When it was getting dark, Nie Kong pushed open the door of his villa and brought the mouthless beauty Qiu Jin back home. When I heard her name, Nie Kong was really strange. If you say anything about Haruhi Suzumiya, Misaka Mikoto, Shana and others, he will recognize them immediately.

Nie Kongs villa is very familiar, and it was the one that was thrown out in the Love-Russian. The spacious hall, bathroom and kitchen are all available, warm tables, closets… the furniture that Japanese families often see is lined up inside.

“Qiujin, you can take a shower in the bathroom first, I want to prepare our dinner.” Seeing that night had fallen, Nie Kong looked at the instructed beauties in a little embarrassed manner.

Qiujin was silently nodded, ignoring Nie Kongs presence and pulled away the kimono straps tied around her waist

After Nie Kong cooked the dinner, Qiujin wore a spacious The jacket slipped out of the bathroom. The white thighs and the striking position of the top were not covered by clothes at all.

While they were enjoying dinner, Nie Kong finally asked him the question he was thinking about until now.

“Qiujin, I have something to ask you, what exactly is the wagtail you are talking about?” Nie Kong asked while eating.

“There are 108 wagtails, of which 1 is an adult, 8 are fetuses, and 99 are embryos, a total of 108 wagtails. In order to guide the hitting reed teeth to the sky, we wagtails, So it was born. I am a wagtail numbered NO.07, but Qiujin is very useless, because I cant evolve with Weiya because of my relationship. But…but, Master now takes me in, so I…I take Master Become your own Master Wei Ya.” She said, her emotions became very excited.

“Then…the wagtail numbered NO.01, wouldn’t it be called Miya Asama.” Nie Kong remembers Miya’s name because she has a high position in Goddess.

“Master, do you know the beauty of NO.01?” Qiujin’s quiet expression showed surprise for the first time.

“I heard it occasionally.” So, the two girls I met some time ago were wagtails. Nie Kong was very upset. He had known to leave with them, and then feathered them into his own wagtail.

That figure, that beauty…They are not ordinary girls at all, they have missed a great opportunity.

“Well, but she defected from the MBI organization with Ken Asama many years ago. It seems to have heard that she lived in Izumozhuang north of the Imperial Capital.” Akitsu explained.

“Imperial Capital to the north?” Nie Kong was surprised again, because the two girls said that the direction to escape is to the north. The two of them will not be the wagtail of Goddess. .

After understanding the truth, Nie Kong had the urge to rush to Izumozhuang to forcibly feather the two girls.


When Nie Kong and Qiujin were talking about wagtails, in the 203 bedroom of Izumoso. An astonishingly plump spectacle lady faced the screen in front of her and quickly tapped the keyboard. Lines of code appeared, and then the outline of the entire world appeared. She typed a few more lines of code, and the world shrank to Imperial Capital, showing the outline of Imperial Capital.

“Song, how’s it going, have you found your Master Weiya?” A woman with a beige T provocative on her upper body and a pair of tight jeans on her lower body appeared next to her and suddenly asked. .

“Huh, you are going to scare people to death.” Song patted his swollen chest and said dissatisfiedly.

“If you were so timid, I don’t think I would steal the Divine Item from Yuzhongguangren.” Tiannv faint smiled.

Songbai glanced at Tiannv and turned her eyes to the screen: “My body responds to Weiya, so it’s easy to find him. You see, I found one who is very close to him via satellite. For similar people, his specific location is…” After pressing hard on the keyboard, the location of Nie Kong’s villa appeared in front of them, a small circular dot.

“The east side of Imperial Capital is the same as my feeling. It’s not wrong, he is my Master Weiya. It doesn’t really look like there is a fire burning my body.” She flushed. The eyes are already bright and intelligent, very pleasant.

“Well, since I found it, I will accompany you to him tomorrow.” Yin Nu nodded and said.

“No…no, don’t you want to peek at my contact with Master Weiya?” Song blinked and asked.

“Who…who will peek at you, I’m just afraid that you will meet MBI’s punishment unit halfway, so I have to protect you, a wagtail with no battle strength. Kindness is not rewarded.” Yin Nv said ill-humoredly.

“Okay, thank you then.” Song Qiaoyan said like a flower.

“There is one more thing, Meizai wants me to ask you clearly about one thing–have Yuzhong Hiroshi released the Songtian wagtail?” Tannu asked with a frown.

“Oh, let me check it out.” After speaking, Song continued to invade MBI’s database, seeing the information clearly. “It seems that the plan has already begun, and more than a dozen wagtails have left the Songtian Ship. Currently, there is only one feathered wagtail, No.05 Mutsu. It is very interesting, his Wei Ya-sama will be a little Zhengtai , Could it be said that they want to…” She said, and suddenly there was a burst of evil laughter, which is indeed a wise wagtail, not a shameful wagtail.

“Forget it, anyway, I don’t plan to become feathered.”

Tiannu felt a bitter cold and didn’t plan on her conjecture. She left her house directly, she wanted to send the news Tell Mizai to listen.

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