If they didn’t use Fujiko ‘s threat, Lupin and the others would not take that organization seriously. So after rescuing Fujiko, Lupin III declared them out. In the end, the only thing that can win the gems is the decision between them and the lady of the thief.

At this time, after hearing the leader of the team, the four of Lupin saw a man in a black cloak coming out of their car. He had a strange black mask on his face, with three red gems inlaid like eyeballs.

Nie Kong can see that his body is full of ghastly and evil murderous aura, from this we can know that he often kills people and should be the killer they invited. Fearing that Lupin and the others would backtrack, they hid their hands.

“ji_ ji_…” He let out a cold laugh, opened his hands and slowly floated to a height of three meters in the air, and stopped there as if he could overcome gravity. Nie Kong From behind him, they can see the golden mesh thread like spider web. The nickname is really a spider, and his words and deeds fit the form of a spider.

“Mysterious thief lady and Lupin III, welcome to your nightmare.” Lupin III and they almost found that the sky was so dark that there was no light at all, only the three scarlet eyes in his mask were glowing.

“What, hypnotism?” Lupin III looked at the Dark Space where they suddenly arrived, and said in surprise.

“Sure enough, he is the world’s top famous professional killer phantom spider!!” Dimension Daisuke replied solemnly, using hypnotism to kill, you can’t guard against it! !

“He actually hypnotized us all at once. It’s incredible. Although he knew it was a fake fantasy, he couldn’t wake up himself.” Ishikawa Goemon was alert, His hand was already on the knife.

However, the eyes of the three jewels of the spider turned a bit, and the Lupin and the four had no time to resist, as if they were hung into the dark mid-air by inexplicable traction and stuck on the giant spider web. They struggled with their hands and feet, but they still couldn’t break free from the shackles of the spider web.

“haha…” There was crazy laughter from the dark space, and even the dozen or so men wearing black clothed shivering.

“Oops, how can I get rid of hypnosis? Wow, are we going to die. Fujiko, you can kiss me before you die.” Lupin stretched his mouth weirdly. But it seems that it is difficult to meet Fujiko who is more than one meter apart.

“Go away.” Fujiko said sullenly. If she could move her, she would have to kick him away.

“This is the end. Please die in your nightmare.” The three red eyes floating in front of them strangely changed into four long needles. Like Touhou Fuhai, he manipulated four long needles to stab at Lupin.

“Sorry, we are a step late.” Suddenly, Nie Kong’s chuckle came in their ears. The dark space appeared distorted, and then they saw Nie Kong and Qianying appear in the dark illusion of the killer spider.

“Hey, why didn’t you two’s hypnosis synchronize with us?” Lupin said curiously, spiders are clearly group hypnotized. And looking at them, it seems to have come on their own initiative.

The spider eyebrows frowned, impossible, hiding in the dark, why can they resist his hypnotism? Three jewel-like eyes looked towards Nie Kong and Qianying, and used the rays of light to hypnotize them again.

“Eh, overestimate one’s capabilities. How could his low level of hypnosis work for me.” Nie Kong smiled and met his hypnotic wave, but the spider found that his eyes As deep as the vast ocean.

“What!” Perceived that there is a powerful force spreading out of his eyes, completely defeating his mental power. With a bang, the dark space suddenly exploded into pieces.

“Um…” He covered his eyes and snorted with pain, and the eyes made of three gems suddenly became dull. Using ridiculous hypnotism to shake Nie Kong’s mental power is just a rebound of power, and he can’t stand it anymore! Two pieces of blood flowed out of his eyes.

“hu hu…” Lupin and the others were panting. The spider’s death hypnotism just now made them feel scared for a while.

“You’re done, spider.” Dimension pulled out the gun in 0.1 second, and Ishikawa Goemon’s sword slashed at him. They know each other’s very ruthless, so they will not show mercy.

“hmph!” He lifted his hand, only to see Daisuke Dimensional and Goemon Ishikawa floating upwards, and there was a force pulling them upwards.

“The killer invited by the organization? It seems that I caught a big fish, but I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Qiankage weighed the huge diamond in his hand, lightly said with a smile.

A gun appeared in her other hand, and then moved towards the sky and fired four shots. With the sound of thread breaking, Daisuke Dimension and Goemon Ishikawa fell from the sky.

Qianying looked at the dark mid-air, and fired the fifth shot that knocked down the hanging device.

“Hey, it’s really difficult.” When the spider covering his eyes saw the strange thief lady see through his methods, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He struggled to stand from the ground and pressed a button of the watch with his hand.

“Farewell, lady thief. Next time, my spider will definitely live in your nightmare.”

The three rubies in his hood emit dazzling rays of light, Then Lupin III saw a strange twisted space in front of them, as if sucking him into it.

“Stay.” Nie Kong said lightly.

After hearing Nie Kong’s bewildering voice, he quietly left the spider 100 meters away, and his figure was immediately sluggish on the spot. Lupin and the others were surprised to find that the spider obediently returned to Nie Kong with a dull expression.

“Wh…what, the spider known as the Illusion Technique master…the spider was hypnotized instead?”

The man who led the team turned pale, didn’t expect World’s top professional killer spiders will be defeated by them! !

“hmph! It’s time to settle our account.” After suffering a big loss in the spider’s hands, Daisuke and Ishikawa Goemon, who looked embarrassed, launched a counterattack. One is a swordsman with a strong sword technique, and the other is like a cowboy in the American West. The two work together to knock all over a dozen people.

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