Located at ten thousand meters high in the Eastern Sea, one thousand miles away from the empire, the dark clouds are accompanied by the ferocious white lightning, and there is about to be a rainstorm. The violent wind howled, suddenly rolled up the waves of ten zhang. Because of the appearance of rainstorm, there is no ship and no creatures on the sea.

In the dark clouds, you can see a huge azure dragon soar into the clouds and mount the mists. It is more than a hundred meters long and about six meters wide, and its slender body hair is full of dazzling phosphorescence. The fierce thunder and lightning that roared in the sky struck its flowing body, but it had no effect on it.

Nie Kong was floating in midair, looking at the fierce giant beast in front of him, his eyes showed some appreciation.

Although it does not have the power of the Divine Emperor, it has only the charm of the Divine Dragon of the Dragon Ball. But it really deserves to be a super-rare super-dangerous cross-tailed dragon. The horse-faced half-orc super-dangerous species that Esdes captured was compared with it, and it was far inferior to it regardless of size and strength. More than a thousand years ago, the Emperor Shi Huang sent a large army to draw materials to make imperial equipment, and at the cost of heavy casualties, he could only collect a few of its body hair.

It seemed to be aware of Nie Kong’s peeping. The cross-tailed dragon rushed out of the thunderous black clouds and floated in front of Nie Kong 100 meters, looking curiously at the little creature in front of it.

“It looks good, I don’t know the taste of the meat.” Nie Kong said, looking at it.

“Roar.” When hearing Nie Kong’s words, the cross-tailed dragon let out a roar.

Dangerous species are creatures full of spirituality. It clearly understands the meaning of Nie Kong’s words. As a hegemon who has dominated hundreds of kilometers, it stands at the top of the food chain. Only it eats other people’s shares, and now the tiny creatures in front of them actually say they want to eat themselves?

The soft and shiny body hair attached to its body suddenly exploded, and even more than a dozen strangely swept towards Nie Kong, as if a cage and formation were arranged, blocking Nie Kong’s actions !

“Aiya, are you angry?” Nie Kong smiled, and calmly reached out and caught the thin thread like a dragon’s beard. However, it was found that the thin thread tightened, and instead took the initiative to wrap Nie Kong’s hand. Crunching, the sleeves of Nie Kong’s arms instantly turned into fragments, which shows how sharp its thin lines are. More than that, Nie Kong’s skin can perceive the tenaciousness of thin lines.

However, when Nie Kong struggled, all the thin lines that bound his arm were broken.

The cross-tailed dragon stared at the dragon’s eyes. It didn’t expect that the tiny creature could cut off its most proud and tenacious body hair.

“roar roar!” It felt that its self-esteem and majesty had been seriously threatened, and it immediately rushed towards Nie Kong with its 100-meter-long body. Although its size is huge, it is very sensitive because of its streamlined body.

It swooped down, the open mouth was ten meters wide, and the smelly breath came out. Without experimentation, the sharp teeth demonstrated its strong bite force. Even if the asphalt is super dangerous in front of it, it is estimated to be able to swallow it in one bite.

Nie Kong frowned, restrained her breathing, and kicked out. In the eyes of the cross-tailed dragon, he didn’t see what was happening, only felt that his head had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Its body is out of control, and it has changed from the sky to a meteor and fell to the sea. A second later, there was a loud bang, even covering up the thunder of rainstorm.

The tumbling sea sank a large area, and instantly the force spread to form a wave of ten meters high and swept out.

“Roar”, it didn’t seem to have suffered multiple injuries. After shaking his head a few times, he flew to the sky again when he recovered. And from its mouth, the dragon breath came out unexpectedly.

Strong energy fluctuations disperse the dark clouds in the sky in an instant. The formidable power of one blow is enough to change Celestial Phenomenon, it is really strong.

If I did not get the Dual Cultivation-enhanced Esders to fight it, he might win five or five. Esters can freeze time and space, but breaking its leather defense is not that simple.

Nie Kong patted it casually, and easily broke its tricks. At the same time, the cross-tailed dragon rushed 30 metres before Nie Kong, only to see its thousands of shiny beards tied to Nie Kong desperately.

Each one is a hundred times more tenacious than spider silk. When they are twisted into one strand, ordinary people cannot break free and can only let it hang.

Nie Kong’s squinted eyes suddenly opened, and the arrogance of the body within the body burst out slightly, brightening within three meters.

The countless threads only need to touch the flames of Nie Kong, all of them are thoroughly like the evaporation of water droplets in high temperature.

“Woo.” The cross-tailed dragon sensed the suffocating energy, and its body reflexively shrank from several dozen meters and whimpered in disobedience.

“Do you know you are afraid?” Nie Kong appeared in front of it instantaneously, with one foot on its forehead.

It just felt that its head suddenly banged, and fell to the sea like losing its gravity again. It happened to knock the isolated island below out of a pit of several hundred meters, and the island was almost sinking. Up.

Nie Kong stood on its body and noticed the force exerted by Nie Kong. It resembled a Little Mud Fish, with its tail unconsciously waving.

Nie Kong stepped on it slightly, only to hear the sound of ka-cha. The keel of his body broke in two, making him lose the ability to resist.

“hehe, relax and don’t be afraid. Although you really want to kill you for a meal, you are a rare super dangerous species. If you kill you, I really dont know this World Can you find the second one.”

The strength of the cross-tailed dragon is indeed very weak in his opinion, at least the strength is much weaker than the true red dragon Divine Emperor in DXD. But the size of the Divine Emperor is really too big. It can temporarily occupy half of the Imperial Capital when released, so it is not suitable for viewing and fighting.

In this world, the cross-tailed dragon is very suitable to be used as its own mount, or it can also be the beast of the gatekeeper. Nie Kong feels that if you have time in the future, go out to grab a few more and keep them in the ring, so that you can often taste its meaty taste.

“Go back with me, obediently.” Nie Kong watched it stop struggling, pulled its tail, dragged it moved towards the hunting gathering place and flew back.

It has only been about five minutes since leaving Esther. Esther should have brought the horse-faced half-human dangerous species back.

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