“I’m going to work, you two, don’t mess around in broad daylight.”

After hearing Xiaobi’s words, Mingmei made a “puff” face It turned red, and the milk in his mouth almost spurted out.

She pulled the loose pajamas with her little hand, and said faintly: “Nie…Nie-san, what a good thing, Sister Xiaobi will not misunderstand…misunderstand our relationship. Right.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s probably because your clothes are very sexual and sexy, so Xiaobi deliberately made fun of us.” It seems that because of the sudden move to Nie Kong’s apartment, what is Mingmei? Not ready, still wearing the pajamas Xiaobi lent her. However, Xiaobi’s figure is mature and plump, and Mingmei seems to be a few sizes older when she wears it. The key lies in her lack of underwear, a vacuum under her loose pajamas. Nie Kong can faintly see her flesh-colored skin and the contours of all parts of her body from the thin fibers of pajamas and pajamas. Although not as big as Xiaobi, Mingmei really has a foreigner’s bloodline, which is two sizes bigger than Xiaolan, a high school student.

Perceiving Nie Kongs eyes, she shyly stopped her hand in the empty collar in front of Hungary, and whispered: “Nie…Nie-san, you can accompany me to the old apartment today to clean up Baggage.”

“Its okay, but do you want to go out in that pajamas.”

“No…no, I changed clothes last night, now It should be done.”

“Okay, but I have to wait until I finish my breakfast.” Nie Kong said.

“Well, Nie-san, don’t worry, I have to pack the tableware later.” With Mingmei’s help in housework, it can save Xiaobi a lot.

After a brief breakfast, Mingmei ran to the balcony dedicated to drying clothes, took down the beige LO suit she wore yesterday, and then returned to the bedroom to replace Xiaobis pajamas.

After she put on her apron and washed the dishes, Nie Kong and she left the apartment to organize a temporary residence specially prepared for her. Nie Kong went with Judy yesterday, so I can still remember the journey.

Mingmei lives on the fifth floor, but she keeps putting the spare key on the bottom of the flowerpot next to the door, really lacking security awareness.

After opening the door, Nie Kong carefully looked at the environment inside the house. He found that there were signs of turning inside the room, but Mingmei, who was not insightful, could not tell.

The people of the black clothed organization sent someone to search her residence. Who would it be? When Nie Kong’s nose smelled the familiar scent of cigarettes in the air, he showed a suddenly realized expression.

“The scent lingering in the air has not completely dissipated. It seems that she has just left not very long. Or is she just hiding in a corner of the room coveting us.”

Nie Kong smiled softly, his nose followed the scent and began to search. First, I opened the crease sofa, and then opened Mingmei’s wardrobe, but there was a lot of Mingmei’s girl body fragrance inside, and I couldn’t tell.

It spreads along the closet until it faces the balcony. Nie Kong Spiritual Consciousness spread around 30 metres. Sure enough, at the corner of the balcony of the apartment, she saw a beautiful figure hiding there, where she was relaxing with smoke rings.

Wearing a black dress, nails and lips are painted scarlet, like a fallen angel in the dark. She exudes a dark beauty, even stronger than Kuangsan.

“You pack your luggage yourself, I will go to the balcony to take a look at the scenery.”

“en.” With a male child from Nie Kong, Mingmei feels so shy. Especially when he was packing his cute underwear and nasty pants, how could he stand his direct stare?

Without waiting for Belmode’s response, Nie Kong opened the balcony door directly. When he saw Nie Kong, the cigarette in Belmode’s hand suddenly fell, staring at Nie Kong in a daze.

As a well-known high school detective in Kanto, in fact, many members of the black clothed organization knew his existence, but they checked for a long time, only to prove that the two Nie Kongs are not the same person.

But to be more specific, Belmode is the first time I have met with the “son” of Nie Kong. So she was stunned, because Nie Kong was very similar to her ten years ago. No, it’s the same person! !

“Aiya, its so good to keep, it doesnt look like a 50-year-old old woman.” Nie Kong grabbed her silver hair with one hand and pulled her pretty face up to face Squeezed herself, and then pressed her body on the balcony.

Bell Mode is in ones heart trembled, suddenly unable to give birth to the thought of resisting him, so familiar and overbearing. I guessed right, Nie-san, he really wasn’t dead.

“Hehe, you don’t look like an uncle in your 40s, right.” Her jade hand took advantage of Nie Kong’s neck, and the big white legs under the skirt gently nipped Nie Kong’s waist. , Giving out a snake charm smile.

“Nie-san, you really are not dead. I guess Im right, there are only a few people in the world who can catch vodka alive, so Im a big I came to search early.”

“Yes, is your organization ready for despair.”

Nie Kong leaned over and pressed her vermilion lips hard. Only seeing Belmode frown and saw a little scarlet blood flowing out of their connecting mouths, he bit his lips.

The taste of blood is mixed with the taste of Nie Kong. Belmode enjoys the bloody mouth of Nie Kong. And she always smiled, leaning back to match Nie Kong’s big hands. Although she was able to remain calm, the flush on her cheeks betrayed her.

“Who knows, I dont care much about the organization right now. But Nie-san, Gin and the others should be ready to act. The FBI kids cant stop them. You yesterday Everything you do may fall short.”

“What anxious, I have time to play with them, and now I don’t like them at all.” Nie Kong said, fingers took off her panties. knee. In the corner of the balcony, he became one with her.

“Say…I mean, if Nie-san wants to destroy the organization, it should be with no difficulty. Um…”

After more than ten years, Bell Mode once again experienced the joy of being fit, and couldn’t help calling out.

“Keep your voice down.”

“You’re so… so bold, aren’t you afraid that people inside will see it.”

“What do you think. “

“Woo, since you are not afraid, then what can I take care of. I…I found myself thinking about you a little bit for more than ten years.” Belmod took the initiative to clamp Nie Kong, bumping on him.

Because it has been more than ten years, Belmod, who has not received such a strong stimulus for a long time, vents and can only hold on for seven or eight minutes under Nie Kong.

“Nie-san…I…I heard a strange voice, what did you do outside.” Behind Nie Kong, Mingmei’s lovely voice suddenly came.

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