The situation is simpler than a virtual battle, because a companion has already helped him freeze NOVA and cannot move. Now as long as the weapon in your hand smashes its core to win, you can’t let it harm humans.

Seeing that He Ye had already reached the front of NOVA, lightning speed stab at its core.

“Is it over? No, let’s see your true power, He Ye.” Nie Kong murmured, and there was a burst of invisible ripples in his eyes. The frozen NOVA let out a terror cry, as if afraid of something.

At the same time, the frozen Formation that freezes its body immediately collapsed, and NOVA regained its freedom. It seemed to be waving those monster arms wildly, caught up with Ye’s speed strangely and shot her out. Pandora, the third grader who followed immediately, was blocked by it attacking one after another.

“No…No way.” He Ye stood up again, looking at the roaring NOVA’s beautiful eyes with surprise. Fortunately, the body was not seriously injured. With Pandora’s powerful recovery physique, some minor injuries simply don’t need treatment.

“Stabilize the formation and protect the masters first! The healing troops are dispatched to rescue the injured Pandora.” The commanding Teacher shouted loudly. Whether it’s Pandora or the master, it’s all made up of schools that haven’t been to the battlefield. If the hearts of the people are distracted, it will really be over. As long as the first person who is afraid of fleeing appears, the morale of the team whose fighting will is low will be directly defeated.

“Four times acceleration.” And Ye clenched the teeth, once again rushed to NOVA in the fear of countless students. That is the so-called speed, the naked eye of the students couldn’t catch He Ye’s shadow at all. Her gorgeous and powerful technique shocked all Pandora.

“wu wu…” NOVA issued a painful call, and his huge hands seemed to be waving wildly, blocking the speeding Kazuya out. He Ye was horrified again, because this R-shaped alien was too powerful, and he kept catching up with her proud acceleration skills.

“Avatar!” and Ye took a few steps back, and his body was strangely divided into four phantoms. And every phantom is a real existence, not an afterimage left by high speed. They were divided into four weird angles and rushed towards NOVA in no particular order.

“Roar…” With a terrifying roar, its body glowed with restless fluorescence. The soaring energy dispersed the four and Ye Zhen. Not far away, Nie Kong’s eyes gave out a hint of surprise, and he ran to Heye’s side regardless of how much.

extend the hand lifted the fallen and Ye up, and asked with concern: “Its okay.”

“Didnt you say you cant get close, you quickly retreat to the back, here too It’s dangerous.” He Ye said anxiously.

“Senior Sister, you see, you alone can’t defeat NOVA. It has just been agreed, so let me be your real master and fight with you. Senior Sister, Baptism.” Nie Kong said.

He Yes pretty face blushed, I want… to be baptism here, no, its too shameful.

“Senior Sister, you won’t regret it.” Nie Kong tightly grasped He Ye’s soft fingers and forbid her to leave.

“I see, I promise you that.” He Ye pretty face is red and cute, and she opened her clothes on her shoulders with both hands, and turned the back of the beautiful jade to Nie Kong. When this moment arrived, Ye Xin had nothing but shyness.

The white skin exudes fluorescence, and the twenty stigmata on the back are arranged behind her. “Please…please touch my hand on my stigmata.”

Nie Kong is no longer hesitating, the right hand finally touched her jade-like skin. Warm and smooth, how charming it feels.

“Transplant this stigmata to my master…” He Ye muttered something in a low voice, and then Nie Kong noticed a burning sensation in the palm of his hand. There is a hard lump to break through your skin and rush to your body.

Nie Kong knew that it was the stigmata of Heye, so he took the initiative to break open his skin and set it on the back of his hand. Moreover, the power from the stigmata is very weak, and Nie Kong wants to avoid his own energy to swallow it. The process of baptism is simple, is this done?

The five senses are synchronized. Nie Kong’s emotions are entangled with Ye’s five senses, producing an inexplicable pleasure, as strong as love. He Ye shuddered, sweet and sour in his heart.

“Aiya, is baptism anymore.” Yumi who rushed over, said with a smile after seeing the two of them.

“Didi…” Genettix Academy, the control room located in the center sent a rapid alarm, “R2 energy response rises, R2 energy response exceeds the limit…”

Principal their complexion changed, and they said in horror: “That’s Self-destruction…”

“Hurry up and contact the combat command Teacher. Be sure to stop its Self-destruction.” Because before Once, a Self-destruction of the furious NOVA caused Pandora and the others to suffer a heavy loss.

It seems to be afraid of Nie Kong’s manipulation, so it must be self-destructed. The energy of the eruption in the back forced He Ye to retreat, and that was not what Nie Kong controlled it to do. The so-called dog jumps over the wall, all because Nie Kong gave it too much pressure.

The energy of NOVA is beyond the abnormal gathering, and it looks like a huge glowing sphere from a distance. Hearing the disappearance from the school, the commanding Teacher pretty face burst into drops of cold sweat. If there is a slight mistake, they will all die here.

“The whole system governors obey orders, and use their full strength to unfold the frozen formation, must stop it.” The commander’s words spread throughout the audience, and all the governors almost desperately unfolded their own Formation.

NOVA is like a shrinking balloon, its energy shrank, and then burst out suddenly.

After the two of them finished their baptism, they looked at the dazzling rays of light and swallowed them.

“Oops, it’s dangerous.” He Ye spread his hands and tightly protected Nie Kong behind.

Nie Kong watched all that happen and knew that he caused the fault. He gently hugged He Ye’s waist and gently said in her ear: “Leave it to me, now I am already Ye’s partner, it is my turn to protect you.”

“Frozen Formation…”

The power of the right hand spread out, covering the 1000 meters ahead. The dazzling white light stopped strangely, as if time had stopped.

“No way, alone…Is the energy of Self-destruction frozen by one person?” All the students looked at Nie Kong dumbfounded and were shocked. Is that He Ye’s master, the power is too strong.

Yumi looked at Nie Kong dumbfounded, as if talking about two monsters. To freeze and explode is a hundred times more difficult than freezing and neutralizing a NOVA Formation.

While starting Formation, He Ye felt so warm and happy in his heart, and once again tasted the happiness shared by the five senses.

“Nie Kong Junior Brother… finally became my shackles, my master…” After baptism, He Ye’s shyness has turned into excitement. I used to be shy and dare not, but I have actually recognized Nie Kong, and now I got my wish.

Nie Kong gave a light grip, and the frozen space cracked one after another. Along with peng sound, the energy is all broken into pieces.

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