Because there was an accident during the date with Xiaolan, Nie Kong had to give up his original plan and went straight back to the apartment in Meihezi’s police car. It seems that he intends to meet Horigoe Yumi and Kujo, so he can only stay on the 2nd day.

“I’m back.” He took out the key and opened the door. When Nie Kong was changing shoes at the entrance, he seemed to hear the laughter from girl many enchanting females.

Nie Kong came to the living room to take a look, and immediately showed a rather speechless expression.

“Why did I say that my family became a primary school?” In front of him, four 12-year-old and two six- or seven-year-old loli appeared. Among them, Xiao Ai was wearing a mask, so she remained seven years old as usual. If it becomes smaller, otherwise it must degenerate into a baby state. And another Heye, from 17 years old to eight years old like a doll, is wearing cute clothes like Xiao Ai.

“Nie-san, it’s all to blame on your weasel for farting. Now, our body age has been directly reduced by more than half, and we have turned back to a twelve or three-year-old elementary school.” After seeing Nie Kong, a loli who looked a lot like Yingli complained in a very clear voice.

“What, I think you guys enjoyed it.” Nie Kong didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, looking at the women who changed their cute clothes.

Jinghua pretty face blushed, “Because…because I can put on cute clothes again after my body gets younger.”

“Right, right? Nie Kong, we are very cute right now.” The lovely Lori Chikage with short and short hair jumped out from behind them, turned around in front of Nie Kong and said with a smile.

Seeing the green contours of the four women’s slightly convex tops, Nie Kong’s heart was shaken. They really have a different appearance now.

And Xiao Ai always stared at the little weasel in her arms with round eyes, wishing to Dissection its body structure. The world actually has such a peculiar species, it will have the same effect as the APTX4869 developed by itself!

Since… Since he has a way to make a person’s body smaller, maybe he really has a way to recover? Although Xiao Ai has become accustomed to the elementary school age, she suddenly became fanatical in her heart when she knew there was a possibility of recovery.

“But…but how can I recover? I finally grew up. Now I am back to the original shape.” Little Loli and Ye looked down at their poor X, crying Said with a lovely cheek.

Because of comparison with side Xiaoai, I found that Xiaoais has begun to develop slightly, and was she really that unbearable when she was young?

“It is called a juvenile skunk, and its fart can cause a person’s body to shrink. The aging period is about half a day to a day, and it will naturally recover at that time.” Nie Kong lightly said with a smile .

“Don’t you really have a direct way to recover your body.” Xiao Ai’s eyes changed from expectation to disappointment,

“Not for the time being. But don’t worry too much, wait After the organization was wiped out, and the detailed medicine information was obtained from them, an antidote would naturally be developed. You see Mingmei and the others, I dont know how happy they were when they were able to recover from their childhood.”

Although they have a cold and a fever Drinking spirits Baigan can temporarily invalidate the medicinal properties and restore the body, but it cannot be cured completely.

“You said you want to wipe out… the organization?” Xiao Ai said in shock.

“Yes! Some time ago I specially helped the FBI in the United States capture Vogat alive. They should have obtained a lot of information about their organization from Vogat. So you are an ordinary girl, Then live a good life. You are no longer their Shirley, but our little grief.” Nie Kong comforted.

After hearing Nie Kongs complaint, Xiao Ai finally understood why she had betrayed the organization for a long time, and why people without organization came to kill herself and Mingmeis elder sister.

“You two are whispering something secretly. Xiaoai younger sister, Qianying elder sister, let you take a bath.” For Xiaoai who likes to have a cold expression, Qianying feels that she wasted her cute face. .

“No…no more.” Xiao Ai’s eyes were a little panicked, and she couldn’t help but step back a few steps to put aside. However, Qianying’s enthusiasm ignored her reaction and forcibly pulled her and Xiaowaye.

It seems that Qianying is the same as Yukiko. He likes to be lively and has a cheerful personality, but Qianying has more of his own way. If Xizi comes back, the apartment will become lively and happy every day.

“Wow, really…really, Xiao Ai… Xiao Ai’s younger sister’s body began to grow…it developed.” Soon in the bath, indoors, there was a Ye Naisheng cried out in surprise.

“Stupid… fool, don’t touch it.” Xiao Ai said in a flustered voice.

“Don’t care about that little thing, I’ll wipe your back.” It seems Qianying forcibly hugged Xiaoai, and the wailing of Xiaoai came from inside.

Yingli and Jinghua laughed out loud, and Mingmei’s eyes were full of happy smiles. Its really good that my younger sister can blend into ordinary life and get in touch with others.

But it seems that Xiao Ais body is really a bit of a violation. It seems that it is necessary for her to make changes.

The three girls seem to be having fun in the bath and room. It turns out that Xiao Ai really can’t handle girls like Qianying. I go my own way, and ignore Xiao Ai’s rejection at all.


In the early morning of the next day, Nie Kong took Xiaobis ride to Tokyo. But they didn’t expect that when they came to the Metropolitan Police Department, many TV reporters immediately surrounded him and started interviews. It turned out that in Xiaobi’s external propaganda, he saved the hero of Tokyo Tower from the gangsters. For a while, Nie Kong became famous, and live news interviews with him were broadcast everywhere.

If you used to be a high school detective in the famous Kanto town, you would feel like a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried and flashy. But now that the bomb has been dismantled, it has naturally been improved.

Xiao Bi looked at him with a smile, Nie Kong glared at her, and then casually dealt with it. It is said that the bomb can be dismantled in the last few seconds, because I occasionally see the model of the bomb on TV and so on.

Nie Kong is not cold to reporters and so on, so there is no need to flatter himself like Satan in Dragon Ball. I have to say that Satan’s talent in that area is unparalleled.

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