There are so many types of dangerous species in the world. The rare super dangerous species have at least the number of imperial tools48 types, not to mention the many low-level dangerous species.

When Esdes dragged his prey back, he saw that all eight of them had their own hunting gains. Lan, who has a flying emperor, captured the B-level dangerous black-eyed eagle, and it is said that its eyes have the ability to hypnotize. As the lieutenant, Liva hunted the dangerous serrated crocodile in A and Grade water. After all, he was the home ground of his Emperor in the water. Although Niu is small, he used his agility to defeat the dangerous B-class Wind Leopard. The remaining five hunting dangerous species are nothing but C-level. Except for one person, Nie Kong, who had promised to be his own man, did not come back.

“His, General Esdes, you… the one you are dragging in your hand should not be the super dangerous species of SS-Rank.” Niu looked at Esdes and brought it back. The prey, cant help being sucked in a cold breath. It is a super dangerous species. It is estimated that the material of the body can be used as a new imperial tool.

“en! In order to catch it, I searched several dozen li around on foot. By the way, Nie Kong, didn’t he come back.” Esters glanced at the eight of them and turned to Niu asked.

“Minister Nie Kong, it should…should be in order to get a dowry gift that satisfies the general, so it will take more time.” Niu spoke carefully for Nie Kong.

“hehe, if you know that the Master has hunted a rare super dangerous species, I guess Minister Nie Kong will not have the face to come back to see the Master.” Liva squinted said with a smile.

“Yes. Now that the general has captured the rare super-dangerous species, how can he be regarded as an ordinary prey. Aiya, I thought the general would marry Minister Nie Kong. It looks like the marriage is going to be bad. “As the minister of Ornest, Linglu, who was born in the four ghosts of Rakshasa, naturally did not want the union of Nie Kong and General Esdes. Otherwise, no matter whether the empire is political or military, there will be a reshuffle.

“I don’t count on it.” Niu also felt a pity in his heart. He knew the powerful Esders very well. She seemed to like to suppress Minister Nie Kong no matter what she did.

The pretty face of Esthers showed a bit of success. As the daughter of the Baruts patriarch, at least in terms of hunting dangerous species, I am confident that I will not lose to anyone. Humph, it should have been said that this General is marrying you. You can only obediently accept this General’s dowry.

“Aiya, you are all back. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” Just as Esdes squinted and thought about how to hit Nie Kong, his voice suddenly came from behind.

Esdes and Niu were surprised, because not only Nie Kong’s words, but also the hong long long trees breaking and the loud grazing sound.

They turned around and saw that from the dense forest, they saw the fuzzy silhouette of Nie Kong becoming clearer.

“haha, it turns out that our Minister Nie Kong is back. I don’t know what kind of prey you have hunted. It looks like it might not be an E-level dangerous earth dragon.” Linglu took said with a smile.

“No, look at that several dozen meters long, it should be a C-level dangerous species of deep marsh python.” Liva shook his head and laughed. Although Minister Nie Kong is stronger than his Master, he needs to hunt dangerous species. lots of experiences. Otherwise, no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to have the opportunity to encounter rare super dangerous species within the empire’s several million square kilometers.

Of course, Esther is also curious as to what kind of dangerous species Nie Kong will catch for himself.

Nie Kong gave a sneer, and naturally understood that Liwa and several people were going to watch their jokes. Nie Kong pulled hard and threw the 100-meter-long and six-meter-wide azure giant dragon behind them directly on top of their prey.

With a boom, the ground swayed slightly, showing the weight of the crusader dragon. And only saw that except for the super dangerous species of Esders, all the rest were pressed into meatloaf.

“Huh…” When seeing the giant beast in front of him, including Esthers, the expressions of the entire group were all dull.

“How about it, it is the rarest super dangerous species in the world-cross-tailed dragon.” Nie Kong indifferently said.

“Impossible! Nie…Nie Kong, you…Can you actually catch the cross-tailed dragon living high in the sky of ten thousand meters?!” Liva muttered like crazy Language, only from the size of the Azure Dragon in front of him, he had to believe what Nie Kong said. No wonder Liva was horrified. Over a thousand years ago, the Emperor Shi Huang sent hundreds of thousands of troops to hunt, but he paid 70,000 to 80,000 casualties and only brought back one of its hairs, making the emperor of the night attack on Lubbock. With.

That is the rarest super dangerous species in the world, and its strength ranks first in the world. Although the species that the Master hunts is also a super dangerous species, it is immediately inferior to it by dozens of times.

Needless to say, they all know that Nie Kong’s performance has once again suppressed General Esdes.

“Look at it, it…it doesn’t seem to be dead!” Niu said in surprise. Often go out hunting dangerous species with Esther, they certainly understand that it is several times harder to catch alive than to kill! !

“Hehe, of course it is not dead. I plan to tame it and give it to Esther as a mount. My Esther, do you like my gift.” Nie Kong said gently.

“It’s rarer than the super dangerous species I hunt, the most difficult cross-tailed dragon in the world?”

Esdes’s blue eyes looked obsessively at the streamlined Azure Dragon, you can tell from her expression that she likes it very much. If an ordinary girl likes shining jewels, the attraction of the ultra-rare and dangerous species in front of her is fatal and the most precious gem.

“en.” Although the voice is very low, Nie Kong can see her pretty face suddenly become much softer. She understands that as long as she accepts Nie Kong’s gift, she agrees to be Nie Kong’s woman.

Because, that was the last resort to suppress Nie Kong. But Esders was very frustrated. He thought he would win, but found out that he lost to Nie Kong again. I might as Nie Kong said, I can only marry Nie Kong and try to “torture” Nie Kong for a lifetime.

“Minister Nie Kong, General Esdes, congratulations.” Niu Hehe smiled, originally I thought that Nie Kong didnt expect to win, and didnt expect Nie Kongs performance every time It’s beyond everyone’s expectations. No, it should be said that Nie Kong is really the nemesis of General Esdes.

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