A dozen minutes later, a black business car parked outside the abandoned warehouse, and a strong man got out of the car. He has a weird haircut, and his body is a bit stronger than the middle way and the spirit.

“Hey, Andrey, who do you think we caught?” Judy greeted the American robust man in front of him happily.

Andre glanced at Judy, and when he saw Vogat struggling under her feet, he couldn’t help but startled. Some time ago, while performing a mission with Shuichi Akai, it was his mistake that led to the failure of the secret arrest of Gin. How could Andre not know the younger brother of Gin.

“Ju…Judy, you caught Vogat alive?” How powerful is Vogat, even if you are in danger, only Shuichi Akai in the organization has a chance of winning . However, the result of the matter was unexpected. Could it be that Judy is deeply hidden until now.

“Well, let’s take him back to the FBI headquarters in Japan. You should be able to get valuable information from him.” Judy said. Although he is only the younger brother of Gin, but the information that Gin understands, Vogat will also understand more or less, and their relationship is comparable to a biological brother.

Andre nodded, squatted down and helped Vogat to the carriage behind the commercial vehicle.

“By the way, Nie Kong big brother and Miyano Akimi are coming too.” At the end Judy’s jewel-like green eyes stared at the two who have not been separated until now, feeling like Unknown fire broke out.

Andre seems to have only noticed Nie Kong and the others. Among them, he only recognizes the identity of the investigating Akemi Miyano, but he is very strange to Nie Kong. So Andrey was surprised why Judy brought them all back to the FBI.

Mingmei seems to be scared because she knows what she has done. According to the law, the crime of bank robbery requires at least 30 years of imprisonment! ! Although the FBI Intelligence Bureau is very difficult to deal with, they are impossible to cover Miyano Akemi. In the final analysis, it is also an organization that specializes in dealing with crime.

“No, I will arrange Mingmei by myself. After your FBI has Vogat, she shouldn’t have to participate in any witness protection plan. She is of no use to you.” Nie Kong refused. Said.

“What are you kidding about, what about her safety?” Andrey said dissatisfiedly.

“Of course I will be responsible for protecting Mingmei’s safety, at least it is much safer than staying with you.” Nie Kong ignored them and pulled Mingmei into his car.

Andrey wanted to say something, but Judy stopped him with a stern look.

“Well, Nie Kong big brother, you should pay more attention to yourself. If something happens, you have to call me.” After that, Judy sat on Andrey’s The co-pilot position.

She did not dare to let Andredo say that she was afraid that Nie Kong would be angry with herself. Compared with the contributions made by Nie Kong’s big brother, there is nothing at worst about helping Nie Kong shelter a bank robber, even though she hates Mingmei a bit.


The two cars drove in different directions. Nie Kong’s red sports car drove to their apartment, and they went to the FBI station in Kyoto.

“Thank you very much, Nie Kong Uncle.” Sitting on the side of Nie Kong, Mingmei said softly.

“You are welcome, Mingmei call me Nie-san. Your title seems to call me very old.” Nie Kong said indifferently.

“Seriously, is Nie-san really the Nie Kong Uncle I saw more than ten years ago? Why doesn’t it seem to have changed at all.” Mingmei’s sad pretty face suddenly laughed. As gorgeous as a flower blooming.

“Of course, I remember when I first met you, you were only a little bit older. At that time, you were very naughty and mischievously hid all the microphones you used during the party.”


“Yes, I was really happy back then. Moreover, my father and mother are still alive.” At this point, her tone became a little heavy again, perhaps because she missed her father and mother.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of your sisters in the future.” Nie Kong comforted her.

“By the way, my younger sister Zhiho is still in the organization, can Nie-san beg you to rescue her.” Her face changed suddenly and said anxiously to Nie Kong.

“Do you know where she is, for example, which base in Japan.”

“no! Since the last time a Morohei spy appeared, they put The base moved to another place, and I haven’t seen the younger sister in the organization for a long time.” Mingmei said sadly.

“I know the dangers of the organization, so in order to break away from the control of the black clothed organization with my younger sister, I used a university professor to help me name it as Hirota Masami. As long as I can complete the robbery assigned by the organization They agreed to let us leave for the task of 1 billion yen. However, they didnt expect them to go back. Vogat said that the younger sister is an excellent scientist in the organization. She is different from me. The black clothed organization needs it. Her research. It turns out that they at first didn’t plan to let us go, they just used us, and then they wanted to kill me.”

Mingmei carefully said the conversation with Vogat just now.

“According to what Vogat said, your younger sister is not in danger for the time being. As long as I find out her location, I will try my best to rescue her. But you are so stupid, it is true Did you rob the bank?”

“I’m sorry, although I was involved in the bank robbery, but they weren’t killed by me, they were killed by vogat.” Mingmei hurriedly said.

“I know, how can the gentle Mingmei hurt others. Don’t worry, as long as you get back 1 billion yen from the bank, I will help you erase all the charges. Nothing else. Said, the police in Kyoto trust my reasoning very much.”

“en! I really cant go to jail before I rescue the younger sister. Nie-san, you will forgive my behavior. “She put her face on Nie Kong’s shoulder and said weakly.

Nie Kong controls the steering wheel with one hand, touches her soft hair comfortingly with the other, and said thoughtfully: “Yes.”

Even the ruthless Belmode, Nie Kong will not mind, because he only cares about people who are important to him. For him, morality and human life in 2D are really cheap.

Her oval face slowly relieved, and after telling the secrets buried in her heart, she felt a lot more comfortable. Now that Nie Kong is supporting herself, she is no longer alone.

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