Its not that Officer Mumu doesnt want to solve the case on his own. The strange situation in front of him is really stumping him. Although he feels ashamed that he is too dependent on others to help solve the case as a policeman, he really can’t help it. Criminals now have so high IQs that even if they rack their brains, they can’t figure it out. For example, in the current case, Officer Mumu didn’t even know the cause of death. Don’t talk about solving the case, you don’t understand anything from the beginning of the investigation. The only thing they knew was that the murderer must be hiding in the game center.

“The deceased had no physical injuries, so he should have been poisoned.” Nie Kong said.

“Poison kill? But he didn’t eat food before he died. And according to witnesses, he was in a good state of mind just now, and there should be no possibility of being poisoned.” Mumu The police officer questioned.

“If you use needles or syringes to inject poison into him within the body?”

“hehe, if someone does it, he will definitely If you will resist or yell, the surrounding guests will naturally notice the murderer.” On the contrary, Police Officer Mumu justified the prisoner and Nie Kong had to admire the IQ of their police.

“Is it really useful to yell in the game center? If the noise from the game consoles and the noise of the guests is very loud when it is open at ordinary times. Even if someone calls out, no one pays attention. Not to mention the dead Kengo Onto was playing that virtual fighting game. His body and limbs were tied to the game device. If someone stabbed him with a needle filled with venom, he would not be able to resist.” Nie Kong said, shaking his head.

“so that’s how it is, I forgot to consider the environment of the game center. Officer Takagi, please submit the body to Dissection of the Ministry of Justice, first determine the cause of his death.” Officer Mumu waved his hand. , Said to a dark-skinned and honest man beside him.

“Yes, Officer Megome.” With that, he and another companion carried the body out.

“Then I want to establish the suspect, your game center should be equipped with a camera device.” Officer Megome asked Dejima to the game staff. It seems that he has also grown a lot and is very agile.

“Yes, yes, please come with me, the police officer.” Dejima Jun cowering said.

“Officer Mumu, don’t bother, maybe I can act as a witness.” Nie Kong shook his head and stopped Officer Mumu.

“Hey, really.”

“Well, but only after the results of the judicial examination are obtained.” Nie Kong Unfortunately, there is no need to use their brains to reason, the key is What’s the point of him seeing all the crimes?

Mumu can only wait, Nie Kong’s reasoning is much more useful than his fooling around.

After half an hour, Takagi hurriedly arrived, holding the autopsy report in his hand.

“Officer Mumu, the Ministry of Justice has identified toxic substances in the blood of the deceased. The toxin is called tetrodotoxin, which pierced the blood vessels of the artery through the inner right arm of the deceased.”

“What, are you talking about pufferfish poisoning?” Officer Mumu asked with confirmation.

“Tetrodotoxin, TTX for short! Only 0.5 to 1 mg can be fatal. It is usually stored in the puffer fish within the body. When eaten from the mouth, the onset is slower, and it can usually be rescued. Relatively , If it is injected directly into the blood, the nerve will be paralyzed and die in a short time. Judy explained.

“Judy Teacher is amazing.” Xiaolan said in surprise, even Police Officer Mumu looked towards Judy in surprise.

“Aiya, it’s nothing. It’s just because my friend knew that after I came to Japan, they reminded me not to eat poisonous puffer fish. I only found out the information after I investigated it.” Judy Teacher chuckled.

“Sure enough,” Nie Kong said.

“Nie-san, hurry up and talk about who is the murderer, right?” Officer Megome asked quickly

“According to what I saw with my own eyes, the prisoner was playing against Kengo Oto Zhishui Gaobao. I saw him deliberately approaching the victim at the time. I thought that they had met and chatted without paying attention, and didn’t expect that he would kill.” Nie Kong pointed to the middle age person wearing a suit and looking gloomy.

With a few drops of sweat coming out of Zhishui Gaobaos face, he said to Officer Mumu: “Police officer, can you really make a high school student behave.”

