2nd day, Morley got a recommendation from faculty and staff, and Nie Kong became a glorious commissioner of discipline. It seems that Haruka Ono you did good. And the last place in the Committee of Discipline and Discipline is the one-year Class C Tatsumi Kotaro recommended by the League of Associations! His body shape is similar to that of the Shijikuren, and he seems to be good at hardening or defensive magic, but the name also explains something.

Originally, if Shizhizhiren had that plan, the position actually belonged to him. Maybe he and Wulun Yangshi didn’t like each other, the Shiwenkeren didn’t look at the student union and the ethics committee at all, but got a good result in the league of clubs.

At noon, Nie Kong and the others need to go to the student union room. There is an automatic catering machine there, which saves a lot of lunch time for the student union and discipline committee members.

Of course, Nie Kong usually comes with it. Mayumis three daughters were surprised to see Nie Kong take out the lunch box for the first time. They are ashamed, Nie Kong, a man compares them with the three girls. And when they tasted Nie Kong’s bento for the first time, they were immediately defeated.

“I’m really surprised, Nie Kong’s cooking level is quite high, so I can go to the restaurant as a chef.” said Lingyin.

“Why, it has raised my appetite.” Mayumi tasted her bento while looking at Nie Kong’s whispered colorful lunch box.

“If you have time to go to my house, I will teach you how to do it.”

Mori eyes shined, she was about to say yes, but she looked at the two girls, Mayumi and Lingyin, and suddenly they kept strange The lady is reserved.

“Hehe, okay.” Mayumi smiled and answered, Morley followed nodded.

“Hey, you four. Just be careful, how do I feel that we are superfluous?” The acting chairman of Fengji Harumi Naruse speechless saying.

The student president Wulun Yangshi actually admires Nie Kongs ability to maintain such a good relationship with the three girls. And I and Mayumi have known each other for many days, but the relationship has been very shallow.

“Okay, hurry up and finish the lunch for the meeting. This gathering is a business meeting of the Discipline Committee, are you all here?” Hiroshi Gowa said.

“Except for Chairman Chiba, the rest are here.” Naruse Harumi said.

“Well, lets get started. For the ethics committee, club enrollment is our first hurdle in the new year. Last year, some of us were overwhelmed and made a big fuss, and some of us caused even greater chaos to calm the chaos. Confusion, I hope you must tighten your nerves to complete your duties this year, so that no students will be punished this year. Well, the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline is absolutely not allowed to take the lead in causing the situation.” Wuwa Yangshi said seriously.

“Yes, chairman.” There was an uplifting voice around, Kotaro couldn’t hide the tension, and Nie Kong and Mayumi and the others were laid-back.

“They are Nie Kong from Class A, Mori Watanabe, Mayumi Ichihara Suzuone, and Guntaro from Class C. They will be involved in patrol missions immediately today, even if they are newcomers. Exception…” Naruse Harumi said at the same time.

There was a commotion in the field, and everyone looked towards Nie Kong. Yesterday’s game against Chiba Shuji, they saw that it is really good to have a strong partner like Nie Kong.

“Who do you want them to partner with?” 2nd Year Student named Futian raised his hand to speak. He was the person recommended by the faculty last year.

“During the enrollment week, there are two first-year students in a team, and two-year and third-year students in a team.” Gowa Hiroshima said.

“Well, don’t worry, they are all usable talents. You saw the strength of Nie Kong with your own eyes yesterday. And Mayumi and the others are in the forefront of achievements, and their strength should not be underestimated.” Ming Sai Harumi nodded said.

“I have no objection.” Other members of the student union also understand the power of the plural family, especially the seven grasses in the front. Nie Kong’s strength has been seen, and they should not be too weak.

“I have a request.” Nie Kong raised his hand and said.

“Nie Kong, what can I say straight.”

“Me and Mori are teamed up with Mayumi and Ringtone as a partner. It should be fine.” Nie Kong pointed out Pointed to Morley and said to himself.

Wowawa Yoshin glanced at Morley and found that she was delighted. Nodded said: “Yes, anyway, you newcomers need two people to form a partner. Although your knowledge of magic theory is not good, Morley Its probably a great cooperation for students to make up.”

“Next, we will make a final confirmation. The main points of the patrol are the same as the result of the discussion just now. I think there should be no objection, right?”

Although the atmosphere is not without objections, no one actively expressed objections. Probably the generation is accustomed to it. It seems that there is no serious confrontation within the committee.

“Very well, then you should start immediately after a little preparation. Don’t forget to bring the camera.” Naruse Harumi said.

The second graders and third graders stood up at the same time with their feet closed, and the right hand clenched a fist to the left chest, respecting the etiquette preserved by the previous student union.

“Camera?” Kotaro asked puzzledly.

“Oh, forget you are new here.”

Gowa Hiroshi handed the armband and the thin camera to Mayumi and the others, and explained: “The tiny camera In the front pocket of Hungary, the size of the machine is just enough to expose the lens, and the switch button is on the right. According to the instructions, put the video recorder in the front pocket of the uniform, and you can shoot directly like this. From now on, as long as patrol missions, You have to carry this camera with you and turn it on as soon as you discover illegal behavior. But you dont need to care too much about whether there is any recording. In principle, the testimony of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline will be directly used as evidence. Just use it as a precautionary evidence tool. .”

“Chairman, are you and Chairman Naruse Harumi also going to patrol the campus?” Mayumi asked.

“No, in order to guard against the unexpected, I have to be on standby at the joint headquarters of the association, and the secretary needs to stay in the student union room. Hey, the enrollment of the association is too serious, otherwise the commissioner of discipline and discipline will do it. Yes.” Wulun Yangshi said.

“Okay, anyway, it only takes a week, so please bear with me.” Naruse Harumi said.

“Yes.” The people gathered in the student union room immediately dispersed. First of all, they prepared their CAD to arm themselves. This shows how chaotic the club enrollment is.

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