Looking at the big golden sign in front of him alone, Nie Kong’s heart suddenly moved. Why should I bother to ask people? Maybe there is another very simple method in front of me.

Nie Kong immediately took off the golden banner in front of him, and changed the content into his personal announcement. How did he learn to sell loli to be fatty?

“I have purchased various loli girls from 8 to 20 years old for a long time, each with 30 Gold Coins. The quota is limited to two, I want to sell quickly! Specific requirements: one needs to be beautiful Cute, two know how to read and do housework!”

When Nie Kong posted the bulletin in gold on the wall, it immediately attracted the exclamation of the surrounding audience. That is a huge sum of thirty Gold Coins, enough for a family to live on for more than ten years!

“Uncle, do you think my daughter looks like yours?” The dozen or so poor people who hadn’t had time to leave, immediately took their skinny daughter to Nie Kong’s face. .

The girl looked towards Nie Kong pleadingly, her eyes showed hope that Nie Kong would come to buy her own charm.

“All unqualified!” Nie Kong gave them a blank look. How could he use that fatty pick!

Nie Kong ignored the crying poor people kneeling in front of him, and simply went back to the hotel aside for the night. Now the news has not been completely spread, so he plans to pick it up tomorrow tomorrow! I spent more than thirty times the amount of fatty, so I should be able to attract a loli of better quality!

If a Gold Coin attracts the poor or gamblers who are almost starving to death, then Nie Kongs 30 Gold Coins can help residents struggling with food and clothing. Attracted.

I just stayed in a bad hotel for one night. When Nie Kong came out of the hotel in the morning on the 2nd day, he was immediately taken aback by the situation, because he found vast crowds around the announcement.

Nie Kong prepared the tables and chairs for the review leisurely, then used a weak force to shake the crowd away and came to the announcement.

“What are you squeezing, you line up one by one to pick it slowly for me!” Nie Kong sat in a chair, lightly said to the crowd in front.

Hearing Nie Kong’s very majestic voice, the chaotic poor people lined up in a long queue behind Nie Kong’s table.

Nie Kong’s review is very fast, and almost half of the pass can be passed at a glance. Perhaps Nie Kong did not reject the yellow-faced girl in his heart, but at least your facial features should be exquisite. Not to mention Nie Kong’s second request, it is difficult for them to pass the first request.

There are only the last ten girls left, and Nie Kong has no hope. In the end, I was a little surprised. At the bottom of the fifth, a 15-year-old girl who looked good appeared. Without the company of her parents, it seems that she came alone.

I glanced at Nie Kong with those flattering eyes, she was wearing revealing clothes, and she was full of the dusty atmosphere of brothel.

The surrounding people mumbled about her situation gossipingly, and after hearing the consequences, they realized that she was really in a skin and flesh business, no wonder she was able to live a very moisturizing life!

Nie Kong is full of depression and grievances. Is it really not suitable for me to resell the beautiful things of loli with all his conscience? According to the development of the plot, I should be able to easily buy a few lovely loli. He exhaled, perhaps because he was in a backward small town.

“Next!” Nie Kong waved to the woman. Although she can listen to all directions, it is estimated that Nie Kong has learned everything, but how long has it been a record of more than a hundred people.

The last four are not as expected by Nie Kong, they are basically at the same level as the previous ones! Maybe the bounty is really a little bit low. Nie Kong plans to increase it to 300 Gold Coins tomorrow to see the situation.

Nie Kong was about to pack his luggage when he suddenly noticed that a child about nine years old was very hesitant and moved a small step to come to him alone.

“What are you doing? Didn’t you see what was written in the announcement? This shop only accepts loli!”

I saw the child in front of me immediately blushed, and said in shame:” You…Don’t talk nonsense without authorization, I…I am clearly…a girl!”

Nie Kong lightly exclaimed, Yu Guang re-examined the child who claimed to be a girl. Because the nine-year-old Lolita I just saw is malnourished, but there is clearly a slight uplift in front of Hungary, and the child in front of me is flat!

“Well, Yima Pingchuan, it’s okay for a little child to learn to lie!” Nie Kong muttered.

“Who…who lied, you…don’t you recognize it!” She flicked the pink hair tied behind her, and two lovely double pony tails appeared in front of Nie Kong. After seeing them, Nie Kong’s heart seemed to become active again. After watching all morning, 2D elements finally appeared in front of him.

He looked at the child in front of him again and found that although her little face was a bit dirty, she was really cute. Amber eyes stared round, because Nie Kong took her as a male child and was ashamed.

“Hey, adults, don’t buy her, her bloodline is very dirty.”

“Yes, yes, she is a mixed race of ethnic minorities!” She is recognized by everyone around Several adults in, immediately persuaded Nie Kong to give up her.

The look they looked towards her was a bit discriminatory, and the few children they brought with him laughed continuously in front of her.

Faced with the discriminatory gaze of the surrounding people, she finally lowered her pretty face silently.

“It’s a mixed race, she looks cute.”

Nie Kong gently raised her cheek and wiped her cheek clean. Seeing Nie Kong touch her face and then touch her body along the top, she stared wide-eyed.

Suddenly Nie Kong seemed to have encountered something, she yelled out, her two legs immediately clamped Nie Kong’s hand, she squatted in front of Nie Kong, blushing and looking angrily Hold him.

“You…you mess…what are you touching.”

“Oh, as expected, there is no chick, it seems you really did not lie.”

“I…I didn’t grow that kind of weird thing.”

“Well, do you know how to read.” Nie Kong asked with a smile.

“Well, but…but I dont know much!”

“Very well, I declare you qualified!” As he said, Nie Kong put a bag of golden light glittering Gold Coin was placed in her hands, “From now on, you will become my servant!”

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