school.” Nie Kong only heard the sound of falling from the microphone, and Nie Kong guessed she should be frightened.

“I didn’t see her at school.”

Nie Kong finally understood the seriousness of the matter. Conan’s world is not a joke. The crime rate is very high!

“Why, is there something wrong with Yingli’s child?” She said in a panic.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely get Yingli back!” After Nie Kong comforted her a few words, he hung up the phone. He had to use Spiritual Consciousness to search the huge rice flower market, hoping to find her silhouette.

Finally after suffering untold hardships investigation, he found a silhouette similar to her. But Nie Kong was surprised that her forehead and calf were bandaged with white bandages. She is currently in a coma and her location is the People’s Hospital in Mihua City!

Is Mo Fei Yingli really injured? When Nie Kong failed to confirm 100%, the office phone rang quietly.

Nie Kong took the call and only heard a very majestic voice from the microphone, and Nie Kong had a familiar illusion!

“Hey, hello, are you the instructor of Class B in the third grade of Didan High School?”

“Yes, may I have something to do? I am in a hurry. Please make a long story short.”

“I am the police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, because a malicious car accident occurred in the morning of Mihua City, and now two students killed another injured, one of them was killed It was taught by your class. Our police can only find from her backpack book that there is information about Didan High School Class B in the third year. So the police ask you to come to Mihua City Peoples Hospital to help understand the situation of the students.”

It turned out to be Police Officer Mumu of the Metropolitan Police Department. Nie Kong did not have time to be surprised, but after hearing the following information, he was shocked and sweated. He coldly said to Police Officer Mumu: “Tell me clearly, you actually said me The student of dies?”

“No…no, its not your student who died, but a girls school in Mihua City. Your student was just bruised, only abrasions and minor injuries Concussion of the patient.” Officer Mumu hurriedly explained, wiping cold sweat.

Nie Kong sighed in relief, it turns out that the bandaged girl I saw with Spiritual Consciousness is really Yingli.

“Wait a moment, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

Nie Kong hung up the phone, greeted the Principal and rushed to the popcorn as quickly as possible City hospital.

After the nurse at the front desk of the hospital heard that the injured in the car accident this morning was placed in Ward 402, Nie Kong went to the fourth floor of the hospital and unlocked the door of the second ward.

The first thing I saw was that Yingli was sleeping peacefully in the white bed, which seemed to be fine. And beside her, there are three police officers in police uniforms, the three of Matsumoto in the last case.

“Huh, Mr. Nie Kong?” After seeing Nie Kong, the three suddenly yelled out loudly. They didn’t expect that the last time Nie Kong who helped them solve the case would be a teacher from Didan High School. What a coincidence.

“No wonder the voice on the phone is very familiar. It turns out to be an acquaintance.” Officer Mumu said with a bitter smile.

“Stop talking nonsense, my student is okay.”

“It’s okay, she should be about to wake up. Can you tell me her information and home phone number now? , We need to notify her family.” Matsumoto asked.

“Okay, but as a condition, you need to explain the incident. I would like to see who dares to hurt my lovely students.” Nie Kong said with a sneer.

“If you have Mr. Nie Kong to help, that’s really good.” Kiyomizu Matsumoto said with a slight smile, the same as Nie Kong’s request.

“She is the best student of our Tedan High SchoolFei Hideri. She currently lives in the street of Mihua City 4-chome…” Because Nie Kong just happened to call Mother Hideri to ask about the situation, so I remembered her home phone number, and briefly stated what I knew.

Matsumoto Kiyomizu signaled to Officer Megumi. After he was nodded by the notebook, Officer Megumi left Ward 402. It seemed that he was going to call Hideri’s mother to inform him of his injury.

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