“Don’t be small Look at him, he is a well-known high school detective in Japan, known as Holmes of Kanto.” Mumu glanced at him and said his turn pale with fright.

“But please, little brother, dont talk nonsense, you also said that I was playing against him at the time, and he was beaten up by him. He died halfway through the match. What do you think about me? poison to death his.” Gao Bao retorted.

“Its useless for you to quibble, as long as you reproduce the situation at the time, you will understand everything. Officer Megome, you will play the role of Shimizu Takaho, Officer Takagi, you will play the role of Oto Kengo. Officer Mu, you sit down on the game console.” Nie Kong commanded.

And Officer Megome and Officer Takagi are also very obedient and act according to Nie Kong’s arrangements.

“First of all, Kengo Oto occupied that position to play the game when he defeated Xiaolan. Shisui Takaho Ming said that he smokes, but he was actually preparing to assassinate him. When he thought that no one was paying attention, Shisui Takabo secretly Approaching Kengo Ono, while he was playing a game, he stabbed the victim’s arm with a needle soaked in venom.” Nie Kong demonstrated by herself, covering Officer Mimu with one hand, and looking at him with one hand.

“Then when he was poisoned and in a trance, Shimizu Takaho immediately ended Otos game and threw another coin to help him choose the role of Lucas. And he quickly returned to the opposite seat, I voted for Emperor Caesar.”

“What?” everyone exclaimed.

“Yes, use people’s inertial thinking. People think that Lucas of the cupholder must be the role of Lucas, and the Caesar of Mihua Town must be Caesar. In fact, at first everyone is wrong. Now.” Nie Kong said.

Detective Megumi and Takagi sat in front of the game. After preparing everything, the game started. Just at first, Lucas in the game fell short, exactly the same as before.

“so that’s how it is, so that it can be used as evidence of alibi.” Officer Mumu nodded and said.

“Because Oto died after the game started, it was Otos Lucas character who was actually beaten. Because Shisui deliberately tied the hand, the score was not displayed on their respective screens, and no one knew who had chosen. Who.”

“That’s not right. If he died then, the guests around him should have noticed.” Zhishui was still resisting.

“No, it will be misled.” Officer Megumi thought for a while and said: “I didn’t use any force just now, but when I was attacked by an opponent, my hands and feet would also move, if not very If you look carefully, attack an immovable opponent, so that the audience will think you are at a disadvantage.”

“What about the murder weapon? You have a lot of them, where are the murder weapons? What?” Zhishui Gaobao said.

“A murder weapon.” Nie Kong looked around, and finally pulled a man out and raised his right foot forcefully.

Detective Megumi was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his gloved hand to tear off the sole of his foot. Then I saw that the poison needle was inserted into the filter of the cigarette, and then the cigarette was glued to the paper with chewing gum.

“so that’s how it is, use the stickiness of chewing gum to take the murder weapon away from the scene.”

“So as long as you find fingerprints on this, it should be a murderer Evidence.” Takagi glanced at the man and said.

“No, looking at his use of sophisticated means to arrange, he must have thought of that, so there should not be his fingerprints.” Nie Kong said.

“Since there is no evidence, then your reasoning can be overturned.” Zhi Shui exhaled and smiled confidently again.

“Thats not necessarily, because you missed the most important point. That is, before you arrive, the staff collected all the coins of the game console. And if I guessed correctly, there are games There must be only three coins in the machine. One was thrown by Oto, the other was thrown when you helped him choose the character, and the other was thrown by Officer Megumi just now. There must be one of those three coins, and your fingerprints will be found. “

Hearing what Nie Kong said, Officer Megome immediately motioned to the service staff to open the coin box. Pulling it out, I found only three 100 yen Japanese coins. He did not expect that the staff had pulled all the coins out of the loopholes before.

“Yes, that coin must have my fingerprints. Because I was holding it tightly with my hands at the time, I actually regarded it as my last game in my heart.” His face was sad. , But no regrets.

