He was smoking a cigarette. Although his eyes were dark, Nie Kong could vaguely see the anxiety from inside.

“Oh, you are here, I am waiting for you, hurry up and decide the outcome.” Huang Mao, who was sitting in front of the game console, said without looking back.

“What’s your hurry, I’ll smoke a cigarette first.” He took a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his suit and drew one in his mouth. After igniting it with a lighter, it slowly spit out an unpleasant cigarette smell.

Xiao Lan frowned, fanned the murky air around her with her small hand, and quietly pulled Nie Kong on and said: “Now, Nie-san, I think we should go!”

“Okay.” Nie Kong nodded, he actually doesn’t like the misty environment of the game center. When she was about to leave with them, she realized that Judy was missing.

“But where’s Judy Teacher.”

“Strange, why didn’t you see anyone who was clearly behind just now.” Yuanzi muttered to herself.

“Look, Judy Teacher is playing a game.” Following Xiaolan’s finger, Nie Kong saw the blonde girl sitting on the racing game console.

“Judy Teacher, when are you going to play, we think it’s time to go back.” Xiaolan stood behind Judy and asked with concern.

“Oh, please wait, let’s go after this round of racing game.” Judy Teacher replied from operating the game.

“I really can’t stand it.” Yuanzi gave her a blank look, really wanting to leave her alone.

In the end, Nie Kong and the others could only decide to wait for Judy Teacher. However, they found that Judy’s technique was really great. It should be no problem to run the highest score.

The two women marveled and cheered on the sidelines, while Nie Kong squinted and noticed that Lucas, who was looking towards the cupholder, was in close contact with Caesar the Great. Due to the noisy surroundings, only Nie Kong was able to spot his dirty behavior.

“Wow, the duel between Emperor Caesar of Mihua Town and Lucas of the Cupholder has begun.” There was a very enthusiastic noise around, and only the screen hanging on the game center became The picture of the duel.

“The two of them are about to start the game.” Xiaolan looked up at her pretty face, and two characters appeared on the screen. One is Caesar, the thin and tall man who defeated her just now, and the other looks a bit like Sumo-type Lucas. They are both difficult to play characters that are difficult to control.

“Leave him alone, let them go.” Yuanzi didn’t care, staring at Judy’s racing game console screen.

“But, I always feel…” Xiaolan pouted. She was unwilling to lose to others in fighting.

After carefully reading the content of the game, Xiao Lan made a huh, “He punches so hard.” It was originally from the beginning of the game that Lucas’s role faced the role of Caesar, and there was no The room for action is just being beaten up and down.

In the end, Caesar’s right fist hit hard, and Lucas on the opposite side turned blue and lay on the ground. At this moment, he only needs a fatal blow from Caesar to win. However, the audience was surprised that Caesar waited until the end of the time and did not make a final blow. The screen did not display the score, and the three screens showed the English for the tie at the same time. The audience found something was wrong and gathered around Huang Mao one by one. But they found Caesar’s eyes lost and sitting stiffly in the game seat.

“Oto Kengo, what’s the matter with you.” Someone pushed his body lightly and found that he fell straight to the front, relying on the device to restrict him to avoid falling.

“Ah, he is dead…dead.”

“Hurry up and call the police.” Shrieked in horror, causing a riot in the game center. Xiaolan never expected that kind of thing would happen. Now they can be implicated in the murder, and it is too late to leave.

“He really died.” Yuanzi said in surprise, because it seems that Nie-san said he didn’t live long, but he died too soon.


Soon the police blocked the game center buzzingly, only to see a blessed man in brown and yellow clothes with two subordinates appearing in front of them.

“Police Officer Megome.” Nie Kong waved to the blessed man, saying that his seventeen years have changed so much. If you don’t know, Nie Kong thinks he will be an official in the heaven.

When Mumu saw Nie Kong, his expression was strange. Perhaps because whenever there is a murder, Nie Kong will mostly be on the scene.

“Nie-san, why are you here.”

“It just happened to be playing with classmates.” Nie Kong pointed to the two daughters of Xiaolan and replied indifferently.

“Oh, in that case, can I trouble you to explain the situation, you are more experienced.” Mumu asked.

“Of course.”

“The surrounding witnesses said that he died during the game, is that true?”

“Well, Because of the process of the duel, we can all see it in front of the big screen. When the Caesar character was about to win, we suddenly stopped the attack strangely, and we found that something was not right.” Yuanzi nodded said.

“The name of the deceased was Kengo Ono. He was 21 years old this year. He currently has no formal job. Most people said that his character was bad and his evaluation was quite poor.” At the same time, Takagi took out his notebook and put Speak out the situation investigated.

Sergeant Mumu stared at the dead body, slowly said: “so that’s how it is, so that he will have a lot of enemies here. In short, the focus of the first investigation is why he died in the game center “

“Yes, according to the testimony of the surrounding witnesses, it seems that no suspicious person was seen wandering beside him when the crime happened. Guests near Mr. Oto also said that he did not eat during the fight. Anything, so the probability of suicide is ruled out.” Takagi nodded said.

“oh, no, didn’t expect to see murder in Japan.” Judy said in surprise.

“Hey, you are…”

“She’s Judy, our new English Teacher.” Xiaolan introduced.

“Yes, my name is Judy Stylin, please take care of the officer.” Judy said with a smile.

“My name is Meguro Shisan, and I’m a Japanese policeman.” Meguro was chatting with Judy in English, as if showing off his high level of English.

Takagi pulled Mumu to the side, he was awake and embarrassed, please cough and change the subject.

“Nie-san, what do you think of the case.”

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