The range of the water arrow is too large to enclose all of their three reed bud wagtails. Bing Equan’s words, let the three immediately join forces with the enemy to deal with Nie Kong.

“Ice Arrow!” Qiu Jin moved in her heart, using her own ice power to condense the water of the moon sea into ice.

“Hehe, let me work harder, storm…” Fenghuayu pointed a finger, and a storm followed Frostbolt. The storm was mixed with sharp ice arrows and roared in an imposing manner.

The three women wonderfully completed a cooperation, superimposing the three tricks, and matching the three types in Hokage. The completed ninjutsu is directly mixed into a compound ninjutsu, and the formidable power has not only increased several times. Even without using the Dual Cultivation power bestowed by Nie Kong, the power of the three women is enough to defeat the enemy in front.

“Bang…” There was a loud noise, and the abandoned island of MBI was shaken. After the smoke dissipated, the abandoned buildings in front had been razed to the ground.

“My little cuties, are you all right.” The middle-aged uncle rushed to the ruins anxiously, digging around a pile of gravel with his own hands. After pushing away another big rock, he saw three wagtails in human form. Although he couldn’t recognize the specific appearance, Sanada Nishi could recognize them as his wagtail. Disappeared, the breath of his three wagtails lost contact with him.

“My little cutie…” He uttered a mournful roar up to the sky, his face was sad, and he finally realized how they felt when they killed other wagtails before.

Fenghua and Yuehai laughed bitterly. They knew that their strength was too great, causing casualties. They are no better than women, the soul of the wagtail is impossible attached to other people.

There were a few silhouettes struggling out of the gravel team embarrassingly with the sound of falling rocks. There are more or less scars on the body, but not very serious. Because the three women mainly attacked the three loli holding the Divine Item, they were saved from death.

They backed away embarrassedly to their Weiya side, looking at the Fenghua three women in horror.

“Master Bing Equan, please allow us to use prayers.” Zhibian looked at his Weiya longingly.

Bing Equan looked at Nie Kong in annoyance, and couldn’t lose to him for the third time. “Okay, come on.”

“Give me a little harder. If I lose, I will see how I can clean you up.” A silly male Wei Ya shook off the wagtail in his arms and wiped himself Mouth, and then cursed angrily.

The poor wagtail holding a sledgehammer, dare not make any complaints. “The hammer of my oath will crush the enemy of the reed tooth!”

“The flywheel of my oath, the dangerous enemy of the reed tooth, cut it.”

The four wagtails emitted a burst of light, and then each began to recite their prayers.

This is the difference between feathering and non-feathering. By reciting one’s own proprietary prayers, all the power contained within the body can be released.

The four wagtails shot together, and they performed their proud stunts. Seeing the affection between them and Wei Ya, Fenghua’s heart swayed, and her delicate body flew into Nie Kong’s arms.

Apart from anything else, Fenghuas soft lips immediately kissed Nie Kong. Amorous, she was reluctant to part with Nie Kong even in the battle. If Nie Kong abandons her cruelly, she will definitely be hit harder than the previous crush, and even lose the courage to continue living.

“I can’t stand it anymore, people will also use prayers.”

Yuehai is jealous, and she has never been treated like that. She pushed away the endlessly entangled Fenghua, changed herself to kiss Nie Kong.

She sucked the breath and body fluid full of Nie Kong, and she was lost like Fenghua. But Qiujin refused, because she longed to be loved by Nie Kong like them. After finally being able to evolve, I must recite a prayer.

“The wind of my oath, the reed teeth will blow away the dark clouds-Hualan!”

“The water of my oath, the pollution of the reed teeth, all disperse The end of the sea!”

“The ice of my oath, Wei Ya will freeze everything!”

The three daughters who are on the opposite side are a few thick, glowing with a burst of fluorescence. The power of the body is boiling.

Nie Kong gave them the mode of prayer. Although they are strong enough, they are eager for Nie Kong’s love. After enjoying the sweet kiss of the three daughters, he walked towards the reed bud that had just cursed the wagtail. It seems that he has agreed to Song, to teach that scumbag WeiyaTanikawa.

Seeing Nie Kong approaching, he glared at Nie Kong fiercely and cursed: “Pretty boy, what do you want to do! Dare to move forward, be careful that Laozi beats you…”

Nie Kong feels like it, it’s hard to believe that someone like him would have a wagtail choose him.

“I want to see how you are going to beat me.” Nie Kong still walked forward at a moderate pace, Tanikawa’s eyes flashed fiercely, and a straight fist struck Nie. Kong’s eye sockets.

Nie Kong simply squeezed Tanikawa’s fist and kicked his knee hard with his left foot. Tanikawa called out pitifully, half kneeling in front of Nie Kong.

“hmph, why isn’t it fierce?” Nie Kong slapped him in the face again and beat him to the ground.

“Woo, it hurts, I admit defeat, don’t fight!” He broke his nose and burst into tears, and almost didn’t kneel before Nie Kong begging for mercy.

However, Nie Kong intends to let him end in the same way as the original book. He stepped on his legs hard, his eyes protruded, and immediately stopped crying, turning out to be in a coma with pain.

After solving the scumbag, Nie Kong looked towards the battlefield. The duel between the wagtail prayers, the result is that the three daughters of Yuehai won the victory. Just Yuehai alone, the four wagtails were overwhelmed by the range of tricks.

The frozen sky and the biting cold wind behind them completely lost their lives. The wagtail’s battle was cruel, and even Fenghua couldn’t help but feel a little sad for the wagtails.

After the death of three wagtails, Bing Equan has already lost his qualification to participate in the wagtail project because he has no wagtails available. Nishi Sanada is the same as Tanikawa, and the winner is Nie Kong without any suspense.

Bing Equan and Zhentianxi fell to the ground, their eyes dull.

The Fenghua trio came to Nie Kong timidly, for fear that Nie Kong would scold them for being too cruel. However, they received praise from Nie Kong and they were very happy.

Instructed them to dig out Divine Item No. 1 buried in the soil, and Nie Kong returned to the villa with the trophy.

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