Nie Kong helped Xiao Lan with her weak legs back to the back room, and took a closer look at her mother’s bedroom. The tables and chairs were neatly arranged. On the pink couch, the clothes that Xiaolan and her mother changed were neatly placed. It can be regarded as an exquisite girl’s boudoir arrangement. I really don’t understand why Liuli would allow him to come in as a big man. Looking at her treacherous smile just now, it seemed that she would have eaten Xiaolan.

“You have a good rest by yourself. I’ll wait for you outside.”

“Nie-san, I…I’ll be fine.”

After Xiaolan stretched her body briefly, the soreness slowly dissipated. Although it was a bit sore, most of the body’s strength was restored. And after the muscles were stretched, a feeling of invigorating and dripping suddenly came into being, and the pain was all over. Even if she was separated once, Xiao Lan believed it would be much simpler than before.

“Didnt mother demonstrate just now, its just an easy preparation activity to stretch one hundred and eighty degrees. From now on, its time to separate the two Baidus. Nie-san, please do as hard as you did before Give me a hand.” Xiaolan’s eyes sparkled with victory, how could she leave the lesson taught by her mother.

“Two Baidus, how do you suppress Xiaolan?” Although Nie Kong didn’t understand ballet, she watched it many times. Especially in the high jump, the legs spread out into a white swan-like posture. Nie Kong remembers deeply. From this we can see how high ballet requirements are for girl’s flexibility.

Xiao Lan glanced at the layout of the room and moved in her heart.

“Look up.” She supported the edge of the bed with her hands, while her feet rested on a chair beside one meter. Then Xiao Lan gently spread her legs and stretched one foot leaning on the chair onto the bed.

Leaning two feet on the chair and bed, completely forming a word. And her legs, about thirty centimeters high from the floor, were equivalent to hanging in the air.

Because Nie Kong helped her press once, and now since the center is in the middle of the legs, the stretch is straight now. Even if it is not one hundred and eighty degrees, it is almost the same.

“I saw it once in the gymnastics department of the school. It can stretch the hip joints like this.”

“Will you feel pain if you do this.” Nie Kong worried. To say.

“Its painful! But if you dont overcome difficulties, your body wont become soft. Dont worry, Nie-san. Its the same for karate practice before. Its very hard. That pain is nothing. “

Her face was a little pale, but she was strong, enduring the pain of stretching, and spoke to Nie Kong.

“Well, I will do my best to help you.” Nie Kong knows that it can’t be stopped, and can only hope that she will retreat.

“Thank you, Nie-san. You just need to press down hard as before.” She pressed Nie Kong’s hand on her leg again, probably because it was the second time Skin contact with Nie Kong, so I am not as shy the first time.

“Okay, but you have to press it to that level, until you call pain?” Nie Kong asked uncertainly.

“No, no, please Nie-san. Even if I cry and it hurts, don’t relax my strength. As for how much pressure…” She glanced at the furnishings of the room, looking Eyes shined when the alarm clock.

The alarm clock on display is not an ordinary small alarm clock. It is nearly twenty centimeters high and has a square pillar shape. The top position is like a cone, like a hill. Although not general, it is also very common.

“Compared with mother, it is almost this height. If you can meet it for ten seconds, the practice can be completed.”

She happily put it in the stock Right below the Ministry, I just met her ten centimeters away. In other words, she asked Nie Kong to press down ten centimeters.

“The shape is a bit subtle.” Nie Kong looked at the circular cone, then looked at the alignment, muttering to himself dumbfoundedly.

“Are you ready, it’s time to go.” Xiaolan said.

“en. Nie Kong’s hand gently pressed down, and the word horse immediately became a little bent and bent outward. I only saw the cone like a mushroom head, getting closer to the middle of Xiaolan sauce’s legs.

“Ah…” The process was really painful, even the strong Xiaolan made a terrible cry.

“It doesn’t hurt at all, Nie-san, you continue.”

Due to the magnitude of the movement, the tight shorts tightened her body.

Nie Kong has no choice but to put more effort. Watching the round vertebral body near the middle of Xiao Lanchan’s tight legs, the picture felt good… so nasty, Nie Kong watched and watched a shameful reaction.

Nie Kong, holding everything for Xiaolans good ideas, tried to help her press down,

Finally, Xiaolan felt that there was a cone-shaped tip touching To myself. Forcibly resisting the pain of pulling apart, she bit her lip, her cheeks flushed and said: “Nie-san, I touched… the alarm clock, but why does it seem to be making Mr. Zhong put… Is it tilted?” I finally hit the top of the round alarm clock, but it doesn’t seem to… it’s wrong.

“Yes…Yes, it’s slanted.”

“Forget…Forget it, don’t let go, you have to hold on for 10 seconds.” This kind of stimulation, she twisted her body slightly, her eyes were a little moist, she didn’t dare to look at Nie Kong at all.

Nie Kong’s body shook. It is difficult to hold for ten seconds. He couldn’t bear it, let go and hold Xiao Lan’s hand, and fled the room embarrassedly.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.” When I opened the door, I found Liuli was eavesdropping against the door, with strange light shining in his eyes and red face. But seeing Nie Kong rush out, she was taken aback for a moment. Inadvertently glanced at Nie Kong’s lower body and found that it was unusually protruding, making her face flushed.

“What’s the matter, I just heard Xiaolan-chan screaming in pain outside, saying that it does not hurt, please Nie-san to continue…but it seems that nothing happened to them.” Liuli muttered gossiping. .

And Xiao Lan in the room was lying limply on the bed, panting for air, as if she had pulled out her strength.

“Really…really, Xiaolan, you don’t know how to be ashamed, but…you actually have that feeling.” She turned shyly, her flushed face in a short time couldn’t cool down at all.

“Bad boy alarm clock, you almost hurt me.”

She picked up the alarm clock in her hand and threw it out forcefully.

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