After hanging up the phone, Gin pulled out the phone card and threw it out of the car window. His expression remained silent, and he diverted back to the base of the organization with a stinky face full of murderous intention.

“Gin, Shirley kept asking her elder sister Akemi Miyano’s situation with the boycott method that interrupted medicine research. What do you want to do with her?” Just returned to the base, Pixar Asked the gin wine aloud.

“Tell her the truth directly, her elder sister was killed by us.” Gin said coldly. He thought Vogat had already successfully killed Miyano Akemi, compared to Miyano Akemi An ordinary person.

“What if she continues to stop research to resist our organization? Miyano Akemi has no effect on our organization, but we need Shirley’s mind to develop medicine.”

” Enough, can’t you solve a little thing by yourself.” Gin pulled Pixar’s collar hard, and the killing intent eyes on Gin made him afraid.

Realizing that gin is obviously different from usual, Pixar didn’t dare to make him angry. He is absolutely ruthless and will never dare to kill himself because he is an organized person.

“Hug…sorry, I know what to do.”

“hmph, medicine has reached the stage of experimentation, it can do without her! The disobedient child, only Can kill them all.” He pushed Pixar away forcefully, then moved towards the organization’s central building.

Pixar became a little stiff when he heard the meaning of gin. He complained in his heart, which plague god had annoyed the killing god in the organization.

“Damn Shirley, I hope you can learn to be smart.” After cursing to himself, Pixar rolled back to the research room under his jurisdiction. In fact, he didn’t plan to kill Shirley either, because Miyano had a good relationship with him, and she was the only one left in the Miyano family. The rest will be killed by the organization, which is a bit pitiful.

Now Shirley can only be held for a few days, I hope she can figure it out by herself. The elder sister died if she died, but she must be strong and live.

At the same time, Gin came to the core part of the organization, using computers to urgently contact the members of the organization. He didn’t tell the boss about the arrest of Vogat, because he believed he could settle that little thing.

As my partner for more than ten years, I was so careless that I was caught by the FBI. About his face.

“Didi…” When the computer projection reaches the wall, you can see a man and a woman on the screen. The man’s dress is no different from that of vogat, but thinner than vogat.

Women are ugly, with short golden hair. The facial features look hideous because of the heavy makeup, and the left eye has a swallowtail butterfly tattoo and often paints heavy eye shadows.

The two men were holding rifles in their hands at this time, as if they were practicing sniper killing. The use of high-tech virtual scenes and characters is no different from real killings.

When you look at the two of them, you know that, like gin and vogat, they are partners in the organization.

“Oh, it turned out to be gin. You suddenly interrupted our training, what’s the matter.” Chianti shouted at the gin, carrying the sniper rifle. They who have always killed people like scything flax are naturally not afraid of gin.

“Chianti, Cohen, where are you doing your mission now?” Gin asked lightly.

“We are in London now. The mission sent by the organization is to kill a certain congressman.” Cohen replied said.

“Abandon that task, you two will come to Japan as soon as possible, I will explain to the organization.” Gin said without any doubt.

“Why?” Chianti’s tone was a little uncomfortable.

“Its okay to tell you in advance that Vogat was caught by the FBI, and our organization may conflict with them.” Gin told them the truth.

“Yeah, it turns out that Gin you are trying to save your partner. Say it early. Okay, we will leave as soon as possible.” Chianti seemed a little happy to hear that Gin cares about his partner. , Maybe Chianti is also a person who cares about his partner.

“But the weird thing is that the group of FBI fools in the United States can actually catch vodka alive. It’s really incredible.” Cohen seemed to perceive the strangeness and whispered strangely.

“No, dont underestimate the FBI. Some time ago, an FBI intelligence agent lurked to our base and set a trap to capture me and Vogat alive. At that time, they were only because of the FBIs personal error. No success.” Gin said solemnly.

“We will probably have a head-on conflict with the FBI on this trip, but the mission we invite you to perform is not to save Vogat. It’s good to be able to save him. If it doesn’t work, we must kill as much as possible. He can protect the intelligence of our organization. Your sniper ability in the organization ranks in the top five. I cant deal with the FBI alone, so you should need your help.”

, Gin’s eyes flashed fiercely.

Chianti wanted to persuade him something, but Cohen took her hand by the side and motioned her not to speak.

In the heart of Gin Wine, it is not the most important companion. The first thing in my heart is always the organization, which can be said to be loyal to the BOSS.

“Well, it might be really exciting to be able to fight against the US FBI intelligence agent. With us here, we will definitely be able to kill all the FBI people, and then save Vogat safe and sound. Come out.” Chianti regained his excitement in his eyes, with a hint of blood.

“I hope so, of course, we must kill Vogat as the first task before the action.”

“Understand, we will set out to Japan now, and as far as possible tomorrow Arrived before.” Cohen nodded said.

“Try to be early, because I guess the FBI will also ask for rescuers. Before you come, I will find out where the vogat is held.”

Gin nodded , Closed the contact image for them. He knew that his little brother was impossible to leak out the organization in a short time. Once tortured for a long time, he was not sure whether Vogat could persist.

So in order to ensure the safety of the organization, vogat must be killed. He has followed himself for more than ten years, knowing too much, and he feels terrifying too much.

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