Sahashi, who is shaking his head, will grab an empty wine glass, and it seems that his eyes have gone. Nie Kong kindly stuffed the filled glass into his hand, he smiled and said thank you.

However, after drinking half of it, he lost his eyes and fainted on the bar. He was full of alcohol and seemed to be drunk in a mess, and Sahashi was eliminated when he had the second cup. Even if Fenghua is now feathering him, he is impossible to take action.

Seeing that the first one was eliminated, Mutsu felt relaxed and there were two opponents left. He resisted the alcohol rushing from his stomach, and drank the cup one mouthful after another, so that he was no longer stuffy in one mouthful. Bing Equans drink volume is much better than that of Mutsu, and he is indeed the expensive Young Master. I have become accustomed to large and small entertainment when I was young.

After drinking the second cup, Fenghua hiccuped her wine, and her gorgeous pretty face flashed red. She looked at Nie Kong and found that he still face doesn’t change, and she drank all the wine in one sip.

Feng Hua often wanders in the bar. I am very happy to see someone who can drink with her till the end. Come and see if my destiny can be in my own hands.

One after another’s wine kept drunk into the stomachs of four people, and the second one who failed was Mutsu.

Drunk, he was messing around at the bar, overturning several bottles. Mikogami pulled him slightly, and Mutsu was upset and said: “I still want to drink, I want to drink. I’m not drunk, I want to drink.”

Gokogami browses slightly wrinkle and orders Shiina Support Mutsu with Miwa. He took out the car key from his pocket with his left hand, and left the bar with resentment and unwillingness. Mikogami is a person who obeys the rules of the game very much, so if you lose, you lose without complaining.

Bing Equan, sweating all over, shook his head vigorously, and drank a glass of boiled water to soothe the alcohol, hoping to fight to the end. Nie Kong sneered, now there is only one opponent left.

When Fenghua drinks here, she is also a little drunk. She began to follow the rhythm of Nie Kong’s drinking, and soon poured another one after drinking. Bing Equan, who was already about to reach his limit, couldn’t stand it, and wa’ed vomiting the secretary behind him, and there was no hint of noble Young Master temperament.

Just as he was about to say a few words of reluctance, the alcohol in his stomach came again. He quickly covered his mouth and motioned to his secretary to help him to the bathroom.

The third player, Bing Equan, was eliminated when he drank the sixth cup and fled the bar embarrassedly.

Fenghua watched the trios defeat in a daze, and a helpless expression flashed across her mouth. And the handsome man in front of him, is it the Weiya he hit?

Nie Kong lightly said with a smile: “The result of the game has come out, do you want to continue drinking?”

Fenghua stretched out her left hand to hold Nie Kongs neck, Spilled Nie Kong’s nose with fragrance and alcohol: “Drink, continue to drink… After drinking me, I am your wagtail…”

Nie Kong occasionally encountered the wind Hua’s body only feels soft where it starts. He poured the wine and handed it to her, and then she drank the glass. .

Drinking a cup of wine, Yuehai and Summary at the back looked at them dumbfounded. When finally drinking the fifteenth cup, Fenghua’s eyes were completely blurred.

“Drink…drink, continue to drink.” Her plump body turned unconsciously, and the tight-fitting skirt of light purple wrapped her skin with infinite heat, which inevitably touched both of his hands.

The invisible current, the undefended female body, the charming face of mature women, the flushing after drunk, the mature breath, and the faintly discernable stubbornness of the corners of the mouth, all form a powerful attraction . It’s no wonder that many people will start when a woman is drunk.

Nie Kong pinched her chin and let her blurred eyes meet with herself. Fenghua didn’t speak, looking at him with a little blur in her eyes. At this moment in the body, I feel so hot and eager…

“You lost, so according to the rules of the game, you have to be my Nie Kong’s wagtail…” Nie Kong’s big mouth slowly pressed towards With her pretty face, she kissed her red lips powerfully.

Although there is a trace of consciousness, Fenghua can no longer resist, and she has no reason to refuse. She closed her eyes silently, indulging her drunkenness.

Her body has become so warm and comfortable at this moment. There seemed to be something strange that filled her empty heart. It turns out that Nie Kong kissed her bright red mouth, and in this brief moment she feathered her.

Fenghua’s body glowed faintly, as if invisible wings appeared behind her. At this brief moment, Nie Kong got his seventh wagtail, the wind wagtail number 03, Fenghua.

Forced to feather Fenghua is nothing, because he is the winner of the game and has the right to own his own prizes.

After the feathered ceremony was over, her red pretty face brought a smile of satisfaction, and her body and mind belonged to Nie Kong alone. Nie Kong held her plump body and was very satisfied.

“I knew that my beloved Lord Nie Kong would definitely outperform the other Wei Ya. Well, since it was a prize won, I agreed to let her be Lord Nie Kong’s concubine. ……” Yuehai nodded hummed.

“Hehe, Lord Nie Kong is the best, now he has seven wagtails. From this point of view, we must be able to reach Songtian.” The summary said excitedly.

“Please…please don’t hurt my Master, okay, I…I don’t plan to participate in the wagtail project…” Jiuneng is weak behind him.

“By the way, what should Master Nie Kong do with them?” The summary looked at the dizzy girl behind him, once again opened the mouth and said.

“Give her to her wagtail, let’s go home.” Nie Kong said.

“Well, the summary likes the gentleness of Lord Nie Kong.” The summary looks like a peach heart, with love and admiration.

Summary with super power put Yukari into Jiuno’s arms, but instead caused the two women to fall to the ground.

After struggling for a long time, she found that she couldn’t hold her Master. She looked at Nie Kong and the others pitifully: “No…no, long-time ability is too small…can you help? Jiu Neng…”

“Well, summary you can carry her back to our house temporarily, and let them leave after she wakes up.” Nie Kong wants to hold Fenghua with her hands Willing to leave that soft skin.

So Yukari and Jiunou unsuspectingly followed to Nie Kong’s villa.

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