“hmph, I had a lot to say to you, but you let me dove?” Nie Kong sat in front of her and looked at her softly and calmly s eyes.

The expression in her eyes suddenly became flustered and confused. She really couldn’t tell which Nie-san he was in front of her. If… if you hugged him with the last time, Xiaobi and the others would laugh, and they would say that they can’t tell the man they like?

“Wait… after finishing the Tokura family affairs, we… shall we talk about it then.” Jinghua said softly.

“Well, then you will come back to Kyoto with me by the way.” Knowing that Xiaolan and the others are watching them curiously, it is not suitable for them to say something intimate with her. And Nie Kong originally planned to live alone with her in Osaka. Who knew that Jinghua was suddenly going back to Kyoto.

“After dinner, the conversation about inheritance, Jinghua Young Lady, please wait a moment. The chefs are about to prepare dinner, they should be coming soon.” Steward Koga bowed his waist and Xiang Jing Hua said apologetically.

While Koga was talking, a beautiful little maid slowly came in pushing the dining trolley, and placed the silver tableware on the rectangular table in front. Seeing the aristocratic dining arrangement, He Ye and Xiaolan stared roundly and looked left and right. They could only see it on TV and movies. On the other hand, Yuanzi said he had seen too much, saying that he was not surprised.

“Who are you guys? Could it be that you are the illegal children of the big brother.” Suddenly there was a cold and shrill woman’s voice, out of curiosity, Xiaolan and Yuanzi who were observing the castle .

Xiaolan and the others turned around and saw that there was a gloomy face of a middle-aged woman in her 40s. They compared with Jinghua and found that Jinghua seemed to be only 25~26 years old, almost twenty years younger. Jinghua is beautiful and gentle, but the women who appear show her ugly side, wearing thick makeup, her personality is not comparable at all.

“Liu Li, how could it be possible. If that’s the case, why would the big brother call us to the mansion?” There was a middle-aged man with glasses behind, squinting and smiling, replied.

Looking at his nickname, he should be married to a woman. Steward introduced to the side that she turned out to be the second son of the Tokura family, Asanobu Tokura.

“Yes, if it is really an illegal child, the impossible legacy of the mitigation will be left to our brother sister.” Behind it came out an Obasan with a face full of faces, 60 years old, But he was actually dressed very brightly. Morito Tokura, the eldest daughter of the Tokura family!

“My dear, that’s hard to say. Didn’t he bring back a young and beautiful fiancee who was very different in age and brought a child many years ago. Even if there are two or three illegality children, that is not enough. Be surprised. Well, although she died unexpectedly a few years ago, maybe it is really lucky for you.” The man who appeared behind Obasan had long hair in a golden shawl, a handsome but frivolous appearance. He is about 30 years old and his name is Yukawa Tiaoping. But listening to what he called Obasan, he turned out to be the lover of 60-year-old Obasan?

Nie Kong is really hard to imagine, he felt that old woman, Tokura Shou, who can be a mother, was pressed under him. How much courage is needed.

And hearing his embarrassing words, the second son’s face looked a bit ugly.

“Hey, you will speak in that tone again next time, be careful I can’t spare you!” A hand from behind grabbed his collar and said coldly. Hagawa Johei looked back, and turned out to be the third male Tokura Kishi of the Tokura family! He is a bit rough and really scary when angry.

However, Yukawa Johei joked, “Isnt it? You actually think that way. Oh, whats wrong, dont you have a lover with a child? What kind of bad feelings.”

“What are you talking about, bastard.” Just as the three men were going to get fat and beat Hakawajo, there was a girl in her twenties with glasses who planned to fight them. .

“Dont talk about lover topics, anyway, I am a father and lover. Legally speaking, if there are only brother sisters, the inherited property will be divided equally, so lets get along well. “The bastard girl Torakura Mina leaned against the wall, and said coldly with her hands in her arms.

Nie Kong tweeted steward, and asked softly: “What happened? It seems that their big brother is not dead at all. Why are the brothers fighting for inheritance?”

“Yes, the maid complained about Master becoming terrible six months ago.” Hattori continued.

“No, Lord, he has an incurable disease, and he only has about half a year to live. As for the horror, he has become quite strange a few months ago, as if to hide from the sun during the day I kept shutting myself to sleep in the house, and suddenly said that I was allergic to the silver tableware I loved before, so I threw them all away. A few days ago I even suddenly smashed the bowl I had always liked to add garlic soup to flies into a rage Saying that blood will rot, stop putting garlic!” Steward Koga replied with a wry smile.

“It’s almost like Vampire.” Hattori said in surprise.

“That’s right, it’s not a day or two for the big brother to become strange. Fortunately, the doctor said he only has three months to live, so I dare to come to the meeting.” Shouyu said with a wrinkled face.

“Yes, after all, the invitation says that those who don’t attend can’t get the inheritance.” said her lover Yukawa Johei.

“By the way, I almost forgot, may I ask you who are…” the second man asked in confusion.

“Jinghua Chiba, the current Hall Master of Chiba Gymnasium. Several of us were invited by Steward Koga to host the inheritance meeting of your Torakura family.” Jinghua answered calmly.

“What, did you know Chi Poryu, our retainer of Daimyo Tokura during the Warring States Period?” They all exclaimed, with respect in their eyes. It has been circulated a long time ago that whoever received the support of Ikeburi in the Tokura family can truly inherit the position of the daimyo.

She came to be the host, it was indeed very suitable, of course they did not dare to say anything against it.

“Um… the chef asked me to ask if it is possible to serve it. But if you have not finished talking, then I will tell the chef to wait…” suddenly came out from behind the mansion I asked a very beautiful maid to them cautiously.

“No, let’s serve the food directly, we can talk and eat.” The second son Ma Xin was instructed.

“Well, after all, you are just a child brought back by that lover, and inheriting property has nothing to do with you.” The eldest daughter Shou and squinted said.

It turns out that she is the child of the lover brought back by the Tokura family a few years ago, called Hinohara Hikaru.

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