Driven by Nie Kong, Nie Kong and his group of five set out from Osaka moving towards Kyoto.

“How about, I said there is no case.” Nie Kong looked towards the server department on the side with contempt. It is said that since he knew where Nie Kong was going, he directly called Police Officer Otaki of the Metropolitan Police Department to check the information.

“Are you sure you are going to the Tokura Mansion on the boundary between Saitama Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture?” Hattori said strangely.

“Of course, is there any problem.”

“haha, Nie Kong, you really are going to investigate the murder that happened there half a year ago. According to Otaki Police Officer , Six months ago, a strange murder occurred outside the forest in front of the foreign mansion. It seems that it is not wrong to follow you.” Hattori looked directly at Nie Kong with bright eyes and said with joy.

“Don’t crack a joke, how did you Osaka Metropolitan Police know about the murders in Gunma Prefecture, Kyoto?” Nie Kong was taken aback, with a little disbelief in his eyes.

“Because Saitama and Gunma prefectures belong to the border of the two cities, Kyoto gave it to the Osaka Police Department to manage. And half a year ago, a house was found outside the mansion. Female corpse. It is said that the female corpse was tied upside down on a cross-pile, and the death was terrible. The woman was working as a maid in the mansion, and the death of the corpse was very strange.” Hattori paused, using a low-pitched one. The tone said, rendering the atmosphere in the car a little frightening. And it was past seven o’clock in the night, and the darkness added a bit of terror.

“Why is it weird?” Xiaolan asked puzzledly.

“It was a pair of old man women who found the corpse. They said that the skin of the corpse was pale. At first, they mistakenly thought it was a bear-proof scarecrow. I originally thought the deceased was bleeding to death by cutting the artery, but Officer Otaki Said that no fatal wound was found in the deceased’s body, only two small mouths were found in the neck!” Hattori said quietly.

“The neck has only…two small mouths, and died of blood loss?” The three women shrank, feeling a chill in their back. For one to explain, only Vampire’s.

“Hey, Nie Kong, do you believe in the existence of Vampire in the world?” Hattori said with a smile.

“Ah…no…No way!” Yuanzi and Heye immediately screamed in fright and hugged Xiaolan who was sitting in the middle. As Xiaolan tightened the arms of the two women, she was actually no less afraid than them. No, Xiao Lan is most afraid of ghosts and monsters.

“Asshole, black charcoal boy, don’t make up terrifying stories to make you scary. There is no Vampire zombie in the world.” Yuanzi glared at him, his big eyes full of irritation.

“You are so annoying.” He Ye looked towards Hattori coldly, wishing to stab him out of the car with a sword.

“I just said it according to the words of Officer Otaki. I naturally don’t believe in the content of the rumors, maybe it is just a method of murder by the murderer.” Hattori let go.

Nie Kong laughed dumbfounded after listening. Someone dared to call himself Vampire in front of him. It seems that things have become quite interesting.

“Have you not caught the murderer by the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department.”

“no!! First of all, at first, the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department suspected the Master Tokura Sakiya of the mansion Sir. Because before the murder, the maid complained to the chef of the mansion, saying that Master had become very terrifying recently, and felt that there would be a mortal danger, and wanted to quit the maids job. But strangely, he was completely absent. Proof. During the period of time when the maids death was speculated, Master had been sleeping in the room. Ironically, it was the chef of the mansion who proved that! Hattori said in simple terms the entire process of development of the case Came out.

“so that’s how it is, things are a bit not simple.” Nie Kong got a general understanding of the case. Now that the inheritance meeting is held, it will inevitably be different from the murder six months ago. relationship.

“Master…Master was invited to the Tokura Mansion and said that she would participate in their property inheritance meeting. She wouldn’t be in any danger, right.” He Ye said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, even if the murderous Vampire does appear, basically no one can hurt her with her strength. Besides, we may be able to get there one step earlier than her.” Her safety It can be guaranteed, but it is estimated to be involved in trouble.



“Yes, let’s find out the murderer who pretends to be Vampire. “Hattori’s eyes are full of excitement, and every time he encounters a case, he becomes extremely enthusiastic.

Nie Kong’s mood is completely different from him, just thinking that after seeing Jinghua, she has to beat her fiercely and let her know the consequences of daring to let her dove.


Driving the Suzuki’s sports car, Nie Kong drove to Gunma Prefecture at high speed with the maximum capacity they could bear. Gunma Prefecture is currently more than 80 kilometers from Kyoto, and only more than 100 kilometers from Osaka.

Nie Kong and it took them an hour and a half to finally reach the huge mansion behind the forest under Heye’s guidance.

They looked at the house in front of them and found that the mansion was really as magnificent as a castle. The house is protected by a wall more than three meters high, and the only exit is the iron gate.

Their ancestors really deserve to be famous. No wonder their inheritance meeting specifically repeatedly invited Jinghua to attend. Perhaps because there are few guests, the security guard at the door is asking Nie Kong their names.

After Nie Kong said Jinghua’s name, an old man in a steward suit came out to receive him in person.

“My name is Koga, and I am Steward from the Tokura’s family. Did you come here with Jinghua Young Lady?” Steward asked kindly.

“Yes, Jinghua should have arrived.”

“Yes, Jinghua Young Lady just arrived, please come with me.” Koga Steward said , Personally greeted them in front of Jinghua in the mansion.

Jinghua, who was sipping tea in the living room, saw Heye and Nie-san appear in front of him, and she couldn’t help but squirt out all the tea.

“You…Why are you here.”

Facing Nie Kong, her pretty face showed an unnatural slightly red.

“Master, He Ye is worried about you.” He Ye stood beside Jinghua obediently, and said softly.

Jinghua glared at her discipline, knowing that she brought Nie-san and the others.

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