It turns out that his younger sister is Huang Mao’s girlfriend, and Huang Mao has nothing to do, even likes gambling, and owes a lot of debts. The girl was so stupid that she didn’t want to break up with him, working hard to help him pay off the debt, so that she was overworked and blind. It is a pity that the law is unreasonable, and the buzzing police car drove him away, waiting for him for several decades of prison life.

The matter was reported to be behind. It was seven o’clock in the night, and Nie Kong and Xiaolan and their three daughters left the game center.

When they reached the fork in the road, Nie Kong said goodbye to each other.

“Now, Nie-san, Judy Teacher, my house is over there!” Xiaolan pointed to the direction of the Maori detective agency and said.

“My house is also in the other direction, goodbye everyone!” The garden, who had a great time today, also said with a smile.

Nie Kong was also nodded and set foot on the street home at the crossroads. Judy was not surprised, she just said heartily goodbye: “BYEBYE, we will see you at school tomorrow!” After speaking, she followed Nie Kong strangely. Xiaolan and Yuanzi think that Judy Teacher lives in the same direction as Nie Kong, so they have no doubt.

“Oh, classmate Nie Kong, wait for the Teacher.” The tapping sound of high heels kept coming, Nie Kong stopped, and she seemed to have something to tell him alone.

Nie Kong has a strange figure in her eyes, smiling while waiting for her to arrive.

“What’s the matter, little Judy.”

Hearing Nie Kong’s name, Judy yelled, jade green’s eyes widened of.

“The FBI sent you to Japan. You should investigate or perform some mission.”

“Ah, you…how would you know my identity, could it be…you Is it really the Nie Kong big brother.”

“What did you say.”

“Woo, the Nie Kong big brother has made Judy sad for more than ten years, why are you so cruel? I haven’t come to see Judy.” Judy threw into Nie Kong’s arms excitedly, and put his arms around his neck. The Nie Kong big brother was really not dead at the time. Could it be that the repercussions formed by taking black clothed tissue poison-become smaller?

From the information collected by Hideichi Akai, the research laboratory in Kyoto, Japan has been studying the APTX4869 agent. Its effect is to induce programmed cell death, but at the same time strengthen the activity of telomerase, thereby increasing the proliferation ability of cells. Under normal circumstances, it will cause the death of the user, but due to the accidental effect of the cell self-destruction program, different effects will be produced.

“Judy, you are growing up, and I can’t breathe under pressure.” Nie Kong felt the elastic squeeze in his arms and said humorously.

“Not at all.”

Judy’s face turned pink, but she still held Nie Kong’s neck tightly.

Nie Kong put her arms around her and asked her about the FBI.

“Because our FBI agent Hideichi Akai had to leave Japan as a spy, I was sent to Japan to replace his work to investigate the black clothed organization. Mainly from the known eyeliner Akimi Miyano The investigation should be able to grasp their movements. Besides, I can visit the place where the Nie Kong big brother used to live in Japan by the way, so I rushed to come here to perform the task. Judy looked like she returned to the eight-nine year old. She shrank into Nie Kong’s arms and whispered.

“Miyano Akemi?” Nie Kong muttered to himself, and then continued: “Is she related to your intelligence agent Shuichi Akai?”

“Should No, it seems that Hideichi Akai wants to rescue her from the black clothed organization as the FBI witness protection object, but Miyano directly refused.” Judy replied.

“Then if there is any clue about them, Judy must inform me before acting, I don’t want you to be in any danger.” Nie Kong sighed, he naturally hoped Sister Mingmei and their sisters shouldn’t do anything wrong.

“Well, it belongs to our secret!” Judy loosened Nie Kong’s neck, and then exchanged his mobile phone number and mailbox number with Nie Kong.

Nie Kong told her not to tell anyone about her before she parted.

Judy watched Nie Kong’s silhouette disappear before she slowly suppressed her surprise and excitement, and turned back to her apartment. It seems that life at school will become very interesting in the future.

With the secret help of the Nie Kong big brother, she is very confident to wipe out the black clothed organizations base in Japan. Uncover Belmode, the enemy who killed his family and hid in Japan.

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