“Really, I was invited to dinner for compensation, why did Nie-san also bring her.” In the fine dining restaurant, Qianying complained to Nie Kong in full of resentment.

“Hehe, you can leave if you are unwilling.” Jinghua said at a moderate pace.

“You are the one who is leaving.”

“Nie-san, let’s go to your house. The food I personally cook must be better than the restaurant.” Even It was Jinghua with a gentle personality, and her really strong personality made her unwilling to bow her head in front of Qianying, so the two women had a dispute.

“Don’t be angry, it’s rare for Jinghua to come from a long way from Osaka, Chikage, please be considerate.” Nie Kong interjected between the two women.

“hmph, after she leaves, Nie-san, you have to make up for this Young Lady again.” Qiankage also made sense and restrained her dissatisfaction.

“Then you may have miscalculated, I will probably stay in Mihua for a while. Nie-san, please advise me a lot in the future.” Chi Bo Jinghua said with a smile.

“Huh.” Nie Kong and Qianying made a surprise sound at the same time, especially Qianying seemed to be crazy.

According to Jinghuas explanation, she said that she would do the cultivation of sword dao in the rice flower market and look for an old friend from the middle school period by the way.

“Oh, it turns out that Jinghua came to Mihua Market to visit middle school classmates.” Nie Kong was a little bit passionate. I thought she came to visit her.

“Yes, we are all members of the sword dao club. And one of them moved to another place before graduation, so the address column in the graduation memorial book was blank.” Jinghua said regretfully.

“Man?” Qian Ying looked at Nie Kong with taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in her eyes, looking forward to Nie Kong’s reaction.

“I brought a photo of that year. The one holding the trophy in the middle is him, and his name is Shiro Shiro.” From her bag, Jinghua took out a slightly old ‘S photo. Seven or eight people took a group photo, and the man with the shaved flat head in the middle was holding the trophy and smiling. And to his left, there is a super cute girl with a bunch of pony tails!

“Aiya, what a cute girl, is it Jinghua?” Nie Kong compared the photo with the daoist in surprise, and said in admiration.

“No…Don’t worry, maybe it’s a little childish, it’s already a photo of twelve years ago.” Her face flushed a little, and she admitted that it was when she was twelve years ago.

“Although Jinghua is very gentle and beautiful now, she is really cute when tied with a ponytail.” Nie Kong glanced at her bun, as if suggesting her to hang her flowing hair Come down.

Jinghua eyes shined, looking thoughtful and nodded, and said softly: “By the way, can Nie-san help me?”

“hehe, Nie-san, you Help her, that must be her first love.” Side Qianying said with a smile.


“No, it is not. Because twelve years ago accidentally, there was a photo posted in his place, so I hope to get it back.”


“No way, and so on photos?” Nie Kong asked strangely.

“That photo is the only one taken when our country participated in the summer tournament at 3 o’clock and won the runner-up. Because I borrowed a book from him, and when I returned the book I put the photo in it and forgot to take it It’s coming out. Some time ago, my father lost my runner-up medal, and I thought of saving that photo as a souvenir.”

“Don’t worry, I will help Jinghua find him. , But you wont have time until the weekend. Nie Kong nodded said.

“No…it doesn’t matter, you can wait as long as you want to accompany me to find it.” Jinghua said shamelessly, clearly that the drunkard doesn’t mean to drink.

So Nie Kong agreed to Jinghua’s request, ignoring Qianying’s eyes that burst into flames.


Nie Kong originally arranged Jinghua to live in her apartment, but Qianying was very enthusiastic and said that Jinghua should live with her, explaining that the two girls were each other Taking care of it will be more convenient. How could Qianying agree to live together with Jinghua and Nie Kong.

It was the weekend soon, Nie Kong said goodbye to Yingli and Xiaobi in the house very early, and made an appointment with Jinghua to meet at the coffee shop at 8 o’clock in the morning.

“Nie-san, you are here.” Coming earlier than Nie Kong, Jinghua reserved a seat there and waited for him, wearing kimono as always.

“Jinghua, good morning.” But Nie Kong was surprised that her bun was spread out and she had a hairstyle similar to Yingli, which was a bit more cute than before.

“Yes, after changing her hairstyle, Jinghua became so cute.” Nie Kong looked at her carefully, and couldn’t help but praise.

“Yes…Is it, but… it may be detrimental to the sword dao competition.” Her face flushed, and her eyes flashed suddenly when she looked at Nie Kong. Because the flowing hair will cover the line of sight, she will say that the release of the hair will affect the game. But because of Nie Kong’s words the day before yesterday, he deliberately changed his hairstyle.

Where is it, I think its really suitable for Jinghua.

Nie Kong sat in front of her and ordered a cup of iced coffee. The two seemed to be dating couples. Many people are paying attention.

“By the way, does Jinghua have any other clues.” Nie Kong calmed down the atmosphere before asking about the case.

“No…No, I only know that his hobby is sword dao. If I don’t know the others well, will it be difficult?” Jinghua asked with joy in his eyes.

“No, it shouldnt be very complicated.” Nie Kong pointed to the picture of Shibata Shiro and explained to Jinghua: “Since he holds the championship trophy, it means that he won the first place in the tournament. Name it. If the second grade of junior high school has such strength, then he may also participate in other sword dao competitions now.”

“Ah, so fast.” Jinghua was surprised, some The reasoning of venerating Nie Kong was disappointed.

“Well, maybe we can find a clue to him, I’ll call and ask.” Nie Kong said, calling the police officer Mumu of the Metropolitan Police Department for help. With the help of the police, it is much more convenient than checking it by himself.

Half an hour later, Nie Kong finally got some information from Shibata Shiro.

Sure enough, Shiro Shiro from junior high school often participates in the general sword dao project of the Shizuoka prefectural conference, and has achieved good results. At present, he is a student of this Ren High School in Shizuoka prefecture. Sports Teacher.” Nie Kong smiled.

“Then Nie-san will accompany me to Shizuoka Prefecture, right.”

“Of course, I can’t confirm it until I see myself. Those clues can’t explain anything.”

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