Aperture dropping from the sky fell on the villa, and the four daughters of Tian who stayed at home immediately rushed out of the house. Their eyes widened, and they looked at Nie Kong leading a dozen wagtail dropping from the sky in surprise.

Song and the others can come back safely, which means that Nie Kong has won the wagtail project. Tian Nu and Jiuneng were full of surprises, because they finally got rid of the situation of fighting each other.

Happily greeted Nie Kong and the others into the house, and were afraid of the addition of three wagtails, because their predecessors were members of the punishment unit.

After returning to the familiar home, Song and the others felt relaxed and free as if they were relieved. No matter where they are, they feel that they are not inferior to the warmth it brings to them.

Song laughed and immediately threw away the cumbersome clothes on her body. In less than a second, he was already naked.

Fenghua is also unwilling to be left behind. She doesn’t know when she turns her body and puts on an apron, saying that she is preparing a loving dinner for her dear.

Meizai quietly used a sword on the back of the two women’s heads, habitually stating that shameless dressing is prohibited. Gentle and intellectually beautiful, she looks like a gentle and moving wife, suitable for leading the large and small harem of Nie Kong.

Matsutsu smiled mischievously, scratched her hands on Mizai, and smirked Mizai and said, “Mizai, it doesn’t matter, this is no longer Izumo-so. Besides, we are already empty wagtails. , I belong to the intimacy with Master Wei Ya. Now Mei Zai is an empty wagtail. Don’t you try the collision of love between Wei Ya and the wagtail? Doesn’t your hot body need to calm down with empty DNA?”

Because of the loose force, Meizai’s slender body fell into Nie Kong’s arms. Looking at Nie Kong’s eyes, Meizai’s beautiful cheeks showed an intoxicating blush, and a strange heat appeared in his body.

In the public, Nie Kong likes beauty, but he doesn’t do stupid things. Gently hold Miya, smiled and said that in the future, please take care of her. Because Mei Zai is a housewife who can take care of a large family in an orderly manner.

Beautiful and sweet un’ed, she took off her apron and put on her kimono. Fenghua didn’t follow the wind, and hurriedly chased Meiza to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Nie Kong and the others.

At first, the three crow feathers were worried about being rejected, but fortunately, Chiho and the others had good tempers and accepted them very gently.

Half an hour later, Mei Zai brought the delicious dishes to the table. Compared to Nie Kong’s cooking skills, it is not much better than Nie Kong’s cooking skills. More than a dozen people gathered for dinner, lively and warm. Miya felt very happy for a moment, because it was much better than living alone in Izumoso. The life of Izumoso should come to an end, cut off the loneliness of the past.

After dinner, some girls gather in front of the TV to play video games, some choose to take a bath, some like to sneak into their own bedroom, Mizai acts as a housewife to take care of Nie Kong to the end.

But she was confused, why didn’t she see Nie Kong to help her arrange the bedroom. He couldn’t help but pushed Song Song who took a bath with her, and asked what he cared about.

Song looked at Meizai’s beautiful body, mysterious said with a smile: “Don’t worry about Meizai, I must have arranged it for you, and I will take you there after taking a shower.”

Mizai does not doubt that he has him, and does not worry about washing every skin of his body. The body is not loose and plump, but the kind of body that pulls them, one more is fat, one less is thin.

After taking a shower, Song hurriedly pulled Meiza to a bedroom. She didn’t understand the layout of the house, so she didn’t understand.

After squeezing the door open, she was shocked to find that there was someone inside, her Wei Ya-sama Nie Kong.

Seeing Meiza wearing a bath towel and taking the initiative to the door, Nie Kong’s eyes flashed with surprise, but they were full of smiles.

“Song…Song, you can’t be mistaken, here…this is obviously Nie-san’s bedroom.” Mei Zai asked in a panic.

Song Wugui said: “Yes, as a wagtail, you must eat and live with Master Weiya. Kongkong, don’t you think it is.”

To escape, but the loose behind pushed Miya into the bedroom. Covered his mouth and snickered and closed the door.


Nie Kong once again held Mizai in his arms, smelling the scent of her body, and couldn’t help but lose his mind. With both hands involuntarily, she lightly took off the bath towel from Mei Zai, and hugged her beautiful body. Wen Xiang Nuan Yu, her body is beautiful.

“Miya, let’s start the second eclosion, which is a compulsory course for Wei Ya and Wagtail. It just so happened that I wanted to learn more about Mei Zai’s body and understand my own wagtail. “Wagtail.”

“This…this feeling is so strange.” As Wagtail 00, she knew her body well, but it was the first time she came into contact with Wei Ya.

The beautiful and gentle eyes are full of thick water, and the slightly red lips can’t help but hand to Nie Kong’s big mouth, longing for the comfort of Nie Kong DNA. The girls unique fragrance immediately assaults the senses.

The first contact with Wei Ya, Mei Zai’s resistance completely disappeared. Sure enough, the mission of Wagtail in his life is to find his own Master Weiya.

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