“Dad, you really are. Don’t make that embarrassing request.” After seeing Ayako’s disgust, Tomizawa hurriedly interrupted Tetsuji Tomizawa. . His father is good in everything, but he is particularly stubborn and believes oneself infallible, thinking that the world rotates according to him.

“hmph, you guys can figure it out by yourself. Yuzo, come with me, and I have something to say to you alone.” Tetsuji Tosawa glanced at Yusan with sharp eyes, and then took care of himself To leave.

Xiong San smiled apologetically to Nie Kong and the others, then followed his father and left the meeting hall. Great Xia is a 5-Star level hotel opened by the Suzuki family, so there are many separate suites. The two chaebols, Fuze and Suzuki, have a very good relationship, so they will hold the VIP card and specific rooms of the Suzuki Hotel.

“Uncle Tetsuji shouldn’t be angry,” Ayako said worriedly.

“Don’t care about the old fogey in our house. According to the current time, he should be going to watch a professional baseball game in Japan.” Tatsuji said heartlessly.

“Really.” Ayako clearly sighed in relief.

“Second Brother is right, but next time you should reject him directly, otherwise he will get an inch. Well, anyway, your sisters dont like our three brothers.” Ze Taichi also said with a drink. The two brothers didn’t seem to have the intention of contacting Ayako and the others. After a few words, they said goodbye to Nie Kong and they, each chatting and drinking with their favorite friends.

“Choosing and picking their three brothers who look exactly the same, there is no difference at all. It is hard to imagine what would happen if the elder sister were married and faced their family of four.” Yuanzi blinked. Eyes, laughing endlessly.

“Who…who said to marry them, I just treat them as ordinary friends, and I don’t feel about them.” Ayako said, shaking her head.

“What kind of boy does Ayako elder sister like?” Xiaolan asked aloud.

“Yeah, haven’t elder sister encountered a favorite in more than 20 years.” Yuanzi asked curiously.

“I know who Ayako’s elder sister likes.” After Nie Kong finished speaking, the three pairs of eyes stared at Nie Kong, like a hungry wolf’s green eyes.

“I guess probably, I probably like my dad.”

“Eh…Nie-san’s dad?” Yuanzi and Xiaolan cried out in shock. Ayako’s face turned red with a brush.

“Nie-san, you…why do you know?” Yuanzi looked at her elder sister’s expression, and she wondered if Nie Kong’s words were true or false.

“Aiya, no wonder Ayako used to say that she would marry Nie Kong when she was a child. It turned out not to be a joke.” Shiro Suzuki smiled bitterly.

“No…no, I just didn’t meet the right person, dad, leave it alone…” Ayako said weakly.

“But Nie-san’s father and son look exactly the same, Ayako, you should put your eyes on him, and father will support you.” Suzuki Shiro said.

“Dad…” Ayako spoiled, how could I stand their teasing. She covered her feverish cheek with her hands and hurried out.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi really stayed there for a while, and asked Ayako’s elder sister to transfer their affection to Nie-san, just…just kidding.


“Ah…There are…the dead in room 1501.” Halfway through the party, the girls screams broke the harmony atmosphere.

“Oops, isn’t that Dad’s room? What happened.” First, Tomozawa Brother complexion changed and hurriedly ran towards the direction of the voice.

Nie Kong muttered to himself, is Conan world going to die a day?

Bring Yuanzi and Xiaolan to Room 1501, they found a lot of people crowded there. Nie Kong pushed aside the crowd and saw the three brothers looking in the room anxiously. Although the door was opened with a crack, there was never an iron chain locked.

And Nie Kong and they opened through the cracked door, and Tetsuji Tosawa fell in a pool of blood in the room, and a sharp fruit knife was inserted in his heart. The TV he was facing was broadcasting a baseball game-the tenth game of Osaka VS Kyoto.

“Damn it, I can only knock it away now.” Taichi pushed away the two younger brothers, stepped back a few steps, and then slammed into the door. But it seemed that the doorway was a bit sturdy, so it couldn’t break open.

And he didn’t give up, he hit two or three times in a row, and finally, with the help of his two younger brothers, broke the chain in the room, and there was a loud bang at the door .

“Unrelated personnel, please don’t tamper with things on the scene.” Nie Kong responsibly blocked the unrelated personnel at the door, and followed the third brother to the corpse.

“Dad, daddy…you wake up.” The three brothers cried bitterly, calling out the dead Tozawa Tetsuji. Nie Kong touched his pulse, shook his head and said, “No, he is dead. Xiaolan, hurry up and call the police.”

It seems that he is accustomed to facing the dead, Xiaolan took it out after she recovered. I used my cell phone and dialed the police number in Mihua Market.

A few minutes later, Officer Mumu arrived with a dozen policemen. There are two very familiar, one is Takagi who is familiar with Nie Kong, and the other is a pretty beauty, but a bit worse than Xiaobi. The second flower of the Metropolitan Police Department, Mikako Sato.

Seeing Nie Kong, Mumu feels as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

“Really, I can see you everywhere, Nie-san.”

The beautiful police officer at the back laughed and thought Mimu’s words were very funny.

“Ah, is Miwako here too.” Nie Kong was surprised. She should be Xiaobi’s subordinate, how could she arrange it in the hands of Officer Mumu.

“There is nothing to be surprised, Officer Chiba has asked for leave, so I will temporarily replace him as an errand in the hands of Officer Megumi.” Miwako said with a smile.

“Stop talking nonsense, you hurry up and investigate.” Officer Mumu handed over the aftermath to them, and he was used to investigating the relevant figures of the deceased.

Nie Kong turned his attention to the scene of the crime after seeing that the police controlled the panic scene. He was also very curious about who killed Fuze Tetsuji.

Although I dont have a good impression of Tomisawa Tetsuji, if it is found out that the murderer is Yuzo Tomizawa who likes Ayako, it is really one move, two gains.

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