Riding on Nie Kongs sports car, Nie Kong and Jinghua traveled from Mihua City to Shizuoka Prefecture. Shizuoka Prefecture is located between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, and is a major transportation hub in Japan. It is 200 kilometers away from Mihua City, which takes an hour and a half by car.

According to the results of Nie Kongs investigation, Shibata Shiro and his wife live in their own apartment, so Nie Kong directly found his home.

The number plate outside the door says Shibata Shiro and Shibata Kyoko, it seems that he is married. Based on the new house, it can be inferred that he may not have been married for a year. After seeing the two names on the house plate, Jinghua tightly wrapped Nie Kong’s arm.

Nie Kong rang the doorbell, and a girl’s voice came from ding dong. Accompanied by the brisk footsteps, the door opened, revealing an ordinary-looking lady in glasses.

“May I ask you who…” They were not greeted into the house immediately because she did not know Nie Kong and Jinghua.

“My name is Chibo Jinghua, a classmate of Shibata Shiro’s junior high school, is he home now?” Jinghua said gently.

“It turned out to be Shiro’s friend, come in.” Shibata Kyoko took Nie Kong and the others to the living room to sit down, and then made them a cup of hot tea.

“Hello, my name is Shibata Kyoko. Shiro is playing mahjong on the fourth floor of the apartment. Please wait a while and I will call him back.” She called after Nie Kong and Jinghua were entertained. Notify the husband to come back.

Nie Kong can hear the occasional quarrel. It seems that the relationship between the husband and wife is not very harmonious.

After quite a while, I heard the sound of the door opening. A 25~26 years old man appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others cursingly, looking very bad.

“Warned you early not to disturb us playing mahjong, don’t you understand.”

“The problem is that you have guests visiting. Mahjong will work anytime, right?” Shibata Kyoko explained.

“hmph…” He was coldly snorted and strode towards the living room. When he saw the excellent appearance of Nie Kong and the others, his eyes flashed with surprise. Are they really his classmates in middle school?

“Shibata Shiro, since Sword Dao, I haven’t seen you in twelve years, can you remember me?” Jinghua smiled.

“Are you… Are you Chi Bo Jinghua?” In his memory, Chi Bo Jinghua, the most beautiful school flower in the school, immediately appeared, and the two shadows of her and the girl in front of him immediately overlapped one another. . How could I forget it, because Jinghua was his favorite object when he was young. Even after twelve years, the beauty has not faded at all, but has become more beautiful than before because of time.

“Hehe, it seems that you have not forgotten our sword dao cultivation when we were in middle school.”

“Yes, life at that time was simple, but really happy Well.” He sighed with emotion, and his eyes passed Chi Bo Jinghua’s side, looking towards Nie Kong: “By the way, is that also our middle school classmate?”

“No, my name is Nie Kong.”

“Well, he is my fianc_, not our classmate.” Before Nie Kong finished speaking, Jinghua said in front of him.

Nie Kong stared wide-eyed looked towards Jinghua, but there was no change in her complexion, only the roots of her ears were a little red.

“Hehe, congratulations, you two are indeed a very suitable pair. I don’t know when you will have the wedding, are you here to send a wedding invitation.” Shibata Kyoko said.

While Shibata Shiros smile was a bit ugly, he could not immediately accept the fact that Jinghua had a fiance.

“No decision, but the purpose of our trip here is mainly to retrieve one of my Old Zhang photos.” Jinghua said softly.

“What photo?”

“It should be in the book I borrowed from you.” Jinghua paced slowly to the bookshelf, searching her pretty face upwards. Soon from the shelf, a book about ninja stories was taken down.

Turning over the pages of the book gently, I found that there was a photograph of a considerable age in it like a bookmark. Seeing that the photo is intact, she sighed in relief with surprise on her face.

There is a cute girl in a sword dao costume with tears in her big eyes, holding the third place trophy. I have to say that Jinghua in junior high school is really super cute and will not lose to Yukiko at all.

Nie Kong snatched the photo from her and said in surprise: “Aiya, I rarely see it. Jinghua, who is always gentle and strong, can cry. No, its so cute, I Collect it.”

Jinghua flushed with shame, and rushed to Nie Kong in a panic, “Nie-san, give it back to me quickly.”

“No Oh.”

But where Nie Kong was willing to give up, he stuffed it into his arms, causing Jinghua to irritate, but Nie Kong couldn’t help it.

“I’m really sorry to disturb you. If it’s okay, we have to take the first step.” After having a fuss with Nie Kong, Jinghua blushed and wanted to leave immediately.

“You two called me back from the fourth floor just to retrieve the little thing about the photo?!” Shibata Shiro’s hidden dissatisfaction suddenly broke out. His eyes were red, as if losing his mind.

“What’s the matter.”

“If it weren’t for you, I would have already won back all the money I lost!!” No wonder I was upset with my wife when I came back. He turned out to be a gambler who lost the red eye.

Jinghua squinted, thanking that she hadn’t accepted his confession before, and now he is completely no different from a gambler. The sword dao cultivation base depends on the temperament, so you can guess his sword dao level.

“hmph, it’s really unreasonable to make trouble.” Nie Kong didn’t have time to mess around with him. He threw out more than ten million yen bills and said coldly: “Should I be able to compensate you for your loss.”

He knelt on the ground greedily, picking up the banknotes, and ignored Nie Kong and the others. Only Shibata Kyoko was disappointed.

Nie Kong took Jinghua’s hand and left Shibata Shiro’s home.

“Nie-san, I got my own photo as it should be by rights. Do I need to pay him?” Jinghua didn’t expect that Shibata would become That kind of person.

“It doesn’t matter, who told me to be your fiance.” Nie Kong put her arms around her waist and stared directly at the girl who was right in front of her.

The more money Nie Kong gives him, the faster Shibata Shiros demise will be. The endless greed of the gambler was the cause of his death. After all, Nie Kong harmed him, shortening the time for his wife to kill him.

“That…that’s just a joke.”

She was supple as if boneless, limp in Nie Kong’s arms, and said vaguely.

“But I can take it seriously.” Nie Kong raised her chin and kissed her pink lips.

With a boom, Jinghua’s heart seemed to explode.

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