The plan is irreversible. Unsurprisingly, the final decisive battle is the unfolding of Miya No. 01 and one of the eight wagtails of Nie Kong.

“Nie-san, you deserve to be a powerful reed bud with eight wagtails. The previous rushing levels did not leave you a wagtail. It really makes me difficult. It seems you want to do it. When you have a choice, which wagtail will accompany you to board Songtian. After Songtian, you will be able to decide the victory or defeat with the number 01 Meizai, and see who will control the fate of the world.” The voice came again.

“Can’t you all go up?” Nie Kong asked again.

“No, Songtian is surrounded by layers of turbulence, so you can’t climb it casually. And it’s filled with the same energy as Divine Throne Island. No, it’s a hundred times richer than Divine Throne Island. Nothing. The energy released by the Divine Item is neutralized, and it is absolutely impossible for someone to survive on it. “To climb the sky, Divine Item is a necessary key. Now that Divine Item has been installed in the device invented by MBI, it is continuously releasing energy to neutralize the divine throne island. There will be no problems for a while. So Hiroto Michu brought the eight devices printed on the machine to Nie Kong and the others to give them the final guidance.

“Well, then I will choose loose.” Nie Kong didn’t have to think about it at all, because he has the ability to take a few women and land at Songtian at will. When Song Yi heard Nie Kong’s words, his eyes were moved and almost cried.

“Well, I will give you the Divine Item. If you don’t have the energy protection it releases, you will die immediately when you reach Songtian. A reed bud can carry four Divines Item, Meizai is an exception and can only be kept by himself. Your wagtail will tell you the specific matters, and I wish you success in mastering the destiny of the world.” After Yuchu Hiro, the sky above is like an alien spaceship. Two apertures that can accommodate a person were lowered. No, Songtian was originally an alien ship.

Nie Kong glanced at Meizai and found that her eyes were full of nostalgia. She slowly leaned into the aperture with the four Divine Item devices given by Michuhiro. Accompanied by the energy of Divine Item, it slowly rises with Meizai, and eventually rises into Songtian.

“Empty, let’s go up.” Song lovingly hugged Nie Kong’s body. The princess’s hug posture is awkward. It seems that she intends to use this posture to board the one that can only accommodate one person. The aperture is up. Feng Huayuehai looked at Song jealously, not knowing how much they wanted to replace her.

Nie Kong, a person who has left the soft body, lightly said with a smile: “After repeated consideration, I think it is better to go up all. My lovely wagtails, come and surround I’ll go around.”

He pouted loosely, seeming very depressed. And the other girls were very happy. As a wagtail, who doesn’t want to accompany Wei Ya to Song Tian, can decide their own destiny and Master Wei Ya to live happily.

Apart from anything else, a few women are cuddling tightly next to Nie Kong. Nie Kong took a few women, and without the help of the power of the aperture, she rushed to Song Tian with the eight women weirdly.

Yuzhongguangren stammered at Nie Kong’s escape from gravity and glanced towards Songtian. Not to mention much horror. Needless to say, the women looked at their Wei Ya with very surprised eyes. The more they contacted Lord Nie Kong, they found that Nie Kong became more mysterious and powerful. They feel speechlessly that Nie Kong is more like a wagtail than them.

Following the opening of the passage, Nie Kong forcibly rushed into Songtian with her eight girls. The inside is not an island as seen from the outside, but is full of sophisticated machinery, no wonder it can float in the air. It seems that Songtian is the core of all the wagtail plan.

Nie Kong, they look forward to everything here, because of their strength, they are simply not affected by the energy here. And Mei Zai had already stood in front of them, her eyes were looking straight at the Divine Item in Nie Kong’s hand.

“Empty, you must not lose the Divine Item in your hand. Eight Divine Items are the key to controlling Songtian. After activation, the program inside can control the fate of every wagtail.” Song immediately Exhorted.

It seems that the magical effect of Divine Item is that the energy contained in Divine Item can activate Songtian. And by operating the high-tech equipment in it, the backbone of each wagtail can be simply controlled, which is the so-called human soul. Not only that, as long as there is a wagtail backbone, it can regenerate a wagtail that has been killed, far beyond the ability of Divine Throne. Perhaps one of the purposes of the Yuzhongguang people in launching the Wagtail Project was to obtain the technology inside and the switch to control the Wagtail, but that’s all to punish all the troops.

“Hehe, it seems that I must fight Miya. Although Izumozou was sometimes terrifying, but now she has no chance of winning.” Fenghua said with a smile, not to mention them Even if the disparity in number is too great.

“I don’t know why, I long to fight her.” Because she is a wagtail number 01, Yuehai’s eyes are full of fighting intents and she looks beautiful.

But Meizai looked towards Nie Kongs Divine Item without blinking, treating him as the only enemy. Instinctively, the only hope in Meizai’s heart is to collect all Divine Items.

“It seems that Mizai regards me as his opponent, please let me go. I will be Mizai’s opponent. I hoped to be able to face her with two tricks a long time ago.” Nie Kong took Smiling, stood in front of Yuehai and the others, and formed a confrontation with Miya.

Yuehai and the others opened their mouths wide, shocked by Nie Kong’s decision.

“But…but now it’s the last battle of the wagtail, no…not good.” Yuehai said stupidly.

“It doesn’t matter, just give Kongkong a good time, I believe Kongkong will win.” Song always thinks for Nie Kong, no matter what Nie Kong asks too much, she will stand silently Behind Nie Kong.

“It’s not exactly like that, because I want to try if I can awaken Meiza from instinct.” Nie Kong shook her head. She doesn’t like unconscious Meiza, no matter how beautiful she is.

“It’s really thoughtful to think about it. If you can wake up, it will save you a lot of trouble.” Song said with a lovable smile.

“Must…must win, liberate and save Xiaocao’s big brother.” Xiaocao clasped Nie Kong’s hand tightly, full of desire.

Nie Kong touched Xiaocao’s hair, silently nodded.

A few women made room for them so that they can fight as much as they want.

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