After getting out of the car, Judy slowly lurked towards the abandoned warehouse. She intends to use the means of ambush against Gin and them, which is a habit she has developed during the FBI mission.

As the old rivals of the FBIuntil now, the black clothed organization, Judy knows how powerful they are. Even when Nie Kong is present, she dare not be careless. What’s more, now she only sees the Porsche parked outside, and she doesn’t know anything about the enemy.

But Nie Kong didn’t have time to spend time with Judy, because Miyano Akemi was in a bad situation. As Bellmode said, Nie Kong wouldn’t be bored to play FBI spy tricks. He would rush into it and bring them out of gin, like a pet. Especially now in Conans world, Nie Kong doesnt have to worry about anything.

Seeing Nie Kong rushing towards the abandoned warehouse with a gun directly moved towards the front door, such a reckless move almost frightened Judy. She can only follow closely behind Nie Kong, keeping her eyes on the situation of all around, covering for Nie Kong.

In the wide warehouse, Akemi Miyano and a man in a black suit, sunglasses and felt hat face each other with pistols. The man has been grinning sneer.

Although they can’t hear what they said, they talked a little unpleasantly, and the surrounding atmosphere was brewing with strong murderous intention.

Miyano Akemi obviously has no experience in shooting. She may not even consider the possibility of shooting. On the one hand, he has no battle strength and fear of black clothed organizations. On the other hand, he has no concept of killing people. She is just a peripheral member of the black clothed organization. She has lived the life of an ordinary girl since she was a child, unlike her younger sister Shiho Miyano who has lived in the organization since she was a child and has been specially trained by the organization.

“Is there only vogat?” Judy recognized the black clothed man in front of him at a glance, but it is strange that vogat always runs behind the gin butt, they rarely act alone Right.

Worrying about an ambush, Judy checked several times and found nothing suspicious. She regretted not having the chance to seize the gin, but she was also fortunate to face only one enemy.

Peng sound, Vogat suddenly pulled the trigger at Mingmei. However, Vogat was surprised to find that Mingmei stood in front of him safe and sound, but her face was a little pale.

“We have long time no see, Vogat.” It turned out that behind Mingmei, someone hugged her and avoided her shooting.

Vogat startedled and looked towards the direction of the sound involuntarily. Although Nie Kong had a handsome smile on his face, he felt like seeing a devil in his heart, and his gun hand was shaking.

“You…Aren’t you dead? How could it be you!” Vogat’s face was sweating with big drops, as if his hands and feet were not under his control.

“Do you think you can kill me with a few rubbish?” Nie Kong disdain to say with a smile.

Judys hard to believe, always killing without blinking an eye vodka, when facing the Nie Kong big brother, there will be such a useless side, the Nie Kong big brother’s shocking power is too strong. Got it.

“No, I don’t believe I can’t kill you.” He suppressed his heart palpitations and shot Nie Kong and Mingmei non-stop, but every shot was missed.

“Hehe, have you forgotten what happened more than ten years ago? I really admire your courage to shoot at me.”

Vogat found out in a panic, Nie Kong, his pistol flexibly turned a few times between his fingers, and finally turned the muzzle towards himself.

“It’s my turn now.”

Vogat is terrified. Now, where does he take care of what tasks, the most important thing is to get back alive from Nie Kong and send the news Tell the gin big brother they know. Although his own body is a bit bloated, I believe that few people can match his agility.

Vogat leaped and rolled a few times on the ground, and moved towards the warehouse door rushed. As long as he exits that door, he is impossible to hit himself.

Unfortunately, his wish is good, but the reality is cruel. When he first walked out the door, he noticed a pain in his leg and suddenly couldn’t use his strength. Voga took a specific look, and there was a blood hole in his leg, and his eyes were full of terror. Sure enough, he is the only one who has that magical Spear Art.

“Boom…” The gunshot in Nie Kong’s hand rang again, and he immediately pierced the right hand of Vogat with the gun, avoiding the possibility of his shooting suicide!

“Little Judy, now you can catch him alive.” Nie Kong instructed.


I saw Nie Kongs actual combat Spear Art for the first time, and Judys understanding of Nie Kong reached a new level. She was un’ed happily and quickly called other FBI intelligence agents in Japan to send them.

Miyano Akemi, who was almost alive, recovered from the shock. She looked up carefully on her beautiful oval face. With her big eyes, she looked towards the man who defeated Vogat and saved her from him.

He has a world unique and unmatched face, exudes a unique temperament, and almost attracts all of her mind. Especially the smile on her cheeks, she has an unprecedented intimacy. The fuzzy silhouette in my childhood memory became clear immediately after seeing Nie Kong.

“Well, Mingmei is not dreaming, are you really Nie Kong…Nie Kong Uncle.” A layer of mist emerged from her big eyes, which flowed continuously after wa’ed Tears came out, as if to cry out all the grievances and pains received. Even if she is dreaming, Mingmei will feel very happy.

“Xiao Mingmei, I came back to see you. I haven’t seen you in more than ten years. You have grown into a beautiful girl.”

I heard a 14-year-old girl called My Uncle, Nie Kong is really uncomfortable. But seeing Mingmei remembering herself, Nie Kong was also very happy. Although there is a problem with seniority, it is not a big problem.

side Judy put her hands on the side, watching them closely. No wonder the Nie Kong big brother came to his apartment to inquire about the situation as soon as he heard of Miyano’s accident. They didn’t expect that they would know each other.

She seems a bit regretful to tell Nie Kong about Miyano Akemi. She knew how good she would be to solve it alone. Hmm, Akemi Miyano is such a nasty woman. She dared to hug her Nie Kong big brother like this. She has never done it before.

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