“It failed… the operation failed. Please… request support.” Gengo Aoi wiped his sweat and sent a distress signal to the headquarters of Xiubalier. The dozen or so researchers who followed were almost complexion pale and colorless, and he who acted unscrupulously would simply not be afraid of threats from their backstage. Needless to say, Gengo, their eyes have never left the battlefield, always using satellites to follow their every move.

“Then child, can’t you bear it for the time being? He Ye’s death is very sorry, but what is the meaning of stubbornly guarding her body.”

Sister Margaret She was very anxious. No matter what Nie Kong did, he is still a student at the school. She is very worried about their safety. Because against Xiubaliye, there is basically no chance of winning. Its power even encompasses the entire world. Even Sigenitix Academy was created based on its background.

“Start the starlight beam artillery weapon system immediately, and be sure to complete the task of competing for the body of Aoi and Ye.” Howard EL Bridge, who personally supervised the battle, said solemnly.

Originally used to deal with NOVA’s satellite weapon, now it is used to deal with Nie Kong. The satellite has the function of locking the target, so there is almost no chance of evasion.

“Yes, Commander!” The operator tapped the keyboard, used the computer to activate the satellite in outer space, and fired the satellite cannon mounted on it towards Nie Kong.

I saw a one meter big beam dropping from the sky, tearing the dark sky to Nie Kong. The speed of the light is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it descends from the sky and blasts towards Nie Kong.

The thing that shocked them happened again. The target Nie Kong suddenly looked up, and he was aware of the danger. The piercing eyes fired a crimson light beam strangely towards the coming satellite cannon.

To the horror, the light from Nie Kong’s eyes with no difficulty defeated the satellite cannon and even rolled back into outer space. With a bang, the beam hit the satellite in outer space, causing it to explode. As if War God is coming, Nie Kong proudly overlooks everything in the world.

“Okay…really strong, I don’t know how strong and weaker it compares to the “real” Pandora? No, it’s not the time to release them…” Gengo Aoi whispered.

“Didi…the satellites in D5 area have lost contact!” In the silent room, only sirens were heard. No matter who never expected, Nie Kong’s power would be so desperate.

It was so powerful that everyone had an idea.

Howard’s old face was pale, and Nie Kong’s vague silhouette suddenly overlapped with the blond soldier who destroyed his house two years ago. “No…impossible, could he be that person?” But both of them are so powerful that they are immeasurable, and their silhouette and size are really similar.

“Commander… Commander, what should I do now… with him and Aoi Kazuya?” the officials behind asked nervously.

“Temporarily…observe for the time being, let…let Aoi and Ye to him.” Howard didn’t dare to confirm whether Nie Kong and the blonde soldier two years ago were the same person. to act blindly without thinking. If one is not good, it will leave the world barren.

What’s more, Xiubaliers overall strength has already suffered a serious loss after the eighth NOVA impact, and it cannot be a loss. It takes almost ten years to cultivate every Pandora. And girls suitable for stigmata are still very rare. It can be said that now every Pandora is the treasure of Xiubaliye.

“Observe…your order.” To be honest, they really don’t want to be enemies with Nie Kong. Even if they are the No. 1 organization in the world, Shubalier, his power is so powerful that they have one’s hair stand on end. What about high-tech weapons, a frozen Formation can invalidate all of them. Who can guess whether he still has a hole card? If he hides a hand, I really regret it.

When Gengo Aoi, who was confronting Nie Kong, heard the order, the corners of his mouth twitched: “You have won. Aoi and Ye’s body belong to you. But… I hope you can keep the promise just now. Hand over the stigmata of Heye to us.”

“That kind of thing, Heye is no longer needed.” Nie Kong glanced at Gengo Aoi contemptuously, and casually took twenty prismatic shapes. The crystal was thrown at him, of course, except for the one on the back of his hand, he couldn’t give it to him.

“I hope you get to know and don’t bother us, otherwise I won’t show mercy like I am now.”

Which way are you show mercy? I brought a dozen Pandoras All gone. Gengo Aoi let out a wry smile, and left with a dozen researchers…

“Sora Junior Brother, you…you are fine.” Yumi and Aliz ran to Nie. In front of Kong, two pairs of worried eyes stared at Nie Kong nervously.

“Well, everything is over. I want to take He Ye to a place where no one will ever bother you. You two will go back to school.” Nie Kong hugged He Ye’s soft body tightly with both hands. It disappeared in the eyes of the two women.

Seeing Nie Kong with a lonely back, the two women felt heartache. Once Pandora is NOVAized, it is common for him to die. They feel that He Ye’s death will definitely hit Nie Kong a lot.

“No matter what, I hope that Junior Brother will not do stupid things.” Yumi worriedly said.

“Well, we need to take good care of Junior Brother for Heye, and let him forget Heye’s death with gentle care.” Alize said softly.

“As long as I can forget the pain in his heart, I am willing to do whatever I want.” Yumi’s pretty face is full of determination. The two women are discussing something. They are very sad about Ye’s death, but they feel that Nie Kong is much more uncomfortable than them. Now I want to comfort him, but I don’t know how to start, so I can only let him be alone.

The eighth NOVA invasion was impressive. For the first time, 4 NOVA-S types were encountered at the same time. The result was a severe reduction in the number of Pandora and Dominators. Only the regular army with the strongest battle strength was reduced by 65%. The fourth grade and third grade of the reserve army, which are the main force in the future, lost relatively little, only 10%. Because everything has the protection of Ye and the body is fighting alone. Like the original development, even without the official approval of Xiubalier, He Ye has become a hero of the world and a hero of Pandora.

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