“I see, Lord Miko , I will teach him a little lesson.” A new wagtail appears to be disrupted. It seems that the wayward dream of Lord Miko will be defeated. They say it again. The sharp blade gave off a white cold light, and he grasped the handle of the knife and slapped Nie Kong’s head with the back of the knife.

The eyes of the light and sound that hugged each other looked at Nie Kong tightly, thanking him for helping him. However, they despise those wagtails who are Wei Ya who do not take action against the enemy, instead let their Wei Ya go deep into battle. It’s too much. Instead of letting him fight against Mutsu as a human, it’s better to let him come.

The fierce attack made Mutsu seem very domineering, especially the wagtail’s strength after reciting the prayer to a new stage.

Nie Kong stretched out his finger and pointed at Mutsu, and the space in front of him instantly solidified into a whole. The figure of Mutsu who was rushing forward was stiff and strange and stopped in front of Nie Kong, as if petrified. .

His eyes stared like brass bells, staring at the human Nie Kong in horror. What demon method did he resort to, why can’t his body move? An unprecedented horror spread his mind and body.

“Mutsu, what are you doing? Didn’t you say that you want to teach him a meal? Hurry up, my impatient is going to have them all feathered.” Seen from Yuko who was watching the battle His performance yelled dissatisfiedly.

In the next scene, he obediently closed his mouth. They only heard the sound of peng sound like broken glass, and they seemed to see the plane space formed by Mutsu split one after another crack.

His body seemed to have been cut by an unknown sharp blade, revealing scars with deep bones. Flesh and bloody and very cruel.

“What the hell is going on?” Everyone stared at Nie Kong in shock, unimaginable what did he rely on to hurt Mutsu, number 05. Mutsu is not a clay figure, and not everyone can crush it.

“It’s weird, what did he do to his body just now?” He softened to the ground in astonishment, looking at Nie Kong incredibly. Although the physical injury has not reached the stage of recovery, it is difficult to say if it is not treated as soon as possible.

Nie Kong kept his hand, otherwise his body would have been shattered with the space. Now the wagtail project has not started, killing him will change the plan.

“Kongkong, Kongkong is so amazing, you really deserve to be Song Weiya.” Two red hearts appeared in Song’s eyes, and a trace of crystal saliva flowed out of his small mouth.

“Mutu…” Miko screamed, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, dashed on his body, and hugged his body tightly. “No, you are not allowed to leave my side without my promise.”

He tremblingly looked at the blood on his hands, and took out the phone in horror and pressed a few buttons. A few minutes later, a row of medical cars appeared in the alley.

Mikoto, who was going to take other people’s wagtail, now leaves here very embarrassed. Looking at him in horror, you know how much he cherishes his wagtail Mutsu.

“I really don’t understand, how did you defeat them.” Tiannv curiously asked.

“hehe, thats my secret weapon, but there are some restrictions on using it, so I cant use it indiscriminately. So, its your turn to protect me in the future.” There are restrictions, Im afraid its too much. Vigorously destroy the entire world. You have to control your power to be very precise and precise.

And if Wei Ya’s abilities are too great, the wagtails will be disappointed, because their original dream is to protect their own Wei Ya.

“Well, Qiujin will protect the Master in the future.” Qiujin said with great interest as if he had come back to life again.

“Aiya, Song can only help Kongkong plan well behind the scenes.” Song hugged Nie Kong’s arm, grunting and laughing nonstop.

Kuang Hexiang listened to their conversation, and felt a warm atmosphere between Wei Ya and the wagtail. That feeling was really warm and enviable.

Nie Kong did not forget the twin sisters, came to them, and asked gently: “You two are all right, do you want to see the hospital?”

” You…is your purpose the same as they just now, to feather us?” Guang unyielding asked. She has a strong personality, but the sound around her is different, with a weak personality.

“No, I dont have the habit of forcing people to feather. Look at the wagtail girl number 10 by my side, isnt it not feathered? Because youre fighting to attract us and happen to save you “Nie Kong smiled and shook his head.

“Hey…light, what a…what a good reed bud, it’s better to…not equal to me, let them be feathered with him.” Shocked his elder sister and whispered, She longed for that kind of Wei Ya love. If they change to the original, not only can they not be full, but they also think that they have to work to raise the scumbag.

“hmph, it’s too early to be our sister’s reed bud. Let’s observe it for a while.” The light will move, but not impulsively.

“Don’t pay attention to them, nothing is good. Let’s go home quickly.” Loosen cried Nie Kong’s arm.

At this time, the two women’s stomachs called out gu gu, making the two women blush. The pain of the body and the hunger of the stomach are really super painful. They haven’t eaten a meal since leaving the MBI headquarters. Although there is a money card issued by MBI, I don’t know why the wagtails will not use it.

“If you don’t dislike it, come to my house for a meal.” Nie Kong smiled and stretched out his hand to them. The handsome and gentle smile seemed to make them forget everything about their bodies.

Qiujin’s eyes flashed with warmth. That’s how he picked it up for the Master. When I think about it, I feel so happy.

“Hmm…well, thank you for your hospitality, we will never forget it.” This time, without waiting for the elder sister’s answer, she nodded her head.

Nie Kong took the five girls and set off towards the villa. And in one corner, a stubborn uncle watched their departure. He who was familiar with wagtails naturally knew what had just happened to them.

It’s a pity that he was going to save the two women, but Nie Kong was one step ahead. With the power that Kento Asama gave him, he could hold a wagtail by the hand and make them lose any power.

“Forget it, the bastard’s wagtail project of Yuzhongguangren, it’s better not to participate in it… so as not to cause a commotion.” He shook his head and hurried back to his construction site with a sigh.

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