Looking at Maiyao’s departure, Saba Ryuro and the others were silent, and realized the dramatic development of the matter was unbelievable.

Thirty years ago, Zhenye was arrested and sent to a big man to do human experiments, so Siye was called “inviolable taboo”. It stands to reason that the four Ye Family who dislikes and even hates Dahan Chinese the most is actually Zhenye.

And Maiya actually slapped Saba Ryrou for Nie Kong from Daya, and favored an outsider in the conflict between the next patron Yotsuba Shenxue and Nie Kong?

Only Hei Yu Gong can guess some of them. From Nie Kong’s appearance, it can be seen that he is related to You Yezi! ! But Nie Kong seems to be only 20 years old, should he and You Yezi belong to a half-sibling?

30 years ago, my cousin Zhenye was too pitiful. The 13-year-old country was used by the Han Alliance as a tool for nurturing magic weapons for children. The Han Alliance tried to use this to get Yotsubas bloodline!

But on the other hand, didn’t Dahan use his best talents to breed with her? Seeing how powerful You Yezi Young Lady is, he defeated his cousin Zhenye at a young age. Fortunately, my uncle’s rescue operation was too fast at the time, and Zhenye returned to Japan to give birth to illegal child Yuyako, so Japan got the genes of outstanding talents in mainland China instead!

It’s a pity that Zhenye gave birth to You Yezi as an illegal child at the age of 13 years. She was raised by Kuroba for fear of being unwelcome. Who knew You Yezi’s talent was so high!

It seems that I was right to draw Nie Kong to Kurobas family. Needless to say, Zhenyes biological daughter Yuyako grew up in Kuroba, and Nie Kong is an outstanding talent from mainland China. Offspring. The man who should have contact with Madam’s cousin will ensure that Madam’s cousin will always support him.

I have to say that Nie Kong is also really powerful. He has only been in contact with modern magic for a few days, and they are familiar with Biya Yezi. Every time he uses the public CAD, he can instantly emit the magic inside. Even with his ancient magical physique from the Chinese mainland inheritance, Spoda was also the discipline of the 9th layer of the famous ninjutsu master, and the weapon of the four Ye Family was defeated!

Perhaps I only saw his surface. If he showed all his power, only his elder sister Yuyako could match him.

Spoda also squatted in front of the younger sister Shenxue with concern, using the ability to reorganize to help him repair the minor foot injury he had twisted. He was so unwilling in his eyes, he blamed himself for failing to protect the younger sister.

At the same time, Sibolta understood that he is not an opponent of Nie Kong, unless he uses the last resort magic-mass burst.

Of course, the quality burst is not just to use it. One is to have a special CAD third eye. Second, if its formidable power is too high, it will affect the younger sister that you guard. But seeing his complacent ability to disassemble for the first time waned, it made him very surprised, and he regarded Nie Kong as a first-class threat to his younger sister.

Nie Kong didn’t care about Spodek’s thoughts. If it weren’t for interference in the night, Nie Kong would try to survive.

There is nothing to do next. Nie Kong glanced at the beautiful and sick lady on chuang late at night, but had no plans to directly treat her.

What Nie Kong did is very simple. She used a little bit of strength to keep her Soul Seal from breaking down. After all, she and Zhenye are twin sisters. For the critically ill elder sister late at night, he suddenly had his own plan.


After coming out of Yotsuba’s home, Spoda also arrived at Yakumo’s temple alone, without encountering the rude hospitality of the disciplines. His visit was not for cultivation, and he had already called to make an appointment in advance.

Yakumos monks house follows the architectural style of bungalow houses in the first half of the 20th century. It may be a building from that era, but Tatsuya has not confirmed it.

The reason why there are no lights around, I guess its not just because of the old building, but on purpose. Not only is there no lighting outside, there is no light inside the building. The cloud-covered night sky has no stars or moon, and the tall walls block the bright lights on the street, making it almost impossible to reach out in the temple.

It’s only 7 o’clock in the night. Could it be that the monks go to bed so early? At least Tatsu has never heard of ninjas going to bed early and getting up early, and he can’t imagine. Besides, the visit has been scheduled in advance, so it should be impossible that no one is awake at all.

The territory is not small, but it can’t be called spacious. The two soon arrived at the entrance of the monk’s room. Not to mention the video intercom at the door, there is no doorbell-this is definitely intentional-Tatsu also wants to open the sliding door of the entrance to inform the visitor. However, when he touched the doorknob, there was no porch of his breath, and a voice called Tatsuya.

“Taya, I am here.” Suddenly a black figure hung upside down from the eaves. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was a monk with a bare head and a simple robe. As an ordinary person, he was half scared to death by his way of appearance.

To be honest, Da also wanted to turn around and leave, but tonight he came here specially for something, so Da also stabilized his unbearable emotions. Although it has been half a year now, Yakumo is still an unpredictable figure. Yakumo turned over and sat in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

“Good night, Master, you were asleep just now?”

“Of course I didn’t sleep. Even if it was me, I wouldn’t have an appointment with someone and do this kind of thing.” He said politely.

“Teacher, sorry to disturb you so late. Since you haven’t rested yet, why do you want to turn off all the lights?”

“en? I’m used to it, no need Don’t turn on the lights, because I am a ninja.” His thin eyes narrowed into a line, and no one could see the emotions hidden in his eyes.

“So, what is going on today?”

“In fact, I want to ask the Master to help investigate an incident.” Siboda also answered Yakumo’s inquiry, and then Explain what happened to Nie Kong. As the 9th layer of the ninja of ancient Japanese magic, Yakumo, there are some things he knows better than the Japanese military because he has his own vast intelligence system.

“Oh, what’s the matter?” Yakumo asked curiously.

“My uncle Kurobas family appeared in a strange Chinese named Nie Kong, I want to know what his specific information is, what plan he wants to use Kurobas family, Master, do you have any clues? “

“Nie Kong, although I heard his name for the first time, I should have a way to investigate.” Yakumo responded simply nodded. It sounds like arrogant and perfunctory, from Yakumo putting as it should be by rights.

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