After tying up a dozen of them with a rope, Lupin III found out the weapons they had hidden from them. Even the killer spider, hypnotized by Nie Kong’s voice, got a lot of long needles, beads made of weird liquid bombs, and special golden silk thread from him. Seeing so many dangerous items hidden on his body, Lupin III kept crying.

The happiest thing is Qianying, who has now captured the leader of their organization. From the mouth of him and the spider, it should be possible to reveal the full face of the organization, after all, the leader has been responsible for collecting gems outside for more than ten years.

Sure enough, Qianying expected, after Nie-san asked for help, they confessed everything about the organization. The black hand behind the scenes is actually a very rich chaebol group in the world.

According to what they said, the reason they collected gems was to get Pandora. One of the biggest gems in the world contains mysterious power. When the time is right, if you dedicate it to the full moon, the gems will shed tears. As long as those who drink it will realize the unprecedented dream-immortality! There is only one way to distinguish, to point the gem to the moonlight, and you will see red rays of light in the gem. Because what is embedded in it is the real life stone Pandora! When a person becomes very rich and powerful, he will become like Qin Shihuang, eager to enjoy the rich and powerful in the world forever. It can be inferred from this that the leader of the organization will be an old man who is at least fifty-sixty years old! Leave them to the police for the next thing. Nie Kong has no time to catch the bad guys.

And after Lupin and the others heard such secrets, they all showed surprised expressions. To be honest, that kind of thing is a bit mysterious, who would believe in immortality?

Only Qianying seemed to be anxious, pulling him and whispering: “You said that I have been 25 years old since more than ten years, and I have never grown old. Could it be that I drank gem tears before? Is it?”

“Yes, you should drink it more than ten years ago. But because of Xiaobi and others, you can only drink it once every few days.” Nie Kong smirked. .

“Eh, what you said is true…really, then what do you say about gem tears look like.” Qianying asked in surprise.

“If you have to say it, it looks a bit sticky.”

“Sticky?” Qiankage’s mind suddenly came to life, and she imagined a sticky liquid.

“Its a bit white, it takes a long time to squirt out, and sometimes it bursts in one bite.”

“Its white, it needs to be sucked.” appeared in her mind I made a gem, and after a long time I had to suck it, finally white slime appeared. Huh, no…no, that…the thick and long shape is not a gem at all! Qianying’s face turned crimson instantly, as if steaming, and finally understood what Nie Kong said he was eating “jewel tears”.

“Woo, little Nie-san, he…how would he know that…that kind of thing?” A private thing that only he and Nie-san knew, at that time little Nie-san Not born at all. There is only… there is only one possibility. What stands in front of me is the “Nie-san” who had died ten years ago!

“Bad boy, what are you talking about.”

She threw herself into Nie Kong’s arms with shame, and her little hand kept tapping on Nie Kong’s chamber.

“Hey, can you two not do that, showing affection can attract hatred. In other words, I, Lupin III, can’t let you leave with gems easily.” Lupin III reluctantly said Speaking out, he was particularly envious of Nie Kong, who could be favored by the beautiful lady, the strange thief. No matter how hard you are, Fujiko has never taken himself seriously and often uses himself.

“Yes, it was stolen by our sufferer untold hardships.” Ishikawa Goemon held the sword in his hand tightly and was ready to fight. After losing to Qianying a few years ago, Lupin and the others naturally knew how good she was.

In the end, only the thief lady VS Lupin III’s quartet remained, competing for the final gem ownership! ! For fame, for treasure, whatever is worth their battle!

“hmph hum, you are so embarrassed to say. I blame the thief lady for what I want, so why give it to you.” Qianying’s heart is already full of surprises and joy, but knows that it is not the time to have a good love with Nie-san It.

“The gem is in my hand, you have the ability to come and get it. Don’t become like the last time, and roll back to France dingy.” Chikage looked at the gem triumphantly and confronted them provocatively Said.

Ishikawa Goemon’s face looked solemn, and his hand suddenly waved a shining silver light towards the two of them. If there is a strand of hair in the middle, it can definitely be cut into two easily.


At the same time, Daisuke Dimensional shot, and the three bullets aimed at Qianying’s hands and right foot. I can aim and fire three shots in one second, and the attack speed is really terrifying.

They know Qianying’s toughness, so they can shoot as much as they want without fear of accidentally killing her. They galloped for more than ten years, but never killed anyone by mistake. At most, Lupin would do some harmless pranks.

First, Qianying fired four shots. In a short distance, six bullets collided head-on and sparks shot in all directions. And Chikage’s fourth shot hit Daisuke Dimensional in the right arm.

Dimensional groaned, covering his arm with his hand.

As for Qianying herself, Nie-san is blocking her right. As she expected, Ishikawa’s knife stopped between Nie Kong’s fingers. I saw that Nie Kong used a little bit of force, the famous sword broke in two with a click, and then the Broken Sword he ejected from Ishikawa’s head was shot at the back wall! Qianying and Nie Kong seemed to have a good understanding in their hearts, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

Ishikawa only felt cold, and a two-centimeter cut appeared on his cheek. However, compared with the injury, the blow of someone breaking his sword was many times greater!

Nie Kong and they simply showed a hand in front of them, two of Lupin’s capable partners injured two. Lupin was sweating, he knew that Nie Kong and the others showed mercy, otherwise they would not have survived as many lives in the dimension.

I was planning to shoot a prop to steal Qiankages diamond, but immediately put it down after seeing the situation in front of me.

“Okay, let’s admit defeat! The gem is yours, Chikage, the lady of strange thief.”

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