“Marriage?” For a while, Nie Kong was speechless.

“Whats so surprising, Moon Sea is already your wagtail, shouldnt it be your wife as it should be? Dont you say you want renege on a debt, but dont want me Is it?” Obviously, Yuehai pulled Nie Kong’s collar tightly. But having said that, the wagtail’s thoughts are really hard to guess. It’s clear that Nie Kong was called to kill just now, so must kill Nie Kong. But now clinging to his side, he refused to let go. To be honest, Nie Kong was a little hard to react to the sudden changes. No wonder she feels disgusted with feathering, because she treats it as a ceremony for marriage.

Xiao Cao had a cute face bulging, and said reluctantly: “I also want to be Big Brother’s wife.”

“It turns out that the little bit is your wagtail. Yeah. Forget it, anyway, she’s still young, I’ll let her go, but I’m the main room.” Yuehai’s answer is as it should be by rights.

“Eh, do you want to be the wife of Lord Nie Kong, I feel passionate in my heart. Hehe, the summary is the wife of the Nie Kong big brother.” The plump Superman’s body suddenly rushed Nie Kong smiled innocently in his arms.

“Forget it, things can’t be changed. Although you are already my wagtail, your attitude will change a little bit later. I don’t like the wayward wagtail.” Nie Kong said.

“Okay…well, Yuehai remembers Master Weiya’s words. Although Yuehai hated Weiya before, if it were you, you would definitely be able to connect with Yuehai.” Yuehaihong Said with a face.

Seeing Yuehai’s well-behaved look, Nie Kong was satisfied with nodded, introduced herself and summarized them. She knew that the summary was Nie Kong’s wagtail, but she wanted to be Nie Kong’s wife.

But a summary sentence made her angry out of thin air. She said that if Song and the three of them knew that Lord Nie Kong had feathered the number 09, she would be surprised.

“Master Nie Kong, please tell Yuehai how many wagtails you have.

“That…you will know when you come home with me. “Everything will be done after returning to the villa, now it’s useless to say more.

“Well then, let’s listen to Lord Nie Kong. “See Nie Kong saying that, Yuehai is obediently nodded. Compared to her lonely self before, she now has a sense of belonging after she evolves, warm and happy.

The guy said that. Yes, the wagtail must find the reed bud he hit. He may be good. Not only did he gently save himself from the summary, but he forgave himself and let himself feather after he hurt him. How ignorant he was before, The goal is to become the strongest wagtail, but trifling can’t win the knot at No. 88. No, she is not her opponent at all. Yuehai’s heart melted at that moment.

On the way to buy food, Yuehai held Nie Kong’s clothes corner because Xiaocao and Xiaojie occupied all his arms. She seemed very close, like a newly married wife.

Go back On the way, Nie Kong felt very lucky. Just going out to buy food, didn’t expect to feather the moon sea that belongs to everyone, his heart is very excited. As everyone knows, everything is relaxed behind the scenes to help him. .

Song watched the development of the situation, could not help but let out a hehe laugh. Her dear Kongkong, really took Yuehai prisoner. According to this situation, in all the reed buds of Imperial Capital, herself Kongkong is the most powerful one, right. But its not over yet, the one-digit wagtails are still a few short of their full feathers.

Yuehai followed Nie Kong back with anxiety. Arrived in the villa. But what makes people more puzzled is that there are all beautiful girls in the house. My master Weiya is really a flower.

Then next, I will introduce Yuehai to everyone. . But I heard that besides himself, Nie Kong feathered five and a half wagtails, which made Yuehai a little unbearable. Anyway, this number is too much. And I heard that the girl belongs to Chiho. Wagtail, she seems to be relaxed. What is strange to her is that the two Weiya adults will believe that they love each other and live together.

But even if there are some grievances in their hearts, but nothing is done. Since they have become Nie Kong’s wagtails Its impossible to accept it. As soon as I see Nie Kongs disgusting eyes, Yuehais heart will burst. Anyway, the position of the wife must belong to her. As for the other wagtail, she reluctantly makes it difficult. They are good as side rooms.

“There is a sentence I want to make face to face, since I have become Lord Nie Kongs wagtail, then I am Lord Nie Kongs wife. As for you, I reluctantly agreed to let you be the side room. Assigning tasks is the responsibility of the wife. “I made up my mind, Yuehai is like a proud princess, watching Guang, they directly express the thoughts in their hearts.

“You don’t crack a joke, in terms of qualifications, we sisters You have emerged early, you should respectfully call us elder sister. “I can’t stand yelled as soon as I hear the hot temper.

“hehe, the summary is the wife of Lord Nie Kong. “Innocent knot, he didn’t listen to them and put his head in his arms. It would be wonderful to be the wife of Lord Nie Kong.

Not only is the summary tempting, but Even Xiaocao Lolita rushed to Nie Kong’s side immediately. She sat tightly on Nie Kong’s lap and stared at Moon Sea with her eyes wide open, saying that this position belongs to her.

“hmph, are you robbing me of the position of wife? “Yuehai said with anger.

“Hehe, let me teach you a little lesson, don’t think that the serial number is ahead of me. “Not much to say, a thunder and lightning strikes. Moon Sea can’t avoid it, and the body becomes scorched and paralyzed.

“How come, how can your strength be so strong. Mingmingyuehai, like you, has already emerged. “Yuehai said in surprise.

“hehe, because we and the Master have already started a second emergence, you are not our opponent…” Xiang smiled and explained.

“Well, so you are not qualified to be the rightful wife. Guang proudly said.

“Master Nie Kong, you…you are partial…you hurry up and judge…” Yuehai looked at Nie Kong bitterly.

” That’s it, Master, please choose us to be your wife. Guang said spoiledly.

“Okay, I’ll talk about that later. Stop arguing, our family is to be friendly and warm, and quarrels are forbidden. “Nie Kong said with a stern face.

Nie Kong’s words were very majestic, and the two girls of Guang He Xiang were obediently silent. And Yue Hai also did not dare to say more, for fear of seeing Nie Kong again. Disgusting eyes.

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