The windows and doors are locked from inside the house, and they cannot be opened even with a key. Because the door slammed open, a section of the chain was cut and fell on the floor.

“The name of the deceased was Fuze Tetsuchi, the chairman of the Fuze chaebol. He was 15 years old this year. The cause of death was a fatal blow from a fruit knife in the room. It is estimated that the time of death was three o’clock in the afternoon. By half past three. Judging from the fact that the window lock was also locked from the inside, it should be a homicide in a secret room, or a suicide case.” Officer Megome said thoughtfully.

“Since…suicide?” Yuzo looked at his father inconceivably. He knew his father’s character as his son Yuzo. Will a stubborn father who has always believed oneself infallible commit suicide?

“Police officer, from the fruit knife of the murder weapon, only the same fingerprints as Tetsuji Tomazawa were found.” Police Officer Takagi came to Mumu with the blood-stained weapon in a plastic bag in his hand.

“Speaking of the baseball game between Osaka and Kyoto, it seems that the Kyoto team won the final victory. And Dad has always been a fan of the Osaka team, and he will not commit suicide because of the disappointment of the team losing. Right.” eldest son Fuze Taichi said aloud.

“Oh, is your father really a fan of the Osaka team.” Officer Megome asked.

“Yes, Dad will watch every game about the Osaka team.” The three brothers replied in unison.

“so that’s how it is, there is a suicidal motive.” Officer Mumu nodded and said.

Nie Kong carefully looked at the scene of the crime. It would be strange if he believed that it was a suicide.

Finally, he found at the door the section of the iron chain that had fallen to the floor, but the broken gap was strange, it seemed that it hadn’t been broken by a violent blow. On the other side of the door, he made a new discovery-a broken cable tie.

Nie Kong smiled, so that’s how it is, he finally understands the method of the murderer’s chamber. The murderer must be one of the three brothers, especially he is most suspected, but now there is a lack of critical evidence.

“It seems that it is really a suicide. The three of you will go to the police station with me to make a transcript.” Officer Megumi has not found any suspicious points after investigating for a long time, so he can only regard it as a suicide. solve.

“Hold on, Officer Megome, don’t make a decision so quickly. According to my guess, it should be an intentional murder.” Nie Kong said aloud.

“As expected of Nie-san, it seems we can hear his reasoning show.” Yuanzi looked at Nie Kong with a star in her eyes.

“Hey, Nie-san! You said it was a murder, can you explain how the murderer appeared and disappear unpredictably from the secret room.” Police Officer Mumu asked.

“Look, that’s what I found from the room.” Nie Kong placed the easily overlooked section of the broken cable tie and chain in front of them.

“Do they have any problems?” Takagi asked bewildered.

“First of all, the section of the iron chain. If it is broken when the door is hit, the section that is broken will definitely be distorted. As you can see now, only one side of the gap is twisted. It seems to be cut with something. As for the cable tie, I think it is the key prop for the murderer to make the secret room.” After Nie Kong finished speaking, he locked the door with a cable tie in front of them, and then cut the two with the cable tie. The chain is bound. Because the broken place was just behind the door, and the cable tie was not visible from the outside, it should be a blind spot set by the murderer. Although Nie Kong opened the door and saw the chain, they couldn’t see the broken place.

“Like this, the secret room technique can be completed.” Nie Kong said.

The police officer Mumu was shocked, “so that’s how it is, it seems that the locked iron chain at the door has long been broken, and the murderer connected it with a tie. Immediately gather everyone and investigate them. The alibi. Nearly negligent made a big mistake, Officer Mumu issued a summoning order very seriously, and once again gathered the hundreds of people who were gathering into the hotel hall, and the dozens of police officers who brought them started asking them. Confession.

I can tell from other people that there are many who have no alibi, among which is included the three sons of the deceased.

“Yuzo, maybe you killed my dad. After 2:40, my dad met with you alone.” Taichi Fuze said aloud.

“Oh, really?” Officer Megome glanced at Yuzo.

“Big brother, what are you talking nonsense, I…how could I kill my father.” Xiong San was taken aback and explained hurriedly.

“Then can you explain what happened during that time.”

“Dad said something to me, so I followed him to the room. He talked to me Regarding Ayakos opinion, I replied that he was very beautiful, gentle and virtuous. Then he asked me to try to marry Ayako home to strengthen the relationship between the two families. I really didnt kill my dad. When I left, my dad watched the baseball live on TV. The game.” Xiong San whispered.

After police officer Mumu took notes last night, he turned and looked towards the other person, and said, “Tomisawa Taichi, what were you doing during that time?”

” It was convenient to go to the toilet at o’clock, and he could prove it.” Taichi pointed to one of the young men with short hair in a suit and said.

“Yes… Yes, I just saw him go in when I came out of the toilet.” The short-haired young man said honestly.

As for Fu Zeda II, it is said that on the rooftop of the top floor, they are talking about business with other companies. But when the talk was over, the time was exactly 3 o’clock and 10 points, and there was no proof of absence.

“Our three brothers have no motive to kill our own father at all.” Da’er said dissatisfiedly.

Sergeant Megome was also a bit sorry, and turned to question other suspects.

After seeing Nie-san disappeared, Xiaolan looked around and found that Nie Kong was pulling a hotel attendant to question, and then gestured to the side.

“Nie-san, do you have any findings.” Xiaolan squatted in front of him, her long eyelashes blinking.

“Yes, yes, tell us first.” Yuan Zijiao said quietly.

“Well, I should understand who is the murderer, and the key evidence should be there.” Nie Kong said with a slight smile.

“Nie-san, hurry up and solve the case, Uncle Tomazawa was murdered in our Suzuki Hotel, it’s pitiful.” Yuanzi said.

He can’t go wrong with the murderer, no wonder his actions before then were so abnormal.

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