While Nie Kong was interviewed, in the top floor of the luxurious 30th-layer apartment in the center of Tokyo, a young woman with a demon-like beauty was sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching Live news on TV.

In her flourishing jade hand painted with bright nail polish, she casually used her mobile phone to make a call at this time, and occasionally looked up at the delicate pretty face looked towards the TV in front.

A young woman with vicious beauty, there is no one else in Conan world except Belmode. Because of the weekend break, she has now removed the pretense of a new doctor.

“Gin, are your actions in the United States going well?” Belmode asked with a playful smile.

“No, the FBI guys are guarded very tightly. Although the organization sent dozens of professional killers, they did not find a chance to kill Vogat, unless they desperately attacked their headquarters. By the way, how is your situation in Japan? I seemed to have heard the name of Nie Kong just now.” On the phone, there was a cold voice of gin wine.

“Nothing, his interview is being broadcast live on TV, reporting about the situation that he seemed to have dropped a bomb on the Tokyo Tower yesterday.” Belmode said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is, no wonder the explosion arranged more than ten years ago did not kill him. It seems that he himself knows very well about explosives! Humph, Nie Kong really is a threat to our organization. Now the BOSS is already Pay attention to him and entrust me with the task of killing him. So tomorrow I have to go back to Japan to perform, and you are responsible for sorting out his detailed information.”

“Hey, you should stay The United States kills the vogat that may tell the secret of the organization.” Belmode asked strangely.

“Although I understand very well that it is my responsibility to kill Vogat, the BOSS entrusts it to Rum to be responsible.”

“Okay, but I said in advance. There is no trace of confidence in whether the organization can kill him, so I refuse to participate in your plan.” Belmode said indifferently.

As the second chair of the organization, Rums ability is beyond doubt, and his comprehensive ability is more than a little better than Gin. The importance of Belmode in the organization can only be ranked fourth. With him in the United States, the BOSS will actually feel relieved. But the key boss actually went out to kill Nie-san, what a joke.

Since becoming a woman of Nie Kong, she realized that she didn’t seem to have any secrets in front of Nie Kong, but compared to Nie Kong, she looked like a deep and unmeasurable ocean. The incident more than ten years ago can explain everything. Gins unauthorized actions blew up him and the tram without hurting him.

Gin thought that Nie Kong had survived because he knew that the bomb was installed in advance, but Belmode knew that explosives were not a threat to him.

“hmph! As long as he does not get rid of it for a day, our organization will not be peaceful.” Gin naturally understands how terrifying Nie Kong’s spear skills and reasoning are, but he believes that the plan is properly arranged, so he did not kill Those who can’t lose, even if they have to pay a very serious price.

And from Belmode, I occasionally heard that Nie Kong dismantled the bomb. After interviewing many TV stations, he had a plan to kill Nie Kong.


Farewell to the annoying TV reporter, Nie Kong came from the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo to the office building of the Mi Flower Cosmetics Company. According to the information he surveyed, Horekoshi was formerly a manager of a cosmetics company by beautiful eyes.

But when he arrived, he found that the company seemed very sluggish, and there were few employees empty, as if experiencing an economic crisis.

After the Young Lady at the front desk saw Nie Kong, she eyes shined, “Sir, do you need any help.”

“I have something important to discuss with your manager Horekoshi Yumidan, where is her office?” Nie Kong said.

“So you know our Yumi manager, please come with me! If you are a few days later, you may not see us.” The Young Lady at the front desk whispered and personally led Nie Kong Came to the door of the office.

“Manager Yumi, a handsome guy has come to see you.” She knocked on the door to help, and then there was a tired voice from inside.

“Come on, is it a customer.”

The door opened with a creak, and when the young woman inside saw Nie Kong standing outside the door, her expression suddenly became completely blank live.

“What’s the matter, haven’t seen me for a while, doesn’t Yumi know me anymore.” Nie Kong laughed.

The girl in front of me is Nie Kong who has witnessed from her twenties to the present in her thirties, but she has really changed a lot while maintaining the purity of women. The wavy, slightly curly brown hair draped in the back, and the bangs in front of her did not hide her delicate features. At this time, she was wearing a black and white professional attire, showing her extremely beautiful body curve. Nie Kong naturally saw her when the classmates and her mixed bathing in the hot springs. Of course, she knew how good her figure was.

“Oh, Nie-san, you…are you here to visit me specially, I…I didn’t dream it.” She cheered out in surprise and threw her body on Nie Kong. In the arms. Perhaps happiness came a bit late, but she hasn’t waited in vain for more than ten years!

Nie Kong gently kissed her cherry lips to express comfort, but the emotionally exploded Hoogue bit Nie Kong’s mouth hotly and refused to separate, and their lips and teeth kept colliding.

The Young Lady at the front desk drooled and blinked at the two people who looked at the interface. She was very envious of the handsome lover Hoori Yue had such a handsome lover.

After a long time, the brighter eyes have become blurred, and his face flushed. Nie Kong hugged her weak and came to the office.

“What happened? You seem to be a lot gaunt.” Nie Kong hugged her body and placed it on her lap. While groping with her hands in her clothes, Nie Kong asked out loud. .

Hori Yue’s cheeks were red, and lightly spread his legs and legs so that Nie Kong’s hand could reach into his refined skirt.

“Yes…the comparison is really nothing right now…it’s nothing, it’s just…just a trivial matter. Because of poor management, Mihua Cosmetics has filed…for bankruptcy.”

“Hori Yue is about to lose his job.” Nie Kong paused and finally understood why the company in front of him seemed so depressed.

But the small company in front of me went bankrupt without being bought out, perhaps because the market value was not 100 million yen.

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