“Xingmei, you are drunk.”

Takumu pushed her body away awkwardly and said.

“I…I’m not drunk, I’m more beautiful than Koto, why don’t you think about it.”

“Sorry, I have no plans to break up with Koto at the moment.” Takuki looked helplessly Looking at Otani,

“Why, why.”

Seeing Xingmei desperately drunk crazy, embarrassing him. Otani noodles were embarrassed, and after they said sorry to Nie Kong, they left temporarily holding the drunk Xingmei. Takumu was also very embarrassed, so he said and waited a moment, and followed Otani back to his bedroom while supporting Kotono.

Soon Takumu returned to the table, but Otani came back ten minutes late. According to his explanation, Xingmei was drunk crazy, and is now busy coming back to ask the head of the team for help to find if the villa has sober medicine.

Takumu was helpless and nodded, so he could only follow him to the warehouse. For him, there is no face to face Otani and Kyomi. So after helping to find the medicine, he glanced at Xingmei who was sleeping on the bed at the door, and helped them close the door.

About two minutes When I saw Otani coming out, he opened the door and booed at him, saying that Xingmei was asleep.

Takumu also saw Xingmei who was sleeping, so nodded went back to the table with him.

A few minutes later, Jin Nai, who was first awake from drunkenness, came out holding the wall and said vaguely that he was thirsty. Seeing that the table was in a mess at the moment, and there was not much food and wine left, they declared that the party was over.

All of them are a little drunk, but Nie Kong is the only one who can stay fully awake.

Takumu naturally has to take care of Kotono, who is not 100% awake, and Otani said to help Ohara and the others clean the dishes.

Nie Kong was going to take Yingli back to the room, but suddenly only heard the sound of a table and chair crashing down. The sound was really loud.

“Should…Couldn’t Xingmei fall off the bed?” Takumu Kai said with a smile.

“It is very possible. Although I have used sober drugs, who knows if I am sober.” Ohara whispered.

“Anyway, let’s take a look at her situation. I guess the fall was not light.” Otani made such a proposal to them, and Takumu agreed.

A group of seven people came to Otanis room with a smile, and when Otani opened the door and saw the scene inside, they were all shocked.

In the room, Xingmeis neck is hung in the air with a rope, and the other end of the rope is connected to a wooden beam. It can be seen from her gray face that she has no life. In the vertical direction of her corpse, a chair fell there, and the sound of it fell.

“ahhhh…Xingmei!” Everyone was sluggish, as if dreaming, how could their friend Xingmei hang before them.

“Hurry up and help her untie, maybe there is hope of rescue.” Nie Kong shouted.

Several people woke up suddenly and hurriedly put the mid-air Xingmei on the ground. But Yingli felt the pulse on her neck and found that Xingmei was dead.

“Xingmei, why did you commit suicide? What can’t you think about it?” Otani cried loudly, and his expression showed how sad he was. But Takumu and the others were silent, unable to figure out why Xingmei committed suicide.

The facts before them told them that she was really hanged, so she could only comfort Otani. When Yingli heard Nie Kong’s instructions, he called the police in Kyoto.

Nie Kong kept calm and looked at the scene. He found two strange places. A bruise appeared on the deceased’s leg, which was obviously formed by knocking down the chair. The second point is the rope around the neck, which is tied with a knot. If it is suicide, how can it be a deadlock? Nie Kong carefully looked at the environment inside the house, especially when he saw the bookshelves over two meters high. She gave a looking thoughtful smile.

He has been able to confirm the murder, but the specific modus operandi is still a bit vague, because he has a key witness.

Half an hour later, Officer Megome and Officer Bow came to the scene. Matsumoto Police Department did not come. When they saw Nie Kong behind, Officer Mumu looked surprised.

“Mr. Nie Kong, what happened?”

“Someone died in the villa.” Nie Kong said, pointing to the chilly body.

“so that’s how it is.”

The police officer Mumu looked serious, carefully inquiring about the deceased from Otani and the others, and made a note: “The cause of death is the neck rope. Tightened, no other fatal wounds were found. Her name is Ueda Xingmei, 18 years old this year, a university student at Kyoto University. Then, before you found her body, you all stayed in the living room for dinner, and suddenly heard the chair falling down. Sound, right?”

“Yes…Yes, we heard the sound of the chair falling down just after the party. And Xingmei and Kotono fell drunk earlier, so I took her Go back to the room and rest.” Otani said in pain.

“Has any of you left the living room halfway through.” Officer Mumu continued to ask.

“Well, Otani and I left for a while. Because she was very difficult to deal with, we helped her get to know the alcohol and medicine. But when we left the room, Xingmei was still in the bed I slept well.” Takumu said with a bitter smile.

“What is she doing?” Officer Mumu paused, looking towards them with a majestic gaze.

“Because she drank a lot of wine, she suddenly confessed to leader Tuomu, saying that she liked him. But leader Tuomu directly refused, so…so the mood is very bad.” Otani Low Said the voice.

Sergeant Mumu nodded, carefully wrote it down in his notebook.

“Mumu, I found a ladder on the second floor that can be tied to the rope. What do you gain?” Officer Gong commander suddenly arrived and asked Mumu.

“No, according to a few of their confessions, it can be known that except for Kotono, who is in a drunk state, there is evidence of alibi, and there seems to be no motive for murder.” Officer Megumi said simply.

“Sure enough, he committed suicide.” Gong Chang said with emotion.

“Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly, I think it’s murder.” Nie Kong said suddenly.

“ahhhh, what is Mr. Nie Kong’s insight, I wish I could hear your reasoning.” Officer Mumu asked in surprise.

Otani and the others looked towards Nie Kong in surprise. Yinglis boyfriend will not only take care of him, but also reason that he will be so respected by the police officer. It is incredible. The man in front of him is really too good.

Yingli looked at her Teacher. She liked reasoning very much, but she didn’t find out what was so strange. Everything clearly pointed to suicide.

“Don’t worry, I still haven’t found any key evidence, so I have to sort out my reasoning carefully.”

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