Three cars drove out of Kyoto to the outskirts of the city full of shade. After driving the mountain road for about half an hour, they finally saw the quiet villa in the middle of the mountain. Although it is a bit far from the city, it is indeed a good place for vacation. The scenery is beautiful, and you can hear the gurgling water of the surrounding rivers.

It seems that Otani-san not only has a seemingly coquettish wife Xingmei, but also a rich Uncle. The ability to build a villa in a mountainous area shows that it has a lot of financial resources.

“Hurry up and move the prepared cooking materials to the villa. Although you have lovers, don’t forget the main content of our cooking club.” As the senior of Otani, The third-year Senior’s Takumu opened the trunk and jokingly said to Hideri and the others.

The back of the carriage is filled with many kinds of materials, including daily vegetables and meat, like a moving warehouse. Nie Kong looked at their colors and knew that the materials kept fresh.

“Wow, leader, you have bought too much.” Haochuan Ye, a member of the club, said in surprise.

“After all, we have to engage in cooking-related activities. Everyone needs to show their hands. At the dinner, the eight of us have to divide into four groups and make our own favorite dishes.” He Answered with a smile.

“Aiya, that group leader, you have to pay attention to Yinglijiang’s group.” Otani exaggerated. The others looked at each other in blank dismay and seemed to know the terrifying of Yingli’s dark cuisine.

“It seems to remember that when Hideri participated in the club, the team leader was quite diligent. I used to like Hideri. But unfortunately, he didn’t have time to confess, Hideri directly rejected the team leader’s hospitality.” Hayakawa Ye With a low smile, he said the past.

“Hey, don’t poke other people’s scars. Don’t mention anything that happened a long time ago, and now I already have Kotono.” Takuki cursed with a smile on his face.

When hearing their conversation, Xingmei’s face was a bit gloomy, and she rarely expressed her opinion.

Nie Kong took a look at Yingli. It is normal for her to have both talent and appearance, but Yingli is afraid that she never took him seriously. With him for comparison, how could Yingli easily like other men! Besides, that person is the head of the club, who is good at cooking. Nie Kong’s cooking is much better than him.

“Your worry is unnecessary, because I have Nie-san. In terms of cooking level, none of you can compare with my Nie-san.” Yingli held Nie Kong’s arm tightly, yes They said proudly.

“haha, then we are looking forward to your group’s performance.” The six of Otani and the others looked at Nie Kong in amazement. They were surprised that Nie Kong could cook like an expensive Young Master. .

The eight people talked and laughed and moved all the cooking materials behind the car back to the villa and stuffed them in the refrigerator.

Then we have to start allocating rooms. Unfortunately, the furnishings of each room are almost the same, so there is nothing to choose from. Tall bookshelves, matching tables and chairs, and the final bed.

What makes Yingli’s face hot is that they have mistakenly regarded Nie Kong and her as a couple, and only gave them a room. So, tonight she must spend the night with Nie Kong.

She looked at Otani and the others, and found that their faces were very plain, and as expected, only Qinnai looked very shy.

After putting the luggage and items, they went out to play around, and when they came back it was already 6 o’clock in the evening. They even caught a few fish from the river and picked edible wild vegetables.


“Its almost time for dinner. Lets start cooking in groups. The last group is responsible for cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks. Come on. Oh.” In the spacious kitchen, Tuomu as the leader said encouragingly.

The cooking competition of the four groups of couples is now starting. Coordinating cooking between couples is not only fun, but also enhances the tacit understanding and feelings between the two.

The first group that started is the leader of the team, Takuki, who seems to have very rich experience in cooking. In the other two groups, obviously only the girls are doing it, and the boys are in charge!

Except for Nie Kong’s group, everyone only heard a regular, aggressive sound. Looking towards the direction of the sound in surprise, he found that the kitchen knife in Nie Kong’s hand seemed to be alive, and the cooking ingredients in his hand became very neat pieces. Yingli handed the cleaned materials to Nie Kong, and the two of them seemed to have done so many times.

Even Takumu, who is the leader of the club, opened his mouth wide when he saw the exquisite swordsman Nie Kong used.

They finally understood the meaning of English, and his cooking skills are probably more professional than those of the formal 5-Star level hotel chefs.

“It’s…really amazing, but why did Yingli participate in our culinary club, he should be able to learn a lot with his personal guidance.” Takumu said with emotion.

“That’s because Nie-san said that he will be responsible for cooking in the future, so I don’t worry about it. But I want to learn more about housewives’ skills, so I can only participate in the cooking club. “Yingli’s pretty pink face had a shy smile, and the beautiful side made them stare for a while. As for the other three women, Yingli was full of envy and jealousy in her eyes.

Nie Kong is a dark sweat. It is difficult to learn without talent. He is actually afraid of the dark dishes that Yingli made.

After half an hour, the four groups of them each completed their tasks, and the table was filled with fragrant dishes. They didn’t really taste it, but they knew that some Japanese home-cooked dishes made by Nie Kong would definitely taste great.

Sure enough, as they expected, after tasting them, they got the rankings. Nie Kong got the first place, the leader Takuki was second, and Ohara and Hayakawa were the last.

At the beginning of the dinner, Dagu specially obtained a few bottles of champagne from the warehouse of the villa and said he wanted to have a good time. Xingmei and the three daughters did not object, and wine was indispensable at the party.

Nie Kong didn’t dare to drink too much to Yingli and helped her block the three women’s toast. After they discovered Nie Kong’s plan, the six people worked together desperately to get Nie Kong drunk. Unfortunately, few glasses of Koono and Xingmei died heroically!

“Woo, Otani…that bastard, there is no…at all. I regretted that I have been dating him until now. He is worse than… and leader Tuomu _ts much worse, please make friends with me, the head of the team. The blushing Kyomi suddenly grabbed Takumus neck and pushed the drunk Koono away, her delicate body hanging on In his arms.

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