If you really want to describe the towns you see in front of you, there are only poverty and backwardness. It is simply incomparable with the many worlds that Nie Kong has experienced before, without the slightest modern atmosphere.

The big rocks of yellowish color are built into a high city wall similar to the five meters in ancient times, enclosing the towns where residents live and protecting them. In front of the huge city gate, a dozen soldiers in armor and weapons were checking the flow of people to and from the city!

He noticed the clothing of the three types of people in front of him. The rough nomads, about one tenth of the right, wore clothes made of animal skins. A rare percentage of the crowd were nobles wearing gorgeous and beautiful clothes. In the end, most of the remaining poor residents can only wear crude and tattered linen.

Did he really come to the 2D world? Nie Kong thought he was back in the Middle Ages of Western Europe. It seems that he wants to get a personal understanding of the world as soon as possible.

After finishing looking at the gorgeous black clothes she wore, Nie Kong came to the chaotic and shabby “city” with many questions in her heart. A dozen guards in armor hurriedly glanced at Nie Kong, and then immediately welcomed him to the city respectfully. How dare you be impudent in front of Nie Kong!

He has a unique temperament, and the guards who can see tens of thousands of people in circulation every day can naturally distinguish it easily because of the gatekeeping duties!

Nie Kong ignored a few of them a nobody, he came to the town protected by the city wall.

Because there is only one town tens of kilometers around, the small market in the city is very prosperous on the surface, but it is a little chaotic. Nie Kong saw a few aristocrats in gorgeous clothes, bullying men and women!

In the gloomy alleys, you can often see yellow corpses lying all over the floor, stinking! There should be many beggars who were starved to death and no one cares about, the guards can only pile them aside!

That’s right. Even if the residents walking on the streets, 70% of them are hungry and malnourished. Although it looks like a very prosperous city on the surface, it actually contains slums with dirt!

In a short period of two or three hours, Nie Kong probably wandered around the town, showing how small the town is, and finally he stopped in front of the luxury hotel opposite the casino. And his pocket is full of hundreds of Gold Coins that can be circulated in the market! For him, money may be no different from ordinary items, it is as simple as imagining clothes and wearing them.

While planning to stay at the hotel for one night, Nie Kong noticed a noisy noise coming from the side of the hotel. After turning a corner, Nie Kong could see a dozen or so thin adults with their own children. Weeping, they knelt before a fat man in gorgeous clothes, as if begging for the fat man in front.

“It’s noisy, what happened!” Nie Kong came to the fat man and asked impatiently.

“haha, look at those untouchables! I said that I only bought five, but I actually knelt down and begged me to buy their children.” After seeing Nie Kong, he happily Explain with a smile. Because he can recognize it at a glance, Nie Kong is not the same as the pale-faced untouchables. He is definitely a noble who has been well maintained since childhood.

Nie Kong glanced at the sign erected at the back, and she said that she would buy five beautiful and smart children to serve, but the price was as low as only one Gold Coin!

“That’s all right!”

Nie Kong’s eyes are round, and he can sell loli just and honorable, and…and will others beg you to buy it? ! Such a chaotic and dark world is really…very good.

No mercy, kindness? Nie Kong who came to 2D killed several worlds himself. He only cares about the people who are important to him.

“What’s the matter, there are many children in the country, but it’s a pity that most of the goods are really bad.” Pointing to the four women and one man picked out from behind, he said with a little pity.

The four girls are about 13-14 years old, but they are skinny and look like a ten-year-old child. The female body is not well developed at all. Maybe you will grow beautiful in the future, but now it looks really ugly, not as cute as a 2D girl. The male child should be 15 years old, but he is not as tall as Nie Kong’s shoulders.

“The price is too low, of course there will be nothing good.” Nie Kong said indifferently.

“Look at what you said, we have a Gold Coin that is already very high.” The fat man said with a smile, a trifling Gold Coin can be worth a few months of living expenses for a family.

“And you are just using them as a one-time item for entertainment, we can come out and buy a few more if the game is broken.” It turned out that he was just a steward responsible for a certain nobleman and came out for himself The Master bought toys. It’s really evil, but does he buy a male child and use it to get a base? The taste is too heavy.

“Oh, how is your Master going to play with them?” Nie Kong asked in passing.

“Hehe, Master has many ways to play. For example… For example, the boy, because of the Class B dangerous species raised by my Master-Doss is about to use it once a year in the estrus and estrus period. He came to serve. Because its species is very rare, the Master had difficulty bringing it a mate in the past few years, but it habitually swallows its lover after finishing it, so Master thinks that the trouble can only be replaced by humans! For the four girls, you can only watch Master’s whimsical thoughts, maybe there will be very interesting games.” The fat steward gestured and whispered softly in front of Nie Kong’s ear.

From his gestures, we can understand that Doss is a man with six legs and a head that looks like a spider, but it is not silk, but stomach acid. As for why it can be replaced by humans, because its lower body looks like a dog.

“Aiya, I am running out of time. I will have time to chat with you later.” After the fatty said, he ordered his servant to carry five children into the carriage and left the backward small town !

Sure enough, I was really mad, Nie Kong seemed to be able to predict in his mind how tragic the five young poor children would be treated!

Nie Kong estimates that he has come to an incredible world, a corrupt hell on earth, demons and monsters in human skin are rampant in the world.

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