In the tense atmosphere where time seems to be frozen, “black night” altered Nie Kong and their entire world. Not only the darkness, but also the bright and shining stars appearing in the darkness.

The ceiling of the reception room turns into a moonless night starry sky, the stars turn into light flow, and the room is filled with a sudden smell of blood.

With a smile on her face, she is clearly a young woman in her 40s, but her smile is still as young as less than 20 years old, with sex, sense and nobility. Hei Yu Gong in the field trembled and trembled as the room temperature dropped sharply. But the chill did not come from the decrease in physical temperature, but from the tightness of the audience.

Zhenye has become one of the strongest magicians in the world, and the exclusive magic MeteorLine that can get the titles of “Demon King of the East”, “Queen of Dark Night”, etc., is a way to change the light distribution within the scope of effect Aggregate magic. In enclosed spaces such as indoors or tunnels, it is especially capable of exerting powerful formidable power. The procedure of casting on the surface of the magic used by her is to first close the target space with the dark floating many small light balls, and then turn the light balls into countless rays of light to shoot through the attacking object.

It looks like a laser rain on the surface, but the attack power of the meteor swarm has nothing to do with the energy of the light, or even the amount of light. The essence of this magic is to significantly and forcibly shift the distribution of light, setting the coordinates of the light to be small dots and thin lines.

The space set as the light channel and the objects that make up the space. Changing to a state where light can penetrate, the result is to ignore the hardness, heat resistance, plasticity and elasticity of the object, and to open a hole in the target that allows light to pass through. Even for high-transparency glass, as long as the transmittance is not 100%, it cannot escape from “changing to a state where light can penetrate”, that is, rewriting the phenomenon of “perforation”.

Through the distribution of light, interfere with the structure information of the target, and directly vaporize the solid or liquid without heating or pressure. In other words, it can be called a decomposition magic that decomposes matter into gas.

“The line where the light is shifted” is an established definition, so it cannot be defended by reflection, refraction or blocking. Since it does not illuminate light from a single direction, the shield made of magic cannot be defended; even if it is covered by a spherical shield that defends all directions, the magic will still create a “trajectory through which light can pass by 100%” and perforate, and the photon Mobile is completely irrelevant.

The magic that interferes with physical phenomena is impossible to defend against her magic, and it is almost impossible to defend against the magical meteor swarm. Since it uses the physical phenomenon of “light” as the medium, it is extremely difficult to prevent the magic from being launched by purely mental defense means-“domain interference”.

Unless the magician’s interference in the single element of the “distribution of light” is greater than the real night, the “meteor swarm” cannot be prevented from launching. Interfering with the “distribution of light” is the magic inherent in the night, so the threshold is too high. What’s more, once magic is activated, even if you try to fight with domain interference, the rewriting phenomenon of “the distribution of light shifts” has already become an established fact.

Even a well-known Japanese literary scholar who can activate the strongest magic of the physical barrier and the magical barrier at the same time, “the square matrix”, can not defend her magic. Therefore, Zhenye is unmatched in the battle between magicians and is regarded as “the world’s strongest magician”.

“Really… Zhenye, listen to me explain that the Chinese from Daya is going to take Midnight away and hurt Shen Xue!” Saba Ryro said hurriedly.

“Why do the four of our Ye Family have Chinese from Daya?”

Zhen Yes smiling expression disappeared, she looked towards Nie Kong with cold and severe eyes , The tension in the house is raised to the highest. Although the memories 30 years ago were rewritten into data, it does not mean that she does not hate Daya.

“Biao…cousin, he is my guest.” Hei Yu Gong sweated on his forehead and had to come out to speak for Nie Kong.

When Zhenye and Nie Kong looked at each other, she became silent. The “night” that filled the room was shattered silently. In the room, there are still several people staring at each other. However, the sense of urgency that was permeated disappeared as the “night” collapsed. Ma Ye’s expression is very strange, there are nostalgia and souvenirs, as if he is reminiscing. She was completely unprepared, and the person 30 years ago who was treated as a human experiment like herself appeared in front of her.

Suddenly Zhenye feels her body is hot, but does she have to find the missing emotional memory?

“Really… Zhenye, what’s the matter with you?” Siba Ryuro looked carefully at his sister-in-law and the four Ye Family women in power.

Maiya wakes up, she turns around and slaps Saba Ryrou unexpectedly. The snapping sound made them unfathomable mystery for a while. Muttering in my heart, isn’t she supposed to fight Nie Kong, why does it seem to be the opposite?

“Yeah, it hurts.” Nie Kong laughed.

“Shut up…shut up, it’s not your turn to speak.” Zhenye’s amber eyes glared at Nie Kong, feeling a little annoyed.

“Forget it, I didn’t say anything. In fact, when I saw you, I felt that I had admitted the wrong person at first, and it doesn’t matter if I can save her now. You should just treat it as nothing happened. “Nie Kong let go, said with a smile.

Only Shenxue hesitated. She regretted her impulse now. How about letting him try the treatment? Maybe it can really cure the mother.

“Then…that true night, don’t you just forget it?” Siba Ryuro looked towards Nie Kong unwillingly.

“Be careful in the future, and don’t bother him.” Zhenye looked away from Nie Kong. Although she didn’t say it, Hei Yugong curiously discovered that his cousin was actually protecting Nie Kong. Ah, protect that outsider.

“They seem to have a story, but Nie Kong seems to be only about 20 years old, is it possible.” Hei Yugong kept slandering in his heart, but didn’t dare to ask.

“Hey, Zhenye Young Lady, when are you free, I want to chat with you alone.” Nie Kong said.

Heiyu Gong and Siba Ryuro were dumbfounded, he actually started talking to each other, who he thought he was.

“No time.” It seemed too unreasonable. She sighed and continued: “If there is any, I will find you.”

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